Export data to Azure Storage using a Runbook and Powershell
Hello, I'm trying to export some data to a csv file and then copy the file to blob storage without saving the file locally or in cloudshell. Is there any way to do that? Best Regards, Michel
Unable to connect to Microsoftgraph across tenants using clinet secret in Azure automation runbook
I'm trying to connect to microsoft graph using a client secret in an azure automation runbook,but I'm encountering several errors. I am using power shell script, I've tried diiferent ways to login. Below are the different errors: 1)Invalid JWT Access…
when we open the azure update manager, it says that Azure automation update management is retiring and asks us to migrate but it is also showing the dashboard...does it mean that we have already migrated to Azure update manager or we are yet to do that?
when we open the azure update manager, it says that Azure automation update management is retiring and asks us to migrate but it is also showing the dashboard...does it mean that we have already migrated to Azure update manager or we are yet to do that?
PowerShell Commands to Disable Public Access and Enable Private Access for Managed Disk
What are the PowerShell commands to "disable public access and enable private access" for a managed disk instead of doing it manually? @Ashok Gandhi Kotnana would really appreciate support on this. Thanks!
managed identity intermitten issues
I have an Azure Automation Runbook that intermittently works with Managed Identities. I have multiple Automation Accounts that worked flawlessly up until around these time. What I've tried: Turning Managed Identities off/on, re-assigned proper…

Automation Account How to Stop and start Multiples VMS
How to Start and Stop Multiple VMs Using Specific Tag Keys and Values in an Automation Account.
Unable to stop the runbooks on automation account
Following runbooks we are not able to stop/ suspend. we tried following ways of stopping : Manually stop/suspend job Using REST API call from ADF to stop the jobs Restarted hybrid worker service Tried deleting runbook and again creating it Still…
Azure Automation State Configuration deprecation
Hi, According to the information on: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/automation/automation-dsc-getting-started quote: "The Add, Compose configuration, and Gallery navigation links will be removed from the portal on March 31, 2025." Does…
Azure automation account Hybrid Worker - failed to connect to MSI
Hi, I want to convert my PS runbook to Azure CLI and it has to run on a Hybrid Worker. The PS login is like this $AzureContext = (Connect-AzAccount -Identity).context Now, with Azure CLI, i suppose it's the following... $AzureContextcli = (az login…
We have received a service alert from Microsoft regarding upcoming maintenance:
Maintenance Details: The maintenance will affect virtual machines in East US. Schedule: From 24 February 2025, 07:30 UTC, to 28 February 2025, 07:30 UTC. During this window, IaaS virtual machines will be migrated to newer network hardware. Each virtual…
Doc page web unavailable
Hi everyone, I see the page URL resource is not availabe Azure Automation https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/automation/automation-send-email?source=docs
How to link automation account to Log Analytics workspace
I a have created a new automation account and Log Analytics workspace, but there is no way to link them. I have found some steps, but the option from update management is not availible anymore.

Azure Automation Accounts | Maximum number of Accounts reached
Getting the following error when trying to create an automation account via Terraform. "Maximum number of Accounts reached. If Deleted recently, please restore the same account". If I look at automation accounts for the subscription I have none…
Is it possible to upscale multiple Azure VMs in parallel without waiting for each job to finish?
I am trying to upscale multiple Azure VMs in parallel using an Azure Automation runbook. My goal is to stop, resize, and start all VMs simultaneously, without waiting for one job to finish before starting another. Current Approach: Using Azure…
Azure Automation Runbook PowerShell Workflow v7.2 Support
Hello, Azure Automation Runbook supports PowerShell Workflow version 5.1 at the moment, is there any Preview/GA for version 7.2 anytime soon? Thank you, Michel
Managed identity on automation account not working as expected
I'm trying to use an Automation account to put some AVD hosts in azure local in drain so I can shut them down, I've configured an hybrid worker that is working with other runbooks but when I try to connect to azure using the managed identity of the…
How to execute kubectl command in a PowerShell Runbook ?
We are trying to use an Azure Automation Runbook to interact with an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using a System Assigned Managed Identity. The goal is to auto-restart a deployment in a specific namespace at 23.59 every night. What We Are…
Error: pwsh.exe is not recognized as a command or operable program
I have 7 runbooks scheduled to run daily but there failed with exception error starting this week. runbooks were working fine previously on schedule. I can run manually successfully but it take long time at Queued status and end up failed on…
How to publish a Runbook to latest runtime version using blob storage?
Hi, so i have written a Powershell script that publish a files to my blob storage, and i got it to upload the file(s) to Process Automation/Runbooks. But i cant seem to get the Runtime version to the latest, how can i do that? Right now a part of the…
Hybrid Worker Extension setting up error: Provisioning failed
Can anyone please help? I'm new to this. I've added a Hybrid Worker to my group but it's failing. I'm trying to fix this error: Status message Extension '' of Handler 'Microsoft.Azure.Automation.HybridWorker.HybridWorkerForWindows' version '1.1.13'…