[C#]Scale a frameworkelement using a storyboard in UWP does not work
I have created a UWP app that I want to implement the following requirements: 1)First I need to move several animated images from various canvas locations to a specific location 2)Then at the same time scale those images from its current size to…
Delete all VM’s in Azure Dev Test Labs
I am looking for an automated process of deleting all the VMs in my Azure Dev Test lab. Can anyone share the steps involved in this? Sourced from FAQ
Azure Marketplace Image vs Custom Image within Azure Dev Testlabs
I am trying to create VM’s in Azure Dev Test Labs and in which scenarios we should use an Azure Marketplace image versus my own custom organizational image? Sourced from FAQ
Trending on MSDN: Is DevTest Labs available with US Government CSP offering?
Is DevTest Labs available with US Government CSP offering? It doesn't seem like it according to the documentation: Sourced from MSDN
Trending on MSDN: Virtual Machine stuck in Deallocating State
I have a VM in East US that went unresponsive, because of this I attempted to stop and start the VM. I tried both the Azure Portal and the CloudShell with Stop-AzureRmVM -Force, but neither seems to work. The machine seems to be stuck in the…
Can I use my existing MFA Server with Remote Desktop Gateway without storing users in the cloud? How will the licensing work if I am no longer able to create new auth providers?
Can I use my existing MFA Server with Remote Desktop Gateway without storing users in the cloud? How will the licensing work if I am no longer able to create new auth providers?