Blob Storage Static Website access in browser behind Entra ID auth?
Hi, so currently I need to host some doxygen documentation that is generated in Azure DevOps pipelines. That documentation should only be available to selected users/groups from Entra ID. I thought it was a simple process of just putting the blob storage…
Trace where user secret has been used
My web app called RV2 has a client secret called RV2CientSecret. This expired a few days ago so I deleted it and regenerated it with the same name. Is there an easy way to trace where I have used RV2CientSecret?
Can't connect to Azure Static Web App using default domain.
Hello all. I have a static web app ( It's a media tracker and as you can tell it's using the auto-generated, default domain by Azure. I deployed my code, but when I try accessing the website. I get a…
How to redirect microsoft login to the right reply url
Hi, I have confirmed that the reply url of the my web app registered at AAD is 'https//' and the env variables i set is the same value, too. But when i logged in, the page got 302.
Azure using Data API Builder Fails
I have configured one successful Blazor Web Assembly Static Web App with Data Api Builder and it is running correctly and this Postman works Get - However, when I build another on…
My web app only works on .Net6
I am only able to install a version of my web app which uses .Net 6.0. When I try to install my .Net version of the app it does not start. My resource group is as follows Is this a limitation of my resource group? Do I have to upgrade the pricing plan…

app static web not work for production, but is working for not production environments
I have an app static web that was running during 6 month, but now is not working, just for production environment. In the app, I have three more environments no production, all are working correctly.
Deployed an Azure Function through YAML file for a .Net application but the azure portal is not showing the function. Please share correct YAML file or advise
Deployed an Azure Function through YAML file for a .Net application but the azure portal is not showing the function APP. Please share correct YAML file or advise ==================DEPLOYMENT YAML FILE FOR AZURE FUNCTIONS================= trigger: …
IP address in AzureWeb App custom domain high risk, blacklisted by SURBL - please help
Hi, I've been running a web app in Europe for the last 6 years with no issues. We have an IP address provided by Azure hosting our site, locked down to username and password. Our emails were recently blacklisted from sending, and we are working…
Azure regions restrictions
My company has global presence. We are using India Region where Landing zone is there and Web apps resides. Our Singapore office used to access our web application in India before But now they have requirement that Singapore data should not outside of…
Unable to delete custom domain from static web app
I recently attempted to delete a custom domain from an Azure static web app. It has been stuck in the deleting status for several weeks. I've attempted to delete it from the GUI multiple times over the course of the past few weeks. All DNS records for…
Trying to migrate SWA managed functions from V3 to V4 -> function does not register, cannot find logs anywhere
Hi, All! I am migrating SWA managed functions from V3 to V4 (region Germany West Central, node:18). The whole thing is working in local swa just fine. Deployment via token via uses: Azure/static-web-apps-deploy@v1 Works fine, the problem - the backend…
Unable to deploy Next.js to Azure Static Web App via Github Actions
Hello! I'm trying to deploy a Next.js (v12) app to Azure static web app via Github actions, here's a snippet of main.yml: - name: Build and copy necessary static files to standalone directory run: npm run deploy - name: Deploy id:…

The subscription xxx is not eligible to create an App Service Domain.
I get this error every time I try to create a new domain, but I believe that this error is not reflecting reality. I have tried different domains. I have tried different subscriptions (which already have working domains). All the possible problems that…

Why can't I buy a web domain name with my Pay-As-You-Go subscription.
I face errors when adding custom domain to my azure web application.
Azure App Service Environment Quota
When I try to deploy a function app (EP1), app service environment (I1v2), or app service plans in the portal, with the CLI or terraform, I get the error 'This region has a quota of 0 instances for your subscription. Try selecting different region or…
Options for configuring allowed IP addresses for Static Web App behind Application Gateway
We used to configure allowed IP addresses for a Static Web App (SWA) using SWA's application configuration's allowedIpRanges. Then the SWA was configured behind a private endpoint and Application Gateway, so allowedIpRanges configuration was removed. In…
Authorization header not getting passed to the backend
We have an Angular app that authenticates to our backend. Works in our own environment and locally but once it's deployed, the authorization header is removed. I've changed the authorization header to x-authorization and still no headers making it to the…
Why is my Linux based containerised Web App's endpoints unavailable with nor errors and 100% healthy?
I have a linux-based containerised Web App that is a FastAPI. The App starts and works and then for no apparent reason stops working. There are no errors showing anywhere, no resource/quotas issues, literally no error in Azure or in the console log…

Can't proceed Application Insights on Static Web App
I'm trying to check a logs in a Static Web App resource. I can see errors from Monitoring > Metrics chart but can't see what are the errors. I read that you can create an Application Insight, but when I accessed Settings > Application Insights, the…