Azcopy Sync not transferring some files
I am using version 10.6.0 of azcopy sync to mirror my onsite unstructured data to Azure Blob. I ran an azcopy sync job yesterday and our (proprietary) validation tool found a lot of mismatches. I verified that azcopy is not copying some files to Azure.…

What is this
I found this app, and I'm a little bit concerned because my Defender said my computer had a Trojan malware. I think the Defender got rid of the virus, but while I was looking through the apps, I found this "Microsoft Edge Update". This…
get contents from a list of blobs in a container
I have a list of blob names and I would like to get the contents of each blob in a line in C#. I am aware of the below code which gives me the content but for this I have to pass blob name within a foreach loop each time which means a query to database…

Xamarin Forms PathGeometry click event
Hello, I have a problem with the Path element. I want to be able to click on a PathGeometry and scale it, unfortunately this is only possible with a Path element. I also tried to convert it to its own Path element, but then the positions do not match…

How to capture Pointer Pressed in Button and continuing press?
Hello, I like to create a button allowing user to keep pressing to increase number value, which is a common in mobile app button action for numeric value. 2 questions. PointerPressed event on Button doesn't fire. <Button…
Webview Session Storage lost when navigate between Xamarin pages
I have a Xamarin.Forms App with Two Pages, one with a WebView and other with just text. Session Storage lost data when I navigate between pages. //APage.xaml <WebView x:Name="webView" WidthRequest="1000"…

Reset service account password
Hi, We have to reset the password of more 100 service accounts to apply the new password policy. Which impact can we have after the password reset?
Enable Bitcode in Xamarin.iOS
Hi, I am wondering if there is any way to enable bitcode in my Xamarin iOS app. From everything that I have found, this doesn't look like this is officially supported. If that is the case, is there any way to find out when this might get supported?

Reading startDate and endDate as a string from a filename to copy data based on that string dynamically
Greetings everyone I am new to data factory and need some assistance. I am copying files from an on-prem storage to ADLSgen2. I have created a copy pipeline which has the following sequence: Get metadata activity (getting the childItems) …
Real time progress ofSQL index maintenance job
Hello, Is there a query to check the percentage completion of the index maintenance job? Like how we used to check for backup progress % using sys.dm_exec_requests ? Thanks, Arun
Linked Server Job Error
I have a scheduled job that is running everyday. The job step is to execute a stored procedure for hourly caching logic for Case load Data. The job has been successful until yesterday afternoon when it failed with the following errors: Cannot get…
Xamarin.UITest... How do I get the value of a Xamarin Forms CheckBox using Xamarin.UITest REPL (iOS)?
I have a UI test which attempts to check the state of a CheckBox. Whether it is checked or not. On Android I have no problem. But on iOS I cant get it to work. For a UISwitch I can use: app.Query(x =>…
SSMA Oracle Migration to SQL Server - Automation
Hi We're looking at using SSMA to do a regular build of a SQL Server database from an Oracle database for a client datawarehouse team. I've been able to set this up using SSMA and run it using the application. I'm now looking at automating this using…
Duplex Named Pipe with Python Server and C# Clients
Hi, I am trying to set up a Python server to process objects from C# (.NET) clients with a duplex named pipe. I've seen some good examples for setting up pipes, but it's going the other way: With the server in C# and Python as the client. Instead…
Microsoft SQL Server can't load this document
Hi, When I try to open my maintenance plan for backups it shows me this error: Microsoft SQL Server Managment Studio can't load this document, error loading from XML anyone knows where is the XML in order to check if is still there or how I can…

SQL Server seems to install numerous immersive applications (appContainers for satellite process) - why?
After installing SQL Server 2019 Enterprise, I noticed that it installs quite a number of cryptic appContainers for something called the "MsSqlLaunchPad": I couldn't find any information on this feature. What are these more than 20…

FirebaseFireStore Exception in Xamarin Android
Hi there, I'm trying to access Google Firebase Cloud Firestore collection through the following code. The app is not null. However, the getinstance throws an error - "Failed resolution of: Lcom/google/common/io/BaseEncoding" error and crashes…

Identify if VM is running on Azure Cloud or Azure Stack Hub
I need to identify if a VM is running on Azure cloud or Azure stack hub. MSFT documentation says that the IMDS service is not available on Azure Stack Hub VMs. Call to IMDS on Azure Stack Hub VM returns 500 error code and message…
Azure AD Single sign on with OpenSAML2 API
Hi, We are using OpenSAML2 API in our Service Provider. We need to integrate with Azure AD single sign-on (Identity Provider). Please guide us, how can we integrate this Thanks
AKS Insights - Pod CPU Usage going above 100%
Hi, I have a question about Pod Usage in AKS Insights being able to go above 100%. What could be the case of that, is that just a kind of process overhead error? