IoT Edge certificate management
I want to find a way to renew IoT Edge certificates manually, to prevent automatic edge reboots. I set up a test EST server as described on here and confirmed it is working by running openssl s_client -showcerts -connect localhost:8085 and getting a…
OPC Publisher not giving full message
Checking in UaExpert, we are receiving the complete message. OPC Publisher Settings We are using the following OPC Publisher image: "settings": { "image": "", …
Does IoT Edge Runtime can be installed on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
Hi Team, As part of our R&D efforts, we are attempting to install the IoT Edge Runtime on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS using the URL: -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb. The runtime was…
IoT Hub monitor shows unauthorized access errors, for modules that seem to be working fine.
We're seeing regular unauthorized access errors from devices/modules in IoT Hub log monitor - see attached error report. The odd thing is the modules seem to be working OK so maybe this is part of a reconnection type event. Should we be worried about a…
Failed to start service 'WSSD Agent Service (wssdagent)'. (L1209)
Hello all, I am having an issue when trying to deploy EFLOW on Windows 10 Pro (22H2). I am getting this error: “Failed to start service ‘WSSD Agent Service (wssdagent)’. (L1209)”. When I checked the WSSD logs, I found: “The agent could not find the…
Iot Edge Device with iot-identity-service (1.5.4): EST renewal certification handling
Hello All, i have a question regarding the certification renewal process for an Iot Edge device with an iot-identity-service. I have configured the services on the device side and have an up an running a EST-Server for Automatic certificate…
Tutorial: Store data at the edge with SQL Server databases
Hi, I have a question about this tutorial. I wonder is there any changed in the coding? I followed the instructions but I couldn't received data in sql. I found out that System.Data.SqlClient already depreciated. So I have change it to…
How to set IoT Edge Runtime version to 1.5
Current version of IoT Edge Runtime is 1.5, but VS extension does allow to set only 1.4 version. My device setup installed version 1.5, so VS extension should be able to use the same version when building modules.
Iot Edge variables per device (Proxy Setting)
We have various Iot Edge devices located at different places. For some devices, we need to use a proxy server for connection with Iot Hub and other resources, for other devices we don't. Currently, the proxy settings need to be defined on the device…

Issue in addition of environment variables in the module settings of IoT EdgeDevice
Hi Team, As part of a requirement, we needs to add a 4.52kb size of environment variable to enable the module functionality. But while adding this as environment variable. This is throwing an error as follows Set Modules A problem occurred attempting…
How to know whether our IoTedge device is connected to IoTHub from the python sdk or any command other pinging to Host
Hi Team, As part of our R&D, we are attempting to determine whether our IoT Edge Device is successfully connecting to IoT Hub. Currently, we are trying to ping the IoT Hub. Are there alternative methods to verify if the IoT Edge Device is connected…
Azure IoT Edge - Device To Cloud message size error
I have an exception when an IoT edge module sends a message to the IoT Hub - MessageTooLargeError: Message size is greater than 256KiB. Question: Will a higher tier allow for a larger size? Would not an edge module break it down to smaller chunks…
SAS token mismatch on Azure DPS with Azure IoT Edge
Hi, I have a recent issue with DPS registration requests, giving me error " {"Message":"{"errorCode":401002,"message":"The specified SAS token has an invalid signature. It does not match either the primary or…
How to send messages from Iot Edge Module to Storage Account through route?
I have an IoT Edge Module filtermodule which sends telemetry using send_message (docs) with IoTHubModuleClient every minute. When I run this module, the IoT Hub message counter in the portal is incrementing. Also, I used this route in the IoT Edge Hub…

[duplicate] ELMS: how to save module logs to blob storage?
please cross-refer to this post: I apologize for the troubles, I had connectivity issues with the forum.
Download large files from Blob Storage
Hello. I am trying to download files from Azure Blob storage to my IoT device. From my understanding I should be able to use system-assigned entity / defaultCredential. My device is a Ubuntu22.04 arm device I provided a system-assigned Identity to my…
I am getting IoT hub Throttling issues on a S2 hub servicing 480 IoT edge gateways.
IoT edge runtime trying to communicate every 15 seconds. I am getting IoT hub throttling errors for the 480 IoT edge devices that I have deployed. Our environment has not changed since June so did something change on Microsoft's side.

Is KB article numbers: 5044288 applicable for Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC?
KB 5044288 states explicitly that the update is for SERVER operating systems hence want to confirm
IoT Edge 1.0 and 1.1 devices cannot authorize to the IoT Hub anymore
Hello, since last week our Azure IoT edge 1.0 and 1.1 devices cannot connect to our IoT Hub anymore. We use device certificates and DPS and we see that the certificates are valid and DPS registers the devices to the Hub correct, however as soon as the…
Unable to get local issuer certificate on launching iotedge demon
Hello Azure team, We are attepting to put Microsoft Azure Edge v1.2 on an embedded device which does not have any standard package managers like apt, snaps etc.We are using the "Quick start approach with symmetric keys". We copied the…