UWP Performance: Task.Run() vs Background Service
I'm working on a UWP app that is showing videos, images & XAML animations. The content displayed is being updated from time to time by pushing updates from the server to the app through grpc. When updates happen the app will need to download new…
All Shared printers (Ricoh, HP, Xerox) from Windows Server 2012 R2 goes offline on all computers (Win7/8/10)
Dear All, We have several shared printers on our windows server 2012R2. It was working fine so far but recently since last few weeks all of a sudden, all printers appear offline on the user's computers. We have windows 7/8/8.1 and 10. All the…

Is Azure App Service Compliant with PCI Standard 3.0 and 3.1?
Whether Azure App Service Compliant with PCI Standard 3.0 and 3.1? Sourced from FAQ

Do you have the way or any plan for feature of Application Insights for Web App on Linux same as Web App?
Now Web Apps(Windows) has many useful monitoring system using Application Insights. It don't need change my application code. But Web Apps for Linux doesn't have same features. We need embedded to a source code using SDK. Could you let…
Supporting Azure Active Directory on legacy products
How do I integrate my fancy new Azure Active Directory in older products that only support classic Active Directory? Is there some local service I can install to translate between the two?

Office Pro Plus support for AIP on Windows
According to the latest documentation, Office Pro Plus version 1910 on Windows should natively support AIP: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/information-protection/rms-client/use-client#compare-the-labeling-clients-for-windows-computers We…

Azure AD B2B - Allowing multiple Invitation on same email id bug ?
Hi team, In Azure AD B2B - it's Allowing multiple Invitation on same email id is this a known issue ? I can send multiple invite to single email id this creates duplicate users in my environment. Let me know any suggestion here.
Response of Get indirect resellers of a customer is Null
I call the response as below: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/partner-center/develop/get-indirect-resellers-of-a-customer I tested a lot of data and the majority was successful, but When I use the…
AI Camera Scanner Abilities
Does the AI Camera have a scanner which has the ability to be used through a camera phone or iPad for learning in conjunction with Augmented Reality Live Animation for scanning an image in front of you where it will search through an engine ie. Microsoft…

Trending on MSDN: Azure B2C - SAML Implementation RSS feed
We have applications using SAML 2.0 open standard for the authentication . We wanted to integrate those applications with Azure B2C AD. Can you guys please help me how to do the implementation? Sourced from MSDN

Anyone familiar with using test automation frameworks for testing web applications?
Got some issues in creating the conceptual framework and questionnaire. Is there someone who can help me in this regard.

Dark mode Support
Please add the Dark mode support in the page.

Customers User PATCH response returns 200 but not updating User Info
I am working on a script to update passwords for our customers users and ran into some weird behavior with the Partner Center API returning successfully but isn't actually updating anything. So I started trying other calls and it seems like I can Read…
Detect if user has finished drawing strokes in InkCanvas
I am using VS2017 to develop my UWP app and my APP min target version is 10.14393. Is there any event of InkCanvas I can use to detect whether user has finished drawing strokes or not. I want to enable some button after user has drew strokes. …
Switch the ListView Datatemplate from one data template to another data template?
I am developing Universal Windows 10 app, in one of my current project I want to change the ListView Data Template in runtime. Right now I have used only one Data Template, but in my scenario after a button is pressed, I want to change it to another…
How to check if an add-on has purchased that use StoreContext class
I have defined a durable AddOn, and when I used RequestPurchaseAsync() method to check if an add-on has purchased or not, it always shows UI which will be annoying to the user. In the previous version I used:…
Share a large file between two UWP apps using Stream Sockets
I need to share a large file between two UWP apps which are running in two different machines using stream sockets. In order to share the file successfully, I have to share file size before sharing the actual file. So I had to set a separate event in…
[C++/WinRT] How to use SpeechSynthesizer in UWP
I would like to implement the text to speech feature in my app. I see there are docs on how to do this here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.media.speechsynthesis.speechsynthesizer . However the example does not compile on a modern…
Setting Textbox.Text from BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher's received event throws an exception
I am creating a Bluetooth LE application in C# using a UWP project and have subscribed to get the Received event from the BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher. I can see the data correctly using Debug.Writeline to the Output window, but as soon as I try…
Localization issues when using App Bundle in UWP
I’m having issues with Localization in my UWP applications. I can reproduce this issue using Microsoft Localization sample. The following is what I have done to reproduce this issue: Step1: I open the project in Visual Studio. I test it…