Is there any hard evidence with this report from Performance Monitor?
By following up errors such as ESENT508 and services' crashes such as in error 1077 indicated be Diagnostics, I took a screen snip from Performance Monitor where one can see the white block traversing from left to right by hard increments to within…
how do i get 32bit windows 8.1 and phienex award bios to always see my asus dvd /cd player
my 32bit windows 8.1 and my phienex award bios sometimes see my asus dvd/cd player also when i play Heros of Might and Magic it hangs and cd/dvd is gone
Solution for Windows Update's handling of extremely large update packages
I want to submit a PNP driver to Windows Update, but the size limit for CAB files is only 2G. What should I do if the size exceeds 2G?
How To Delete Desktops On Pc?
As You Can See Below The List Of Desktops I Have Used On One Microsoft Account: Microsoft I Have Been Trying To Delete These For Ages Now And I Wanted To Contact You To Ask How Would I Be Able To Delete Them?
Bios is not showing
Hello recently i updated my bios version and when i restart my pc bios does not show up skips to the windows home screen i tried holding my bios key and my monitor went power saving mode i tried turning off fast boot and it did not work i took out cmos…
why are my function keys working without pressing the fn button first
Hello, this has been going on ever since I had this thing for some reason my function keys have been working without me pressing the Function button. it is very annoying, and I would like to know how to turn this off. (the tag is unrelated, I just can't…
Microsoft Visual FoxPro
I upgraded to Windows 11. I have some programs that I am trying to run but get a message that it cannot locate the Microsoft Visual FoxPro support library. Is there a way to get these programs to run on Windows 11. I was previously running these programs…
HLK Studio Machine status stuck "initialising" but "ready" in HLK manager
Hi! Can someone kindly help me get out of this situation with HLK Studio, please? I am an new to it. I have a test machine which seems always to be stuck at status "Initlaisating" when viewed in HLK Studio -> Configuration -> Machine…
Unable to connect to the synaptics pointing device driver, tried finding driver updates already has latest drivers installed, even tried uninstalling neither worked.
Unable to connect to the synaptics pointing device driver, tried finding driver updates already has latest drivers installed, even tried uninstalling neither worked.
HLK client stuck in initializing state
Hello, In HLK studio we have created a machine pool under $Root and dragged the client from the default pool to the newly created pool. But the client remains in initializing state and does not change its state to ready. Under the platform tab, it…
How to fix eratic mouse pointer and unstable screen
Sometimes my Samsung netbook windows 11 is stable then "does a wobbly" with the mouse pointer erratic or duplicate and the screen image changing from one thing to another. Have reinstalled Windows 11, updated all drivers, and run MS scan; all…
How to stop Windows 11 update service from restarting after 1 minute
I want to disable the Windows update service on the Windows service control manager but the option "restart service after 1 minutes" is grayed out and can't be changed. This will cause the service to restart after 1 minute. So, how do I change…

NVMe Passthrough for vendor specific commands returns error 1117
I try to send vendor-specific cmd 0xD0 for NVMe passthrough. I have read this document in great detail, however, I can not seem to get the pass-through mechanism to work against NVMe SSD. I have also verified, that the device is able to send the Command…
How to fix : "local security authority process" high disk use.
How to fix : "local security authority process" high disk use. SO: Windows 11 I have the same problem on several computers, it appeared after Windows was updated.
HHD drive to SSD drive software problems!!
I bought an SSD for my laptop. I did a recovery of my windows 11 onto a flash drive. I took out the HHD and replaced it with the SSD. Then i plugged in the flash drive and installed my windows 11 on it, but now when i go to my manage settings it shows…
Where is the 'Intel(R) USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft)' string from?
On Intel 10th gen processor system, USB host controller is using Windows inbox driver (USBXHCI.sys). The device name is Intel(R) USB 3.1 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.10 (Microsoft) in Device Manager. But I cannot find this string in usbxhci.inf under…
That didn't work. Make sure your bluetooth device is still discoverable, then try again
hey my bluetooth is still on but i keep seeing this message over and over i already remove my device and add it back in but its still the same and i have already troubleshoot it and clean boot it do you know whats the problem?
How to fix I2C HID device permanently
Screenshot (15).png
Why does 24h2/2025 host give only RDP over TCP?
After upgrading to 24h2, the ability to connect to RDP via UDP disappeared everywhere. However, on previous versions everything is fine, configuring policies and substituting mstsc.exe etc. does not solve the problem. This problem itself was still in…