LALANNE Jeremie - CELLENZA I'm glad that your issue is resolved and thank you for posting your solution so that others experiencing the same thing can easily reference this!
Since the Microsoft Q&A community has a policy that the question author cannot accept their own answer, they can only accept answers by others, I'll repost your solution in case you'd like to Accept the answer.
Error Message:
I have a recent issue with DPS registration requests, giving me error " {"Message":"{"errorCode":401002,"message":"The specified SAS token has an invalid signature. It does not match either the primary or secondary key.","trackingId":"E377D48366F943E189A5FEA744D89D95-G2:-TimeStamp:2025-01-03T14:15:03.453324531Z","timestampUtc":"2025-01-03T14:15:03.453324531Z","info":null}","ExceptionMessage":""}".
I have two different IoT Hub in different environments, and my devices are running IoT Edge with group enrollments symmetric keys, but Azure Identidy daemon seems to only be able to register in one of the DPS environments. For this other one, I have that error. I already tried to regenerate the keys. It has been working for many months now, but all of a sudden it doesn't work anymore in that environment. And I can't remember changing anything in the setup.
I figured out (with the help of Azure support) that the issue came from the DPS linked iot hub not being synced correctly with that iot hub. When the DPS is linked to iot hub, the link is not synchronous. When the link is created, it takes the connection string of the iot hub with the specified shared access policy, and that's it. At some point we renewed the primary key of the iot hub, and broke that link.
The solution was to remove and readd the dps link to the iot hub. The other solutin with Azure CLI is az iot dps update --name MyExampleDps --set properties.iotHubs[0].connectionString=";SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=NewTokenValue"
(Take from documentation
If you have any other questions, please let me know. Thank you again for your time and patience throughout this issue.