Constructing a function-linking-graph and linking it to compiled code

Here we show you how to construct function-linking-graphs (FLGs) for shaders and how to link those shaders with a shader library to produce shader blobs that the Direct3D runtime can use.

Objective: To construct a function-linking-graph and link it to compiled code.


We assume that you are familiar with C++. You also need basic experience with graphics programming concepts.

We also assume that you went through Packaging a shader library.

Time to complete: 30 minutes.


1. Construct a function-linking-graph for the vertex shader.

Call the D3DCreateFunctionLinkingGraph function to create a function-linking-graph (ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph) to represent the vertex shader.

Use an array of D3D11_PARAMETER_DESC structures to define the input parameters for the vertex shader. The Input-Assembler Stage feeds the input parameters to the vertex shader. The layout of the vertex shader’s input parameters matches the layout of the vertex shader in the compiled code. After you define the input parameters, call the ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::SetInputSignature method to define the input node (ID3D11LinkingNode) for the vertex shader.

            ComPtr<ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph> vertexShaderGraph;
            DX::ThrowIfFailed(D3DCreateFunctionLinkingGraph(0, &vertexShaderGraph));

            // Define the main input node which will be fed by the Input Assembler pipeline stage.
            static const D3D11_PARAMETER_DESC vertexShaderInputParameters[] =
                {"inputPos",  "POSITION0", D3D_SVT_FLOAT, D3D_SVC_VECTOR, 1, 3, D3D_INTERPOLATION_LINEAR, D3D_PF_IN, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                {"inputTex",  "TEXCOORD0", D3D_SVT_FLOAT, D3D_SVC_VECTOR, 1, 2, D3D_INTERPOLATION_LINEAR, D3D_PF_IN, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                {"inputNorm", "NORMAL0",   D3D_SVT_FLOAT, D3D_SVC_VECTOR, 1, 3, D3D_INTERPOLATION_LINEAR, D3D_PF_IN, 0, 0, 0, 0}
            ComPtr<ID3D11LinkingNode> vertexShaderInputNode;
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(vertexShaderGraph->SetInputSignature(vertexShaderInputParameters, ARRAYSIZE(vertexShaderInputParameters), 
                &vertexShaderInputNode), vertexShaderGraph.Get());

Call the ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::CallFunction method to create a node for the main vertex shader function and make calls to ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::PassValue to pass values from the input node to the node for the main vertex shader function.

            // Create a node for the main VertexFunction call using the output of the helper functions.
            ComPtr<ID3D11LinkingNode> vertexFunctionCallNode;
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(vertexShaderGraph->CallFunction("", shaderLibrary.Get(), "VertexFunction", &vertexFunctionCallNode), 

            // Define the graph edges from the input node and helper function nodes.
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(vertexShaderGraph->PassValue(homogenizeCallNodeForPos.Get(), D3D_RETURN_PARAMETER_INDEX, 
                vertexFunctionCallNode.Get(), 0), vertexShaderGraph.Get());
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(vertexShaderGraph->PassValue(vertexShaderInputNode.Get(), 1, vertexFunctionCallNode.Get(), 1), 
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(vertexShaderGraph->PassValue(homogenizeCallNodeForNorm.Get(), D3D_RETURN_PARAMETER_INDEX, 
                vertexFunctionCallNode.Get(), 2), vertexShaderGraph.Get());

Use an array of D3D11_PARAMETER_DESC structures to define the output parameters for the vertex shader. The vertex shader feeds its output parameters to the pixel shader. The layout of the vertex shader’s output parameters matches the layout of the pixel shader in the compiled code. After you define the output parameters, call the ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::SetOutputSignature method to define the output node (ID3D11LinkingNode) for the vertex shader.

            // Define the main output node which will feed the Pixel Shader pipeline stage.
            static const D3D11_PARAMETER_DESC vertexShaderOutputParameters[] =
                {"outputTex",  "TEXCOORD0",   D3D_SVT_FLOAT, D3D_SVC_VECTOR, 1, 2, D3D_INTERPOLATION_UNDEFINED, D3D_PF_OUT, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                {"outputNorm", "NORMAL0",     D3D_SVT_FLOAT, D3D_SVC_VECTOR, 1, 3, D3D_INTERPOLATION_UNDEFINED, D3D_PF_OUT, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                {"outputPos",  "SV_POSITION", D3D_SVT_FLOAT, D3D_SVC_VECTOR, 1, 4, D3D_INTERPOLATION_UNDEFINED, D3D_PF_OUT, 0, 0, 0, 0}
            ComPtr<ID3D11LinkingNode> vertexShaderOutputNode;
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(vertexShaderGraph->SetOutputSignature(vertexShaderOutputParameters, ARRAYSIZE(vertexShaderOutputParameters), 
                &vertexShaderOutputNode), vertexShaderGraph.Get());

Make calls to ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::PassValue to pass values from the node for the main vertex shader function to the output node.

