Multipart Data Upload
Hi, Am uploading a document to HTTP Trigger Azure function(Version 2). On receiving the request in my function I see the Files section empty and stream is moved to formdata dictionary. Below is the code how am uploading the document, could someone…
What is the most effective declaration for the PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED in SQL table
Hello, I wonder something about the PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED for a ceratain scenario. I am not sure what would be the Fastest way to return the information I want. I will describe what I want to return from a table (See Attached image of table) …
How to Calculate Daily Productivity in Power BI
Hello. I'm trying to find a solution to calculate daily productivity by taking the difference between the sum of today's (latest data input) value and the sum of yesterday's (or last data input value). Can you assist? For example, if the sum of a…
User GPO exclude computer ou
I created a user policy to copy files to their desktop based on what security group they are in. I was easily able to exclude this to run on servers using wmi filtering based on product type. I do however want to also exclude this to run on some…
Windows Event log service delayed start
Hi, I just wanted to know if there is a best practise or recommendation regarding setting the Windows event log service with delayed start. Is it possible or not? The problem we have is an iscsi-disk not being initialized at startup when we try to…
Get-PublicFolderStatistics command
Hello! Do you know what's the difference between lastAccessTime and lastUseraccessTime on Get-PublicFolderStatistics command? thanks for your help!
Is "Maintenance Window" inherited?
Hi, I am new to SCCM and would like to seek advice on "Maintenance Window". We find that Consultant has set up "Maintenance Window" for "All Servers" to Last Saturday 1:00am to 5:00am with "Restart Server". He…

How to protect new drive on exisiting replication?
I have added a new drive to my VMWare server that is replicated on Azure. This is the 4th Disk. How can I enable protection on this newly created Disk without affecting the entire replicated server or starting over?

Task Sequance Application error
Hi All, I'm deploying windows 10 1909 Task sequence and while installing one of the applications I get an error in the application MSI log "Service failed to start , Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services" I…
Jet databases - rapidly growing on Windows 10 since Security Update
Hi, I develop software that is used by many customers. In this case the applications are running queries against an access database (some DAO, some ADO). Reports have started coming in of databases rapidly growing up to the 2GB limit and then the…

Azure Recovery replication to Storage Account
We have ASR running with replication to Managed Disks, however would want the replication to happed to Storage Account due to the cost factor. How can this be achieved ?

Integrating the Azure Communication Services into into client side Applications like soft clients or soft phones
Hi, I just want to find out if we can integrate the Azure Communication Services into a client side application like a softphone client? Also I get the following error displayed on my dashboard under communication services.…
Win32 App as Powershell Script, Exit Codes/Error Handling???
Hi, I am hoping someone can shed some light on what seems an incredibly simple thing but is driving me mad :-) I have a PoSH script which I am delivering through InTune as kind of a 'First Setup' script for an endpoint coming in via AutoPilot. It does a…

Getting Data from azure datalake through api
Hi Team, Looking for any api available to get data from azure data lake directly ,with out using any data transformation tools like pipelines/dataflow. Csv or Json files sitting in datalake storage folders, so the same data or files can be fetched…
SCCM for users using internet
Hi, Since many of the employees are working from home and using the internet outside the company is it possible to manage this laptops/pc using sccm? and how?
What is this message "Breaking change analysis operation failed"?
Hi, I have an Azure HTTP Triggered Function project that after a deployment raises the following warning in our logs. I cannot find anything about this on Stack Overflow and although nothing seems to be affected I would like to understand what the…
MCSA 70-740 Exam Retake
Do I have to pay again to retake my exam? If yes then can I get the discounts as I have given it already?

Find views in any sp
How can I find any views that are used in our stored procedures for a database named 'kdctest'? Some of our stored procs are older and we want to eliminate any views used in stored procedures and rewrite the sp's. All views in the database begin with…
Microsoft Graph API list categories for shared mailbox
Thank you for your time and attention. I am interested in locating where to view the categories list for a shared mailbox. I have an app registered, it has permissions MailboxSettings.ReadWrite, and my app is using…
Vnet flow logs from NSG and Azure applications
I am interested in the ingest of flow logs from physical hardware as well as NSG flow logs from Azure. I have a tool which ingests Azure flow logs generated by the NSG. I would like to know if the NSG for an Express Route provides flow logs. AND / OR…