Internet browsing is slow in Virtual Machine.
Internet browsing is slow in VM. any scenario which involves data transfer works slow e.g. there is a lag even when any click or entry is done. also as we checked internet speed test, internet speed is also ok. below is our deployment. server :…
Disable all online services for windows updates except managed services GPO
Hi all, How to find setting disable all online services for windows update except managed services? I already check my GPO setting and nothing weired. Now, only domain admin can update window and all domain user cannot update windows. So, most of PC…
Clarifying version of SQL Server Management Studio and inability to use certain functions
Hello When I open Management Studio it tells me I'm in version 18.7.1 However when I tried to use the STRING_AGG function earlier in a query I got this error message: 'STRING_AGG' is not a recognized built-in function name. I assumed that as I…
Outook client (O365) on W10 fails to connect to mailbox, but Outlook on Android phone can
Hello, I have a Outlook on my mobile phone (Android, OnePlus)) that can sync with my O365 mailbox. But when I try to configure the same mailbox on Outlook (M365) on Windows 10, it can't connect. Detection seems to fail, already tried to use…

array in dataGrid
Hi, I am writing a booking system. Following is my xaml. <DataGrid HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" Margin="0" CanUserResizeColumns="False" …

iOS14 Apple devices cannot connect Windows Server 2016 - RRAS - L2TP VPN - encryption issue
Hello, After updating our Apple devices with new IOS14, they cannot connect to MS RRAS - L2TP VPN. Older versions works fine. Apple supports statement says. "This will need to be resolved by the server administrator. We have upgraded the…

Call external teams numbers
Guys, good morning I tried to use Room link + & content = tel: +55999999999 Run the room normally, but do not call the number +55999999999. I have no idea, does it have any API that is necessary to apply? Applied example

Graph Subscription Limitation
We are creating graph subscriptions for "update" events in groups. Below is the request body we are using to create subscriptions: { changeType: "updated", notificationUrl: https://XX/webhook, …
Remote turn on Computer
Hello, Can not remember from which site I took the following code: *$Mac="" $MacByteArray = $Mac -split "[:-]" | ForEach-Object { [Byte] "0x$_"} [Byte[]] $MagicPacket = (,0xFF * 6) + ($MacByteArray * 16) $UdpClient =…
How do I contact a Human?
I am having many account problems which is in need of human assistance and I cant find any means to contact anyone. Concerning privacy, consent and personal information I’m not willing to post publicly. If anyone cant point me in the right direction…

old app version is started after file is replaced
We are developing a WinForms desktop application. In order to update our application, we replace the exe-file. At this point the application is running by several users. If a user restarts the application (on the same or another server in network),…
Teams - Realizar ligação usando links
Pessoal, boa noite Alguém consegue me ajudar em criar um link, para assim abrir automaticamente o teams e alocar esse numero como descrevi abaixo como exemplo no invite. <a href="tel:+55999999999"> Ligação</a> Estou com uma…

Amend my LDAP query
I have this openquery that I use to extract data from AD and it works fine. However I need to add an additional criteria but am struggling to do so. Currently the query looks like this OpenQuery ( ADSI, 'SELECT mail, mobile, telephoneNumber,…
How to configure HGS role and whole shielded VM procedure
I am planning to configure and test shielded VM feature of MS Server 2019. so I have few questions. Can I install HGS role at Hyper V physical server? I have single Hyper V 2019 server where I am doing UAT for shielded VM so can I install HGS role…
Installing NAV 2018 client via Intune
I have used the Win32 Content Prep Tool to capture and upload the NAV client install to Intune. Before doing so I validated that the install via command line works and runs silently on several PCs. After assigning the app in Intune it shows up on PCs. …
Webhook action authetication
Hello Team, I have ServiceNow URI to create request in Service Now. It uses basic authentication with username and password before creating request in service now. I am stuck at this authentication point, not sure how to pass the username and…

JSON object to array of nested JSON
I have a JSON object in cosmos DB(source) which I need to transform into an array of nested JSON objects(similar to source objects)in Cosmos DB(sink). Using the derived column I am facing an error during typecast of complex json to array. Could I get an…
Updated SSL Certs for RDS with gateway and some users are getting errors
hi, so, we have an external facing rds gateway, and the certificate was about to expire so i replaced the certificate in the rds deployment settings as well as the rds gateway manager mmc console. however some users (on win 7 and osx), the error…
Odd Problem - Preview but not publish
I have been publishing to 4 different sites for nearly 6 months successfully on app services in AZURE. Today I went to do a normal deploy and followed my normal steps. Clean Project, delete extra folders. Publish from right clicking the project…