            LinkingThrowIfFailed(vertexShaderGraph->PassValue(vertexFunctionCallNode.Get(), 0, vertexShaderOutputNode.Get(), 2), 
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(vertexShaderGraph->PassValue(vertexFunctionCallNode.Get(), 1, vertexShaderOutputNode.Get(), 0), 
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(vertexShaderGraph->PassValue(vertexFunctionCallNode.Get(), 2, vertexShaderOutputNode.Get(), 1), 

Call the ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::CreateModuleInstance method to finalize the vertex shader graph.

            // Finalize the vertex shader graph.
            ComPtr<ID3D11ModuleInstance> vertexShaderGraphInstance;
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(vertexShaderGraph->CreateModuleInstance(&vertexShaderGraphInstance, nullptr), vertexShaderGraph.Get());

Call the D3DCreateLinker function to create a linker (ID3D11Linker) that you can use to link the instance of the shader library that you created in Packaging a shader library with the instance of the vertex shader graph that you created in the preceding step. Call the ID3D11Linker::UseLibrary method to specify the shader library to use for linking. Call the ID3D11Linker::Link method to link the shader library with the vertex shader graph and to produce a pointer to the ID3DBlob interface that you can use to access the compiled vertex shader code. You can then pass this compiled vertex shader code to the ID3D11Device::CreateVertexShader method to create the vertex shader object and to the ID3D11Device::CreateInputLayout method to create the input-layout object.

            // Create a linker and hook up the module instance.
            ComPtr<ID3D11Linker> linker;

            // Link the vertex shader.
            ComPtr<ID3DBlob> errorBlob;
            if (FAILED(linker->Link(vertexShaderGraphInstance.Get(), "main", ("vs" + m_shaderModelSuffix).c_str(), 0, &vertexShaderBlob, 
                throw errorBlob;

    ComPtr<ID3D11VertexShader> vertexShader;
    context->VSSetShader(vertexShader.Get(), nullptr, 0);
    D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC inputLayoutDesc[] =
        { "POSITION", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT, 0, 0,  D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0 },
        { "TEXCOORD", 0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT,    0, 12, D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0 },
        { "NORMAL",   0, DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT, 0, 20, D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0 }
    ComPtr<ID3D11InputLayout> inputLayout;
    DX::ThrowIfFailed(device->CreateInputLayout(inputLayoutDesc, ARRAYSIZE(inputLayoutDesc), vertexShaderBlob->GetBufferPointer(), vertexShaderBlob->GetBufferSize(), &inputLayout));

3. Construct a function-linking-graph for the pixel shader.

Call the D3DCreateFunctionLinkingGraph function to create a function-linking-graph (ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph) to represent the pixel shader.

Use an array of D3D11_PARAMETER_DESC structures to define the input parameters for the pixel shader. The vertex shader stage feeds the input parameters to the pixel shader. The layout of the pixel shader’s input parameters matches the layout of the pixel shader in the compiled code. After you define the input parameters, call the ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::SetInputSignature method to define the input node (ID3D11LinkingNode) for the pixel shader.

            ComPtr<ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph> pixelShaderGraph;
            DX::ThrowIfFailed(D3DCreateFunctionLinkingGraph(0, &pixelShaderGraph));

            // Define the main input node which will be fed by the vertex shader pipeline stage.
            static const D3D11_PARAMETER_DESC pixelShaderInputParameters[] =
                {"inputTex",  "TEXCOORD0",   D3D_SVT_FLOAT, D3D_SVC_VECTOR, 1, 2, D3D_INTERPOLATION_UNDEFINED, D3D_PF_IN, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                {"inputNorm", "NORMAL0",     D3D_SVT_FLOAT, D3D_SVC_VECTOR, 1, 3, D3D_INTERPOLATION_UNDEFINED, D3D_PF_IN, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                {"inputPos",  "SV_POSITION", D3D_SVT_FLOAT, D3D_SVC_VECTOR, 1, 4, D3D_INTERPOLATION_UNDEFINED, D3D_PF_IN, 0, 0, 0, 0}
            ComPtr<ID3D11LinkingNode> pixelShaderInputNode;
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(pixelShaderGraph->SetInputSignature(pixelShaderInputParameters, ARRAYSIZE(pixelShaderInputParameters), 
                &pixelShaderInputNode), pixelShaderGraph.Get());

Call the ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::CallFunction method to create a node for the main pixel shader function and make calls to ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::PassValue to pass values from the input node to the node for the main pixel shader function.

