File length exception while uploding file to Gen2 lake
I am using java sdk to copy file from S3 to Azur data lake Gen2. S3Object fullObject = s3Client.getObject("bucket", "folder/file.txt"); S3ObjectInputStream strm = fullObject.getObjectContent(); …

Will there be a migration plan from ADC Gen 1 to ADC Gen 2
Will there be a plan available for how customers will be able to migrate their catalog from ADC Gen 1 to Gen 2?

Can't add custom domain to static website
Hi, I already have my CNAME configured as static website url and validation was successful, but when I click Add button, it took me too long time to wait, the add was never successful. When I look into the activity logs, I can see Validate Static…
M5P from PackageRWeka
After running that command for R (from Machine Learning with R) in Azure Databricks Notebook: library(SparkR) library(RWeka) m.m5p <- M5P(quality ~ alcohol + sulphates , data = wine_train) I obtained this : Error in .jcall(o,…

Databricks 7.3ML vs 7.0ML
Hi, I'm trying to run a distributed training job using Horovod and Pytorch on Azure Databricks using 2 nodes with 2 gpus each. When I run my code on version 7.0ML, the code sees each node as having 2 GPUs which is expected behavior. However, on 7.3ML,…

Alert Me SharePoint 2019 error : Sorry, this site hasn't been shared with you
This error appears for me while i`m trying to add alert to Document library sub folder folder which i have full access on it . Note : i don`t have access on the the document library , i have the full control explicitly for the sub folder. …
How to disable virtual smartcard in Windows 10 that was enabled by fingerprint feature?
How do I disable virtual smartcard in Windows 10 so that it will not show when I run "certutil -scinfo" I enabled fingerprint feature which enabled the virtual smartcard, but now I want to disable that virtual smartcard which is not working…
Azure Stream Analytics Reference Input: SQL DB Snapshot Error
Hi Team, I am using SQL DB as Reference Input in Stream Analytics Job. When I Start the stream analytics job, Reference Input(SQL DB) shows following error: I did check my Storage Account Details and it looks correct. But not sure why…

HttpWebRequest.ProtocolVersion - how do I set it to try 1.0, then 1.1 (or vice versa)?
We have a commercial library and some of our customers need HttpWebRequest.ProtocolVersion=HttpVersion.Version10 and some need HttpWebRequest.ProtocolVersion=HttpVersion.Version10 Is there a way to tell it to try both? Or do I need to add a…

Replies in old thread
Hello, About a year ago I asked a question on the old MS Developer forum about Notebook and the hit test. I received a reply that it is confirmed by MS Development team and they are working to get more information.. Now after a year passed by I…
Error Message when accessing o365
I keep trying to log-in to my work o365 using my CAC-enabled certificates. I get in but then outlook times out when loading and gives the following message: cId: 1D722A97BF194B18A998CC60211D91E2 app: Mail st: 0 reqid: undefined wsver: undefined …

Does Intranet Portal reduce the security risk in remote work?
There is only so much you can do to ensure the safety of your employees' networks, using an intranet portal can bridge much of that security gap. Instead of hosting important files and documents on their own computers, your employees will be storing…
prevent the program from hiding the mouse cursor
I'm working on a touchpad program and i avoided mouse position changes by this code: public partial class MouseHooker { public MouseHooker() { _hookID = SetHook(_proc); } private static readonly LowLevelMouseProc _proc =…
ReActivation of Microsoft office 2016 after windows clear install
After reinstalling the operating system, the activation key for the system itself is tightened automatically. But for the Office 2016 this does not happen. I have to use MAC activation keys every time after replacing the OS. This should be the case,…

necessity of certificate policy and certificate practice statement for an offline root CA
Hi guys, could you please help and guide me? I would like to know, based on RFC 3647 or any other standers, an offline root certificate authority must have a certificate practice statement and certificate policy? I mean, since it is an offline CA, does…
My staff has problem for sign in microsoft team as error show in below.
Please help to check and reply for solution which can fix it correctly. I try many ways answer from google include uninstall and re-install again, it still show this problem P.S. He can login and use on web app, now we suggest him to use…
URL redirect
MS Support says that " is redirected to". Is there a way to make sure that "" is set to "URL redirect"? I checked "" with chrome…
Export Classic Release to YAML
Where can I find the export feature for classic releases? It is available on run page for pipelines, but what if I want to export my release to YAML?
Remote Desktop App
I'm trying to find a version of microsoft remote desktop compatible for my mac osx 10.11.6 I believe the last version is 10.2.13. Please let me know where a download is available. Thank you in advance for your help!
Netlogon Secure Channel CVE-2020-1472 Clarification Needed
We have a isolated network with Server 2016 domain controller which does not gets latest updates whatsoever. OS version is 10.0.14393 N/A Build 14393. If we were to apply the security update as per Initial deployment state as mentioned in the article…