adding device telemetry with undetermined number of values
Hello, I want to create a component to hold MODBUS register values and also be able to configure registers to be read. How can I configure a component like that without knowing the amount of registers in advance?
how to configure a rule to send an email for boolean telemtry change
Hello, I want to configure a rule to send an email when telemetry value changes, the telemetry property schema is boolean. when using a condition with integer value the rule works fine, but for the boolean i can't trigger the rule. when a rule is…
IoT central dashboard LKV pane cannot show more than 25 device name
I am using 50 devices and want to show them on dashboard with LKV pane. I can list up 50 devices but if I add more than 25 devices, it only can show device ID rather than device name I renamed in manage device menu.

azure iot central merging properties from multiple components into one telemetry message
in azure iot central sending properties from multiple components work when i send a message for each component. how can i merge them into one message?
Is there some way, how to export rules from Azure IoT Central?
Hello, I need to export rules from Azure IoT Central to automatize creation of process documentation. I looked at documentation, but didn´t find any way how to do it. Can you provide some way? Thanks in advance for provided solutions
Store telemetry data into IOT Central Component or interface
I am trying to store telemetry data from a microcontroller with a bme680 temp, humidity, pressure, VOC. I created a component in the IOT Central template for the bme680 and I am trying to store the data into the component. I have only been able to…
Azure IoT Central Connection String Generator is not working- Kindly provide a solution
The web site : does not return for a Device id, scope & device key. Screen is hanging..

Retrieving Data from an Existing Mosquitto MQTT Broker
What are the steps to retrieve data from an existing Mosquitto MQTT broker? I have no control on the broker, I only have the required information to subscribe to it. I have found the documentation on Azure to be increasingly convoluted, making it…
MQTT client 'RefusedNotAuthorized' when connecting to edge translation gateway.
Hi I am trying to connect a downstream MQTT device to a translation edge gateway. I understand from that "IoT Central…

How to Integrate HX711 with ESP32 and Azure SDK C for Weight Capture?
I'm working on a project where I need to capture the weight from an HX711 load cell connected to an ESP32 board and integrate the data with Azure IoT Hub using the Azure SDK for C. I have already configured the iot_configs.h file correctly with the…
Azure_IoT_Central_ESP32 SDK [ERROR] Device provisisioning failed.
This has been a recurring issue with this SDK. I've double/triple checked all the parameters regarding the deviceID, template DTMI, and DPS provisioning ID are correct. I'm using the SAS primary key from a Device Connection Group I created in IOTC. This…
Azure-SDK-for-C IOT Central [ERROR] Device provisioning failed.
I've loaded the subject SDK onto an ESP32 with Arduino and separately in Visual Studio Code. The following are from the Serial Monitor. I'm using the appropriate SAS key, has worked previously. 1970/1/1 00:00:02 [INFO] WiFi connected, IP address:…
Why does IoT Central duplicate telemetry messages?
I have found what appears to be a bug within IoT Central. Every message received by the application is duplicated. Time stamps are identical and the data is identical. The 'device connected' and 'device disconnected' messages which are system generated…

Separate data in data explorer and use as datastore
Hello, We are sending data from IoT Central to Event Hubs and then to Data Explorer, with the hopes of then sending the data to Azure Machine Learning. In order to send data from Event Hubs to Data Explorer it needs a data ingestion into a table…
IoT Central App does not load Device page
I am having issue loading Device page on IoT Central. I need to get to this device page to get the connection string/key information. Spinning wheel keeps spinning and page doesn't load. I tried different browsers (Chrome, Firefox & Edge). None of…
Latency of receiving data in IoT central device
Currently, i am using a Python script to send simulated data to my IoT central device. The script works perfectly fine but the only problem I have is the latency. It takes 3~10 mins to actually appear in the Device's raw data. How can I fix this…

Change a module's runtime status from stopped to running
The initial deployment manifest is applied with a bash script. One module initiates in the "stopped" state. az iot edge set-modules --hub-name "$IOT_HUB_NAME" --device-id "$DEVICE_ID" --content…
IoT Central REST API servicePrincipal token unauthorized
Hello, I'm trying to allow a Function App to access IoT Central REST API in production. For this I need to create a special servicePrincipal user in IoT Central that will be used to impersonate the App's access. The userId in the URL I made up from…
Setting up a RTR500BM Data Logger with Azure IoT Hub
For reference, here's the product I am talking about! Hi all, I am looking to set up an Azure-based solution to logging a voltage captured by the above device. I have successfully got it to connect to the company's…

How to static and cross compile the C-based Azure Tutorial with an IoT client?
I successfully did this Tutorial with an C-based IoT-client: on a Ubuntu based virtual machine Now I would like to excecute this sample on…