2,414 questions with SharePoint Server tags

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1 answer

Why getting 'Something went wrong' when trying to Create or Edit SharePoint 2019 List View and even cannot Access the List Settings?

A particular list under a SharePoint 2019 List Views Cannot be Edited or create new Views and even cannot access the List Settings. When trying to Create New View, it gives a blank page. When clicking on Modify View or List Settings, it's saying 'Sorry,…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
2,985 questions
asked 2025-01-23T04:36:27.0266667+00:00
Las Enna 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-31T08:50:42.5566667+00:00
Emily Du-MSFT 49,461 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer

Howe to copy of Sharepoint 2016 farm for sandbox

Good day everyone. I am looking for advice or help. How to do such things more competently. I have no experience, so I have to do it carefully and reliably, because all data must be saved, and the work must be done during non-working hours (on…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
2,985 questions
asked 2025-01-23T14:28:39.19+00:00
SP_fenix 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-31T08:50:23.4533333+00:00
Emily Du-MSFT 49,461 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer

Rename SharePoint database names to get rid of guid.

We are working on setup of SharePoint Application using SharePoint Subscription Edition.   Our application includes SharePoint Workflow service and User Profile service, with other services too.   We need to rename below 4 databases of Workflow , User…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.
11,153 questions
SharePoint Server Development
SharePoint Server Development
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
1,630 questions
asked 2025-01-24T09:14:00.8766667+00:00
Sudhir Singare 40 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-31T07:24:43.33+00:00
AllenXu-MSFT 23,096 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer

The SharePoint Server 2019 exposes multiple potentially vulnerable paths ie., _vti_inf.html, _layouts, and _vti_bin

Hi, As I got to know that Sensitive Web Directories Exposed with Vulnerability's in my SharePoint server 2019 for the respective paths "_vti_inf.html", "_layouts", and "_vti_bin". _vti_inf.html: A legacy file from…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
2,985 questions
asked 2025-01-23T10:27:23.69+00:00
Sai Charan GS 85 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-29T10:22:52.5033333+00:00
Sai Charan GS 85 Reputation points
1 answer

How to Stop 'Search Service Application' & 'State Service' using PowerShell in SharePoint Server?

How to Stop 'Search Service Application' & 'State Service' using powershell, Tried Suspend-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication but it's not working still showing status 'Online'.What other ways are there to stop the 'Search Service…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.
11,153 questions
A family of Microsoft task automation and configuration management frameworks consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.
2,781 questions
asked 2025-01-28T06:04:11.43+00:00
Snehal Sutar 0 Reputation points
edited an answer 2025-01-28T08:00:48.44+00:00
Xyza Xue_MSFT 27,966 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
4 answers

Unable to run the Sharepoint 2016 Farm Configuration Wizard

I have installed sharepoint 2016 (standard) on a new server (single server running server 2019 OS with a separate database server). i.e have run the pre-reqs installer Then the sharepoint 2016 setup - and installed Then run the Sharepoint 2016 Products…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
asked 2023-02-23T18:36:59.1133333+00:00
Greg Booth 1,346 Reputation points
answered 2025-01-28T06:18:21.78+00:00
David Pierson 0 Reputation points
1 answer

SharePoint 2019 - Active Directory Import Not Importing

Currently User Profile Service Application is stuck on starting. When I view the job history I found this failed: When I try to manually start the User Profile Service Application it goes to Provisioning. When I check the services running on the…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.
11,153 questions
SharePoint Development
SharePoint Development
SharePoint: A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
3,241 questions
SharePoint Server Development
SharePoint Server Development
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
1,630 questions
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
2,985 questions
asked 2025-01-17T12:31:37.6466667+00:00
Amanda Berry 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-27T14:56:32.7833333+00:00
Amanda Berry 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Unable to Retrieve Files from SharePoint Library Using REST API Due to List View Threshold

Hi everyone, I am encountering an issue while using the SharePoint REST API to retrieve files from a folder in a SharePoint library. The folder contains more than 5,000 files, and when I make the following GET API call:…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.
11,153 questions
SharePoint Development
SharePoint Development
SharePoint: A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
3,241 questions
asked 2025-01-21T10:12:37.2033333+00:00
Navin Kumar S S 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-27T08:03:38.34+00:00
Xyza Xue_MSFT 27,966 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
3 answers

How to hide sync option in sharepoint server subscription edition at web application level

we want to hide sync option across the farm on SharePoint sites. The environment is SharePoint server subscription edition.

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
asked 2024-10-04T11:54:54.7866667+00:00
Lokesh Dharmappa 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-24T16:17:55.89+00:00
Monserrate, Tony 0 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Exporting on data present in a SP view

Hello, Is it possible to export to excel, only the data present in a SharePoint view and not all items? thanks, Sherazad

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
asked 2025-01-17T19:33:31.3166667+00:00
Sherazad Ahmed 71 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-24T14:00:18.1766667+00:00
Sherazad Ahmed 71 Reputation points
1 answer

My Office 365 E3 Developer subscription is disabled. How can I enable it?

