Hi @Anonymous • Thank you for reaching out.
The recommended way for using Graph API to automate the Registration and SSO configuration of a Non-Gallery application is by using a Gallery application as a template. This allows the creation of the Application and the associated servicePrincipal in a single step. When we do not use the template, the Application and servicePrincipal are created in two different steps, which I am suspecting is causing the above issue. Use the below steps to use a template for this purpose:
- Run the below call and copy the ID.
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/applicationTemplates?$filter=displayName eq 'Any_Gallery_App'
- Run the below call to create your non-gallery app and from the output copy the object ID of the servicePrincipal and the application:
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/applicationTemplates/id_from_previous_step/instantiate
{"displayName": "My_NonGallery_App"}
- Run the below call to enable SAML based authentication:
PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/servicePrincipals/object_id_of_servicePrincipal
{"preferredSingleSignOnMode": "saml"}
- Run the below call to set Entity ID and Reply URL:
PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/applications/object_id_of_application
{"web": {"redirectUris": ["https://signin.example.com/saml"]}, "identifierUris": ["https://signin.example.com/saml"]}
Validate the Identifier (Entity ID) of the enterprise app in the Azure Portal, you should no longer encounter the above issue.
Read more: Configure SAML-based single sign-on for your application using the Microsoft Graph API
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