Hi rhod3rz
Thanks for reaching out to Microsoft Q&A.
To recover the deleted automation accounts, try with below steps: 1.Sign-in into azure portal. 2.On search bar type automation accounts, displayed all active accounts.
3.On Automation account page left side "Recovery Deleted accounts" option will appear Click on that.
4.Click on subscription, choose your subscription from dropdown list.
5.list of all deleted accounts within that subscription will be displayed. 6.Click the check box that you want recover.
7.After Selection of the account at bottom of page, recover button is displayed click on that.
8.Go the automation account page and refresh it, restored account displayed in the active list.
Note: You can only restore an automation account within 30 days of deletion.
Also, To permanently delete a soft-deleted in azure automation account, please follow the below steps:
In the azure portal go to automation accounts.
Select the automation account which you want to delete. 3.Click on the delete button at the top of the page.
Confirm the deletion to put the account in a soft delete state for up to 30 days.
.After deletion, the account enters a soft delete state and can be recovered within 30 days, but it can't be deleted permanently during this time period.
After 30 Days automation account will be permanently deleted, and it can't be recovered.
If you need a new account with same name wait until this period is over.
Once old account is deleted you can create new account. Note: If your account is linked with a log analytics workspace, first need to unlink it.
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