Trying to curl to my deployed container app. As far as I see the container started successfully and the listener port is running evidently by running netstat -an within the container. But a curl to the health check endpoint fails.
Host: automatoraca-app.wittymeadow-****
user-agent: curl/7.78.0
accept: /
- STATE: DO => DID handle 0x80007eec8; line 2068 (connection #0)
- multi changed, check CONNECT_PEND queue!
- STATE: DID => PERFORMING handle 0x80007eec8; line 2187 (connection #0)
- HTTP/2 found, allow multiplexing
< HTTP/2 502
< content-length: 110
< content-type: text/plain
< date: Fri, 31 Mar 2023 17:43:41 GMT
- nread == 0, stream closed, bailing
- STATE: PERFORMING => DONE handle 0x80007eec8; line 2386 (connection #0)
- multi_done
- Connection #0 to host left intact
- Expire cleared (transfer 0x80007eec8)
upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. retried and the latest reset reason: protocol error