Today 30 April 2024, I random tried to add mail in Outllook Mobile (iOS) , Now it's added successful.
I think Microsoft had something change in Mobile App and they fixed
Finally!!! Yeah!!
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Are there any known issues with adding an on prem exchange account to the Outlook mobile app? Keep getting error unable to log in. Check username and password. Password is not the issue. I've tried domain\username and username both for the username but neither work.
Today 30 April 2024, I random tried to add mail in Outllook Mobile (iOS) , Now it's added successful.
I think Microsoft had something change in Mobile App and they fixed
Finally!!! Yeah!!
Neither do i, Last successfully added Exchange Server mail account in Outlook Mobile (both IOS, Android) was 12 April 2024. Today I tried to add but it's always authentication failed.
Hello everyone,
As an institution, we have been experiencing the same problem since April 15th.
We have a very large number of Mobile users. Suddenly all users started having problems. We have internal Exchange system. We have done many tests. I want to summarize to help you;
Whatever happened, the problem occurred for about 5 days. We ask for help.
Hi @Chase Dowell ,
Based on your description, I suggest you check whether the user's email address/SMTP and login address/UPN match. Many users have experienced similar problems recently. According to my experience, if the two do not match, it will cause login problems. It is recommended that you follow the following steps to check the user's email address/SMTP and login address/UPN:
· In the Exchange Admin Center, navigate to Mailbox under Recipient Configuration.
· Find and select the corresponding user mailbox,select "edit".
· In the "Email Address" tab, you can see a list of all the user's email addresses, including the primary SMTP address, which is usually shown in bold and preceded by the "SMTP:" prefix.
· In Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC), find the corresponding user account, right-click and select "Properties".
· In the "Account" tab, you can see the user's login name and domain, which is the user's UPN. A UPN is usually in a format similar to an email address, such as "".
Anyone find a solution to this? I have stopped my android users from updating their phone apps but a few of us updated and boom no mail.