Above is the SQL using the Eligibility Date field (a calculated field in a table) Just in case this type of field was causing the problem in some way, I changed the query to not use that field and created a field in the query to give me the same eligibility date and tried using it that way. Same thing. Works for years prior to 2021 but not 2021. I'm so perplexed. Here is that SQL.
SELECT [Employees].[Company ID], [Employees].ID, [Employees].[Last Name], [Employees].[First Name], [Employees].DOH, DateSerial(Year([DOH]),Month([DOH]),Day([DOH])+90) AS [Eligibility Date], [Employees].Age, Month([Eligibility Date]) AS [Month], DatePart("yyyy",[Eligibility Date]) AS [Year]
FROM [Employees]
WHERE (((Month([Eligibility Date]))=Month(Now())) AND ((DatePart("yyyy",[Eligibility Date]))=[Enter Year]) AND (([Employees].[Employee Status - Current])="A"));