            // Create a node for the main ColorFunction call and connect it to the pixel shader inputs.
            ComPtr<ID3D11LinkingNode> colorValueNode;
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(pixelShaderGraph->CallFunction("", shaderLibrary.Get(), "ColorFunction", &colorValueNode), 

            // Define the graph edges from the input node.
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(pixelShaderGraph->PassValue(pixelShaderInputNode.Get(), 0, colorValueNode.Get(), 0), 
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(pixelShaderGraph->PassValue(pixelShaderInputNode.Get(), 1, colorValueNode.Get(), 1), 

Use an array of D3D11_PARAMETER_DESC structures to define the output parameters for the pixel shader. The pixel shader feeds its output parameters to the Output-Merger Stage. After you define the output parameters, call the ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::SetOutputSignature method to define the output node (ID3D11LinkingNode) for the pixel shader and make calls to ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::PassValue to pass values from a pixel shader function node to the output node.

            // Define the main output node which will feed the Output Merger pipeline stage.
            D3D11_PARAMETER_DESC pixelShaderOutputParameters[] =
                {"outputColor", "SV_TARGET", D3D_SVT_FLOAT, D3D_SVC_VECTOR, 1, 4, D3D_INTERPOLATION_UNDEFINED, D3D_PF_OUT, 0, 0, 0, 0}
            ComPtr<ID3D11LinkingNode> pixelShaderOutputNode;
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(pixelShaderGraph->SetOutputSignature(pixelShaderOutputParameters, ARRAYSIZE(pixelShaderOutputParameters), 
                &pixelShaderOutputNode), pixelShaderGraph.Get());
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(pixelShaderGraph->PassValue(fillAlphaCallNode.Get(), D3D_RETURN_PARAMETER_INDEX, pixelShaderOutputNode.Get(), 0), 

Call the ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::CreateModuleInstance method to finalize the pixel shader graph.

            // Finalize the pixel shader graph.
            ComPtr<ID3D11ModuleInstance> pixelShaderGraphInstance;
            LinkingThrowIfFailed(pixelShaderGraph->CreateModuleInstance(&pixelShaderGraphInstance, nullptr), pixelShaderGraph.Get());

Call the D3DCreateLinker function to create a linker (ID3D11Linker) that you can use to link the instance of the shader library that you created in Packaging a shader library with the instance of the pixel shader graph that you created in the preceding step. Call the ID3D11Linker::UseLibrary method to specify the shader library to use for linking. Call the ID3D11Linker::Link method to link the shader library with the pixel shader graph and to produce a pointer to the ID3DBlob interface that you can use to access the compiled pixel shader code. You can then pass this compiled pixel shader code to the ID3D11Device::CreatePixelShader method to create the pixel shader object.

            // Create a linker and hook up the module instance.
            ComPtr<ID3D11Linker> linker;

            // Link the pixel shader.
            ComPtr<ID3DBlob> errorBlob;
            if (FAILED(linker->Link(pixelShaderGraphInstance.Get(), "main", ("ps" + m_shaderModelSuffix).c_str(), 0, &pixelShaderBlob, &errorBlob)))
                throw errorBlob;

    ComPtr<ID3D11PixelShader> pixelShader;
    context->PSSetShader(pixelShader.Get(), nullptr, 0);


We used the ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph methods to construct the vertex and pixel shader graphs and to specify the shader structure programmatically.

These graph constructions consist of sequences of precompiled function calls that pass values to each other. FLG nodes (ID3D11LinkingNode) represent input and output shader nodes and invocations of precompiled library functions. The order in which you register the function-call nodes defines the sequence of invocations. You must specify the input node (ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::SetInputSignature) first and the output node last (ID3D11FunctionLinkingGraph::SetOutputSignature). FLG edges define how values are passed from one node to another. The data types of passed values must be the same; there is no implicit type conversion. Shape and swizzling rules follow the HLSL behavior. Values can only be passed forward in this sequence.

We also used ID3D11Linker methods to link the shader library with the shader graphs and to produce shader blobs for the Direct3D runtime to use.

Congratulations! You are now ready to use shader linking in your own apps.

Using shader linking