502 Bad Gateway Error for OAuth2 Callback on AWS Deployment
Experiencing a 502 Bad Gateway error when implementing the Microsoft Authentication flow. The entire flow works on the local machine, but an error occurs after deployment on AWS. Redirect URL has HTTPS and it is correct.…
Facebook integration not working in Entra external Id user flow
We have followed the instructions provided in the document [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/external-id/customers/how-to-facebook-federation-customers] to integrate with Facebook. the option to log into with Facebook shows as expected in the…
IDX40001: Issuer: 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenantId>/v2.0', does not match any of the valid issuers provided for this application
Hi, I am using the sample app from this repo to authenticate a Microsoft Entra External ID tenant user. I have created an app registration in the External ID Tenant and configured its clientId and secret along with the Tenant in the sample app. I have…
Not able to renew token for okta sso login using MSAL in the React js application through the Azure b2c
Find the login flow in the diagram. Actually, we used the msal package in the frontend application to login. The login functionality working correctly for both B2C and Okta, but the renew token functionality is not working only for Okta. The first…
Seamless Migration from Azure AD B2C to Microsoft Entra External ID (Retaining Existing Consents)
Dear Microsoft Support Team, We are planning to migrate our application from Azure AD B2C to Microsoft Entra External ID. This migration is coupled with a major rebranding effort, including changes to our application’s name and URL. We currently have…
How to request access token using client_assertion in an Azure B2C custom policy?
I have a requirement to provide an API to our consumers. The intention is to secure the API using AzureAD B2C - Client Credential Grant flow. The authentication is via Client Certificate. I have created a custom policy on B2C tenant that provides the…
Entra External tenant Google federation sign-in error AADB2C: An exception has occurred.
Hi, we have setup an External tenant CIAM configuration for our customers and are trying to enable Google as an identity provider for the tenant following the documentation at…
Azure API Management: Automatic Sign-In Issue After Signing Out
In Azure API Management, users are able to log in via Azure AD B2C. However, an issue occurs after they sign out and attempt to log in again. Upon being redirected to the sign-in page and pressing the Azure AD B2C button, users are automatically logged…
How to disable option Keep me singing in in Entra ID External Tenant
I try to disable the notification related with Keep me sigining in when user login to application using Entra ID to authenticate. I try to follow by this docs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/fundamentals/how-to-manage-stay-signed-in-prompt, but…
Attribute Configuration between Azure AD for OpenID
Hello Experts, I need your support with the configuration of attributes between Azure AD and SAP IAS. I have configured the OpenID Connect protocol between Azure and SAP IAS. An app has been configured in SAP IAS, and the user should be able to log in to…
Is Entra B2B Direct Connect supported for 365D customers?
Can dedicated tenants participate in B2B Direct Connect and Shared Channels with commercial tenants?
"Invitations are blocked for this directory due to suspicious activity" for a free tier tenant
Here is the thing, I am testing with my developers tenant and making attempt to add 150 guest user to a Teams channel. The moment I hit the 100 mark I could no longer add anyone. I have also tried to add from the Entra portal it did not work out. Kindly…
Azure ad b2c custom connector "ShowBlockPage" response is not working in Sign-in flow
I am following the documentation here to return the blocking response https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/add-api-connector?pivots=b2c-user-flow#example-of-a-blocking-response from api connector to azure ad b2c, however even…
Azure AD B2C CrossOriginException despite CORS being configured
Hi all We are seeing a significant number of exceptions being logged to App Insights by our Azure AD B2C custom policies. Microsoft.Cpim.UserExperience.Client.CrossOriginException The resource 'https://xxx/xxx.html' contains script errors preventing it…
UPN and NameID
Hello everyone, can someone please help me understand the difference between UPN and Unique User Identifier (Name ID)? UPN The UPN is used to authenticate the user. The UPN is a unique attribute, and the user is always authenticated in Azure using the…
Hello all, I have a clarification question. I have Azure as IdP, SAP IAS as a proxy, and cloud applications. Have I understood the authentication process correctly? My settings: Azure: UPN = Email IAS: Application SAC: Subject Name Identifier =…
I am not able to login to azure portal, it's a new account
Dear Support Team, I recently signed up for Azure using my email ID and successfully completed the payment and verification process. However, I am now unable to log in to the Azure portal using the same email ID. I am encountering the following error…
Azure AD B2C user flow : Is there a way to hide custom attributes on the unified signin/signup page without removing it AND not having to Use custom page content?
I am setting up an Azure AD B2C user flow. I am using the unified sign up or sign in page. The User attributes: User Attributes: Built-in : Given Name, Surname Custom: InternalUserid I want to hide the internalUserid on the…
Azure AD B2C | What are the sign in logs ?
What are the sign in logs in the users blade of Azure AD B2C ? Do these include the sign ins to the applications registered under Azure AD B2C ?
How to set the Entra ID User or Guest account expiry date to prevent login / disabled?
Using PowerShell Graph SDK or any other means, how can I set the Expiration date of my Entra ID User, or Guest 7 days from now or…