cant install apps
i try to install an apps call Cubit Bulidsoft but it keep show me (consult windows installer help msi.chm)
Autoenrollment to MDM is not working
Hello Experts, I have enable autoenrollment in AAD and wanted to enroll all the devices which are joined to my AAD to MDM. This process is going good but I have one machine which is not enrolling to MDM. Initially I joined this machine to MDM, when…
Intune - Devices reported as without ATP-sensor
So we activated Defender ATP within Intune and connected it with Microsoft Defender Security Center: I can see the devices at But Intune reports them as devices without ATP-sensor: …
Outlook problem
I have to enter my password several times a day in order to receive email. I have entered save this password and the problem has only occurred over the past couple of days.
Outlook connected to Office 365 mailbox. When email adres is changed how change also in Outlook Left side at the folders.
Hello, I have a question. A client has Office 365 mailboxes when in outlook 2019 at the left side where the list of folders is listed on top there is the email adres of the mailbox. Now when i go to the Office 365 administration center and i…
Email alert for C drive utilization by powershell script
Hi guys, I'm having a script for that to check utilization of a C drive by the users. this is the script which I've written : Foreach ( $user_dir in ( Get-ChildItem "C:\Users" )) { $Profile_Size = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Force -ea…
How to display images through entity list in power apps portal?
I have created a field of image datatype and uploaded an image but still it is not showing.
OpenVPN not working Windows server 2019
Hey guys I recently got a problem with connecting to a openVPN profile with a windows server 2019 RDP. when i connect it shows successful connection but when browsing there is no internet conection. i tried to reinstall Tap drivers bur still nothing…
Subscription App for Microsoft Store - How To
My understanding of the subscription model (StoreSubscriptionInfo Class) for an app on the Microsoft store is that only so-called "Add-Ons" can utilize the subscription feature. How, then, would one go about having the entire app act as a…
rds Failed
I failed what can I do? New server without any installation I bought a CAL 3 license from users I installed a WIN 2019 license Failed: Unable to install the role services. ArgumentNotValid: The role, role service, or feature name…
MDT Cannot create a catalog file from my 1903 image
Help! I get an long error when I try to click the button, "Edit Unattend.xml" tab in my MDT task sequence. Here is the logs.. Performing the operation "generate" on target "Catalog". Starting: "C:\Program…

how do I make a universal uwp Microsoft office app using microsoft visual studio community 2019 on windows 10
how do I make a universal uwp Microsoft office app using microsoft visual studio community 2019 on windows 10![28985-office.png][1] [1]: /api/attachments/28985-office.png?platform=QnA
Cant login to skype
Hi! I use a skype account for work (it's not business account), and I am logged in at my work pc. I need to use it in my home pc since I need to work from home. Problem is, when I try to log into skype at home, it just tells me my account does not…

Downgraded DTU drom S3 to S1 but new cost is not reflecting
I m using SQL PAAS service.Downgraded DTU from S3 to S1 but cost & billing section is not reflecting the new pricing
EDIFACT decode
By doing "decode EDIFACT message" Action by using azure logic app below errors are UNB+UNOA:1+229899570:1+010094790:1+011206:0655+00000 000001352++DELJIT' UNH+00000000000745+DELJIT:D:97A:UN' BGM+241+00000000006814+9' …
EDIFACT connector in logic apps
How to use EDIFACT connector in logic apps step by step? And how to convert 21407-edifact-json-orders-purchaseorder.txt to EDI
Visual basic Xy chart value In chart area
Hi all, I am doing arduino based datalogger in visual basic. In X axis I given real time value (dd-mm-yyyy, time) , Y axis temperature value. If I move mouse cursor in chart area, cursor point should show the value of XY axis, viz., "Time,…
Site Token
Because of The Covid, all users are working from home and not receiving updates from ConfigMgr. The MP isn't configured for HTTPS. If CMG was implemented and a Site Token used, how would the computers initially get the Site Token if they were internet…

Report Parameter in not a valid value for a SSRS Report Data-Driven Subscription
So I'm pulling my hair out on this one. I am trying to build a Data-Driven Subscription for one of our reports. I thought the whole idea here was to simulate Report Parameters in a comma-delimited list which I am doing via... STUFF ( ( …

how to use EDIFACT agreement and EDIFACT Connector
how to use EDIFACT agreement and EDIFACT Connector i need sample template for EDIFACT. A sample template is available already for AS2 at unfortunately…