I've been using this account for more than six years, with payments set to autopay every month. I haven’t changed my card details, but the payment didn’t go through for some reason, and I didn’t realize it. I could still use the SharePoint environment…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
asked 2025-01-11T04:18:23.2366667+00:00
Meymuna Amedie 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-22T01:56:28.1833333+00:00
AllenXu-MSFT 23,096 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
2 answers

SharePoint Server Subscription Edition Search indexing component crashing

Hello,   I installed SharePoint Server Subscription Edition on Windows Server 2022 (standard with desktop experience) and the search service crawling is failing. The server has 32GB RAM, is Intel Xeon x64 architecture. The MS SQL Server 2022 runs on a…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
2,985 questions
asked 2024-05-08T11:46:56.0466667+00:00
Sergiu 41 Reputation points
edited a comment 2025-01-21T10:03:30.12+00:00
Sergiu 41 Reputation points
1 answer

Why is my incremental crawl not stopping on SharePoint Server 2016 on premise?

I've had a SharePoint Server 2016 search crawl set up for about a 18months now. We have recently had issues with the search incremental crawl. I've restarted servers, stopped the crawl, restarted it. When I restart the search it kicks off a full crawl,…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
asked 2025-01-17T15:57:00.4766667+00:00
Dominic McConville 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-21T10:03:06.7333333+00:00
Xyza Xue_MSFT 27,966 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
0 answers

Error ensuring domain-wide principals: Entitlement Name too long

On SharePoint administration site I cannot access to the list of pending API Access requests because of this error popup: Error ensuring domain-wide principals: Entitlement Name too long. Entitlement:…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.
11,153 questions
SharePoint Development
SharePoint Development
SharePoint: A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
3,241 questions
asked 2024-11-06T16:55:15.82+00:00
Riccardo Bruè 5 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-21T08:25:08.4533333+00:00
Riccardo Bruè 5 Reputation points
1 answer

Sharepoint 2019 - Microsoft support question

My organization has a license for Sharepoint 2019. Does a license give us other options for support other than asking questions here? I've run into multiple issues with Sharepoint 2019. I'm very close to finishing it up but need some assistance with a…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
asked 2025-01-15T14:20:12.78+00:00
Amanda Berry 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-20T09:37:51.6433333+00:00
Emily Du-MSFT 49,461 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer

Having an issue with search configuration for sharepoint 2016 Enterprise

having an issue with configuring sharepoint search. Trying to configure it for 2 app and search server. https://www.sharepointdiary.com/2017/10/create-search-service-application-in-sharepoint-2016-using-powershell.html After configuring using the…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
2,985 questions
asked 2025-01-02T06:21:29.63+00:00
Mark Abellanoza 0 Reputation points
edited a comment 2025-01-14T10:24:06.2633333+00:00
Yanli Jiang - MSFT 28,621 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
2 answers

Unable to login in Sharepoint designer tool its showing error which is mentioned in screenshot

Unable to login in Sharepoint designer tool - Your account in in bad state

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
asked 2025-01-08T09:19:32.67+00:00
Dilip Patel 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-01-13T08:19:09.0766667+00:00
Xyza Xue_MSFT 27,966 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

migrate SharePoint 2019 farm to a new domain

We are planning to migrate our SharePoint 2019 farm with SQL servers and workflows to a new domain. Is there any guidance for this scenario? We have two wfe servers and two app servers.

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
asked 2025-01-07T06:34:59.8833333+00:00
mongloz 20 Reputation points
accepted 2025-01-13T02:04:35.85+00:00
mongloz 20 Reputation points
2 answers

AD RMS file bulk decryption using PowerShell

We’re in the process of trying to do a bulk decryption of Office files that were encrypted by AD RMS. We've identified a potentially effective PowerShell command, "Unprotect-RMSFile," that could address our decryption needs. We expected this…

Azure Information Protection
Azure Information Protection
An Azure service that is used to control and help secure email, documents, and sensitive data that are shared outside the company.
556 questions
SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.
11,153 questions
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
2,985 questions
A family of Microsoft task automation and configuration management frameworks consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.
2,781 questions
asked 2024-05-13T01:40:49.1666667+00:00
Premanan Rathakrishnan 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-01-10T16:39:02.99+00:00
Bruno Gomes 111 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Filled Out Custom list field values based on Sub Site hierarchy

Hi , I have created a new site collection ( Team Site modern ) in SharePoint 2019 On premise, under this it has below hierarchy Root Site (Company) (level 1 )>Sub Site ( Sub Department ) level 2 > Departments Sites (level 3) , example: Networks…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,414 questions
A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.
11,153 questions
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
2,985 questions
asked 2024-11-05T10:53:13.79+00:00
adil 1,431 Reputation points
accepted 2025-01-09T10:12:44.7966667+00:00
adil 1,431 Reputation points