Visual Studio and Formatting
Hello, I installed VS 2019 to be able to view and work with json files from Azure. But when I open the json file it shows it all as one line. Not properly formatted. How do I go about getting the formatting corrected so it is more…
[UWP][C++] winrt How to copy file from assets folder to local folder.
I want to copy a file from the Assets folder to the local folder. For this example lets use the LockScreenLogo.scale-200.png file as it commes with the default template. The docs give an example of file access here,…
Terms of use Query
Hi, I working on Mobile Application , in my project I am using Azure AD authentication for login process. My future implementation is to Add user Acceptance in Terms of use during login. Query: There are few user already registered in…
Infrastructure with Azure MFA
Please help me to understand I am currently studying the "Azure MFA". After reading the below article I am assuming that if any of the license acquired like office365 then the person can use it for internal infrastructure as well with no…
How to switch from Trial to In App Purchases in UWP?
My app has currently only Trial and Full License. I want to remove having trial and make the app free but handle full license features with in app purchases and as well having some other in app purchases. That means I created an in app purchase called…
Use cases for AAD
What are the use cases for Azure AD, specifically in the scenario where ADFS is already fault tolerant and available on-premises? Note: I'm not referring to AADDS. Because I know AADDS can at least provide BCDR. Thanks!
Grant admin consent to a single user
There are two things about Azure AD apps that seem to run counter to each other. The most privileged permissions require admin consent Admin consent grants a permission implicitly to every user in the organisation That seems a bit…

csp partner permissions
HI I have a customer that don't want me to have roghts on the azure subscription, they only bought credits, if I remove the delegated user on the subscription, ehat happens ? can i still see usage and other things from the csp portal?
Dispose Stream socket listener in UWP
I have implemented two apps to run as server and client using stream sockets. It shares files from server app to multiple client apps when user is clicked on sharing option in Server app. I need to close sockets and socket listener when each operation is…

Following "Access to App Services should be restricted" recommendation for public App service
We have some app services that are private (and have IP restrictions applied), but some are supposed to be publicly accessible. I would like to keep the recommendation rule active on the subscription level, but can't find a way to solve it or suppress…
Has anyone seen 2 Attibute Editor tabs in AD?
I am seeing 2 attribute editor tabs when I look at the properties of users in active directory. A little back story, this is a promoted server and Azure AD Sync was moved to this server. When this happened it also duplicated all user accounts in Office…
Continous Re-Authenticate Android Devices
We've a problem with Applying Conditional Acces, and Android Devices. "UserA@Anonymous .com" is a member of group "GroupA". GroupA has some Conditional Acces Policies Restrict SharePoint Block Legacy So the What…
Question Regarding WUA in Server 2012 R2
Hi, By default,does WUA service always in running state on the device?
How to get visual studio 2017 for mac
Hi, im a mac user, just started to progam in unity, but i couldnt install the latest varsion of visual studio becouse i work in a 2011 mac and i cant update the OS X. a 2017 version of visual studio would work fine but i cant find anywhere to…
Binding data calculated from DependencyProperty value
Hi all, I am attempting to create a custom Templated Control in at UWP app that automatically generates binding data for its child controls based on a provided DependencyProperty specified in the XAML. For example, imagine I have a Templated…
Desktop-Bridge app: Remove from Task Scheduler when uninstalled
I have a UWP - Desktop Bridge app (published on the Windows Store) which I want to extend with the possibility to run the win32 process through the Windows Task Scheduler (at a configurable time). To add and modifying an entry in the task scheduler I…
Azure App Service Unloads during off peak usage hours Memory Working Set goes to 0 bytes
I have an app service (Azure Mobile App) that I just noticed seems to get unloaded when there are no active clients for a while--typically 5PM to 6AM. It sometimes takes a few minutes for the service to "come alive" again when the first…

Effects of 'Delegated Type' permissions under 'API Permissions' on registered application?
Hello, I have noticed that even if i do not have any permission at all on the 'API Permissions' of a selected registered application, it can still connect to resources by using the users scope consent. What is the point then of configuring the…
Does Azure VM's for SUSE Linux cost based on per core licencing model ?
I have figured out that SUSE Linux SAP priority is calculated based on per-core licencing. But why is that for 8 cores and 32 cores price is the same. Look at my calculations bellow :