@Siegfried Heintze , I would like to share the answers to the questions you sent. Please find them below:
(1) Did you mean MSAL.js?
Ans: Yes, the library would be MSAL.js since we are using javascript to create the SPA application.
(2) I've been exploring the many examples and have noticed that many of them use implicit grant flow because they are SPAs with no back end. Can some one please point me to a tutorial example that correctly uses MSAL.js to securely call a back end?
Ans: You can consider using this example here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/tutorial-v2-angular
This is an Angular SPA though. But should help you with the understanding.
This is a Javascript SPA application calling Microsoft Graph API sample available: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-javascript-graphapi-v2
Both of the above examples uses Implicit Grant Flow using MSAL.js
One more interesting code sample you might consider, that is with the latest MSAL.js version. This sample implements Auth-Code Grant Flow for an SPA using MSAL.js:
You can also check out this page, it has all the samples available: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/sample-v2-code
(3) Let's suppose I follow your recommendation and call my ASP.NET/MVC WebAPI with MSAL.js. Please confirm that it is not possible for my custom WebAPI to securely use azure features such as azure queues (protected by AAD) via REST as described in create-queue4 as this would require implicit grant flow and these features must only be called directly from the browser via MSAL.js.
Ans: Not sure on this one. but looking into this and trying to get a confirmation. But overall I can say, if you are using ASP .NET/MVC application using C#, it is advisable to go ahead with one of the libraries available, preferably MSAL (since its the newer version) and following an OAuth flow apart from the implicit flow. Most preferably the On-Behalf-Of flow of OAuth if you land up in a service-to-service communication. You can look into the samples available here.
Few points that I would like to point out is:
- In case you are developing a web api (using ASP .NET/ASP .NET Core), that would only be validating the tokens, then that part is not done by MSAL. For that you would have to write our own code to validate the token using Open ID Connect.
- In case you are creating a Web App, thats where the authentication of the web app comes in to picture, where the web app needs to fetch a token which it might be using in the future to call a AAD protected API, for this we can implement MSAL library for ASP .net/ .net core to just fetch the access token.
(4) I've been studying TodoListController.cs and README.md. I'm struggling to understand the difference between the insecure implicit grant flow (when coding in C# inside a webapp to access the back end) and the behalf of flow. The documentation v2-oauth2-on-behalf-of-flow uses the term service-to-service and I'm wondering why this cannot work for webapp-to-service? Can I use the behalf of flow in the C# in a webapp to securely call a back end as a secure alternative to the implicit grant flow in C#? Is there a tutorial example of this I can study?
Ans: Yes, you can use On-Behalf-Of flow with C# to call a webapi securely by implementing an auth library i.e MSAL.
Hope this helps.
Do let us know if this helps and if there are any more queries around this, please do let us know so that we can help you further. Also, please do not forget to accept the response as Answer; if the above response helped in answering your query.