Help Generate the application by using Spring Initializr
the following command line on my terminald doesn t work "curl -d type=maven-project -d dependencies=web,data-jpa,mysql -d baseDir=azure-spring-workshop -d bootVersion=3.1.5.RELEASE -d javaVersion=17 | tar -xzvf…
How can I locally develop my Spring Boot application against an Azure SQL DB using passwordless connections?
According to the documentation, the passwordless option is only for the hosted environment. This creates a challenge for developing locally because the authentication mechanism is different. How do I set up my local development so that it works the…
Programmatically creating the AzureAD SAML SSO application (a non-gallery enterprise app) not getting updated by the Identifier (Entity ID) value
Using Microsoft Graph APIs I'm able to create an AAD SAML SSO application (a non-gallery application) but I notice Identifier (Entity ID) value is not getting populated in the AAD portal on the Edit popup screen, and interestingly the value is showing…
Cannot enable azure spring app build service
Cannot create or enable build service on a new spring app.

Splunk integration using Azure container app and event hub for Spring boot based microservices
Hi Team, I am working on setting up splunk for my microservices working in azure container apps and azure event hub being setup. But need to understand how to integrate it for all of my microservices over azure cloud. Any suggestions or doc reference…

The index path corresponding to the specified order-by item is excluded.
Hi 🙂 I run a Spring Boot app on Azure, it connects to CosmosDB through ReactiveMongoTemplate. I can save to the collection but my query fails with the following error message: Caused by: com.mongodb.MongoQueryException: Query failed with error…
Azure Container Apps Revision Changes Not Propagating to Default Application URL
I have recently launched an azure container app. I have done this by packaging a jar file with maven, and then deployed it through az containerapp up, as shown in the following…
How to Retrieve IP Address from a Domain in Azure Spring App for Whitelisting
I need to use a third-party API that requires providing an IP address. I couldn't find the IP address associated with the Azure Spring App. I found some IPs in Azure Spring App, but after whitelisting them, I still encounter a connection timeout. It…

Unable to connect to Azure Service Bus from Spring Boot application using ServiceBusSenderClient with DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder
Getting below error when trying to connect to Azure Service Bus from Spring boot - java application. ConnectionHandler --…

Pull image from ACR
I have created yaml file. i can deploy image to my app service but i am getting error in pull image this is my yaml file trigger: branches: include: - main # Adjust to your branch name pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' …
Need no authentication but only authorization from spring boot 3 to access roles for API exposed
We want to just authorization using spring boot 3 for the APIs exposed for the ROLE that is there in the token issued from another cli client by executing command = az account get-access-token. We need sample piece of code of spring 3 application that…

Problem with spring-cloud-azure-starter-active-directory-b2c -> Add sign-in with Azure Active Directory B2C to a Spring web app
'm facing issues using spring-cloud-azure-starter-active-directory-b2c in my Spring Boot project. The import statement import cannot be resolved. I'm using version 5.17.1 of the…
Cross Subscription issue
Hi, We are trying to find out whether there is a cross subscription issue arises when we communicate from a resource with another resource which is under a different subscription. The ex scenario: A spring boot java application using Azure…

Firebase Storage Authorized Azure Spring App
I have successfully deployed my Azure Spring Boot application to Azure, but I'm using Firebase Storage to store images. Locally, to use the Firebase Storage API, I need to download the serviceAccountKey.json file and use the login command with the Google…
Problem launching an application using spring-cloud-azure-starter-active-directory 4.0.0
Hello everyone, We are currently working on a project using : Java 8 Spring Boot 2.2.4 Spring 4.3.17 Maven 3.9.6 As part of an initial migration from spring boot 2.2.4 to 2.5.0, we had to upgrade the azure-spring-boot-starter-active-directory…
How do I create a flexible sql Server in my bash terminal? (Terminal Freezes)
Hello there, I have an issue creating a flexible sql server in my bash Terminal in VS Code. I am doing the Java module "[Deploy a Spring Boot app to Azure App Service]", the first exercise in this module "Create Azure resources and a…
Azure Spring App Consumpion plan - managed identity
Is Managed Identity available for Azure Spring App running in the Standard Consumption plan? The managed identity assignment is well documented for the Basic/Standard/Enterprise plans but nothing for the Consumption one. Via az CLI I'm able to create a…
How to fix JMS Listener issue illegalstateexception: Pool not open in Spring boot with ASB
Issue: JMS Listener is not consuming the message throwing exception like illegalstateexception: Pool not open Dependencies: spring-cloud-azure-dependencies: 5.9.1 spring-cloud-azure-starter-servicebus-jms: 5.9.1 spring-boot-starter-parent: 3.0.13 …
Getting HTTP 502 error for our Azure Spring App Instance
We have an internal application hosted on Azure Spring Apps, but we are getting 502 Bad gateway error, whenever we try to access application rest endpoint. We have validated it with our network team and all the respective DNS configuration are rightly…
Does Spring Cloud for Azure support AKV (keys)
In this microsoft learn article, I can only see the support to 'certificate' and 'secret'. For example, we can easily auto configured the SecretClient with the properties defined in application.yaml but not the KeyClient where we use in Azure SDK for…