ARM template - how to find what objectid maps to?
The ARM template for a particular key vault permission has this: { "tenantId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "objectId":…
Load Balancer over Gobal VNet Peering
Hi everyone, last year this update was provided by Microsoft "Global VNet Peering now supports Standard Load Balancer. Previously, resources in one virtual network could not communicate with the front-end IP address of an internal load balancer…

How to check multiple rows
Hi, I want to know the duplicate rows (if ALL column's data are same). There is no key for joining. I want to know how many rows are duplicate if exist. If there is no duplicate row then Result should show 'Original'. If any row is duplicate then should…
Unable to download completion Certificate
Hi Can someone please assist - I have completed exam Exam 461: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014 a month ago. I can download the badge from my Microsoft account however unable to download the certificate - Also I have not received the…
Adresse mail TEAMS dans l'annuaire
Bonjour, Lors de la création de groupe/classes des adresses mails de distribution sont créées, elles sont visibles dans l'Azure Active directory , mais elles n'apparaissent pas dans l'annuaire que je veux envoyer un mail au groupe via ma…
How do I view or download my certificate?
It is not allowing me to download or preview my certificate for Microsoft word.
finding all stored procedures that is calling functions
Hello, I would like to find all the stored procedures that has reference of Functions or called Functions from Store procedures. I found some slow performance issue from one of stored procedures that is calling functions. I would like to get…

Azure CDN + Key Vault
I am trying to get my sectigo SSL cert liked to my Azure CDN but I keep getting this error The secret contains an unsupported content type. The content type needs to be application/x-pkcs12. I have given CDN access to my key vault. Thanks, Daniel
Date Range is not accepted after using CONVERT function
Hello, Newbee here I had an issue with converting a date filed containing date & time to just Date. With help that was resolved. But after getting the date converted I could not get the date range to work. This code is after adding in the…
Teams - Business Voice - Using another country telphone number
Can I add a telphone number in Teams from a country different from the source of my Office 365 Tenant? For exemple, I have a tenant located in Brazil but I want that one of my users to have a US number.
Multi tenant app RBAC for reading Blobstorage
We wanted to register a multi tenant app in our AAD tenancy. Other Azure tenants consent our app, grant read access to their ADLSv2 storage. Is this a supported scenario? If the answer is yes... In the app registration, we should check 'Access…
Licenciando o SQL Server Standard em um servidor separado do System Center
Oi, É possível instalar um SQL Standard em uma máquina separada para todos os produtos System Center? Eu sei que a licença SQL Standard está incluída em todos os produtos System Center, mas ela não especifica se devo instalá-la na mesma máquina ou se…
AWS Cognito as IDP for SSO into Power BI?
Hi! Is it possible to use AWS Cognito as a federated IDP to do single sign on into Power BI? I see many resources online about on integrating Azure AD into Cognito but not the other way around. We have not been able to find many resources on how to do…
Does the Swift SDK support the blob storage API?
I'm trying to write Swift code that uploads blobs with Azure Blob Storage. I see example code but I can't get it to work. It seems like the example code is from a past version of the Swift SDK. Does the current one support the Storage API? …
Azure Kinect DK USB Host Controller requirements
Hi, I am a university research student who is currently working with a professor to build a new computer, and one of its uses will be to develop body tracking applications with the Azure Kinect DK. We previously had an issue with my own laptop not…
Why is there a Documents folder and Shared Documents folder after upgrading from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2016?
I recently completed an upgrade (db attach) from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint 2016. Users now see a "Documents" folder and "Shared Documents" folder under Subsites - Site Contents. I have a user who uses Windows…
How to Authentication Onedrive using Microsoft Graph Just Once?
Hi, I have a application with Client-Server architecture that uses Microsoft Graph API to authenticate the users. In turn it receives a Access Token / Refresh Token. This signing-in process is carried out centrally from my Application Server Side and…

facing issue in calling online meeting api getting response code 400
if client_details.access_token and client_details.refresh_token: bearer = 'Bearer ' + client_details.access_token payload = {} headers = { 'Content-Type': "application/json", 'Authorization':…

VMs missing from Security Center inventory
Hi all I have enabled Security Center for my subscription but it did not list any of my VMs in the inventory. I have created new ones (Linux OS) since enabling Sec Center but it won't list these either. I feel I must be missing something. Does…

Hotmail Password
Hi, I was trying to reset my password for my Hotmail account which is johnythenmarry@Anonymous .com. But I don't get the code to the alternate email address which is johnythenmarry@Anonymous .com. Since the Hotmail account was created a…