Understanding and Disabling Snapshot Creation in Azure Blob Storage
Hi everyone, I'm trying to better understand the snapshot creation mechanism in Azure Blob Storage and would appreciate some insights from the community. My questions are: What triggers snapshot creation? I’m unclear on what specific operations or…
Azure Blob Storage Container Files
Hi, Is their a way to monitor a blob storage container has received a file and then also monitor if the file is in archived folder once it has been processed?
ACI privileges and possibility of blobfuse2 mounting
Hello, I have been trying to mount an Azure Blob Storage container within an Azure Container Instance (ACI) using blobfuse2, but I have been unsuccessful. I suspect the issue is due to the limited privileges available in ACIs, unlike Docker containers…
Blob Storage Trigger Function App is not working for 1 user but works for the other one.
Hi Azure community I have an Azure function App that is Blob Triggered. Each time I upload an Excel file it triggers the function app. Whenever my colleague tries to do the same it doesnt work. Both have the exact same set of roles and accesses. The app…
Indexing html & htm documents from Azure Blob Storage to Azure Search Index using an Indexer.
Hello everyone, I am trying to set up an indexer that will index documents from a data source (Azure Blob Storage) to an Azure Search Index. I have also created a skillset that contains a chunking and an embedding skill. Specifically these are the…
Azure Front Door with Storage Account Containers for Each Environment – 404 Issue
Hello, I am implementing Azure Front Door with a single Azure Storage Account that contains multiple containers, each designated for a specific environment (e.g., dev, QA, UAT, etc.). My goal is to use Azure Front Door Private Endpoints to securely…
Creating csv file using create blob action, facing issue status 409,another active upload session exists
Hi, I have used create blob action to create .csv file. In one logic app run If there are many data to be updated in .csv file facing issue as status 409. Kindly help us on how to resolve this issue. "status": 409, "message":…
VS Azure Function Blob Trigger does not fire
When I configured an Azure Function on VS code, it did not fire whenever there was a change in blob storage in my PBIZeroTouchBlob.cs file, which was tested in three different locations - same directory as PBIZeroTouchBlob.cs file, Azure Storage Emulator…
Blob already exists azure storage account
Hello there. I got this issue pertaining Storage account particularly its blob container. It is link to Filebeat using the following data below: eventhub: <eventhub_name> cosumer_group: <consumer_group_name> connection_string:…
Region-specific drives for a VM located in Azure AU region
Hi Team, We have a requirement from clients to have the data in the respective data drives, for example - client from US wants to have their data in a drive which is physically located in the azure data centre in US region. We are looking at partitioning…
I am not allowed access to the blob storage that I created.
Hello, I'm trying to use the "document translator" feature in Azure. In step 1, it asked me to create a blob storage, which I did. Now when I go to select the storage account, it prompts that "The user must have "Storage Blob Data…
Automate deployment of Storage account Life Cycle Management policy
Hi Team, I have manually created one storage lifecycle management rule manually from portal I need to put it in a devops pileline. I need different policies for different containers within the storage account. Which means when new container gets created…
Debugging Data Loss in Stream Analytics to Event Hubs
A stream analytics job has been set up to transfer data from a blob storage account to Event Hubs and subsequently into a Kusto database. There is an observed data loss of 10% compared to the original blob storage account. What methods are available to…
Azure Data Factory - Copy SharePoint Files to Blob Storage - SharePoint file names contain #
Hi, I am setting up a pipeline in ADF to copy a load of files from a SharePoint Online site to Azure Blob Storage and I've got it working, except for the fact that it turns out a load of the files have the # character in their name, which means the call…
Query on NFS-Client
Hi All, I have a storage account created in Azure, and under Data Storage, I have NFS file shares. Is it possible to mount these NFS file shares on Windows Servers? On one of my Windows servers, I have enabled the NFS client using the following command,…
performance tiers vs access tiers in azure blob storage
Hello, In the module : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/configure-blob-storage/8-determine-storage-pricing ..it says about performance tiers in the pricing for blob storage section: Performance tiers. The Blob Storage tier determines…
Veeam backup copy to Azure - Speed
Hello, I set up my Azure Blob Storage and added as a repository to my on-prem Veeam Backup server. We have an infrastrucure of some TB and i tried to run some backup copy to the blob storage (direct way). I noticed that the speed of the transfered file…
Azure Storage Explorer hanging after attempting a large single file download? Recommendations on Blob Storage transfer settings?
I have an issue reproduced with multiple users where the Azure Storage Explorer hangs at some point when attempting to download a folder that contains a large single blob (115 GB). It downloads other blobs in the folder correctly, but when it gets to…
Public access error from Spark Pool, but access working from SQL on Demand, linked blob storage
Hi, I have successfully linked to my Synapse workspace different Data Lake Gen2 (Abfss) storage accounts, and Blob storage accounts. I can explore the content, and even during the linking process, I get the connection test successful. All using managed…
What is the difference/similarity b/w public and anonymous access
Please explain difference/similarity b/w public and anonymous access in terms of Modify-SABlobPublicAccess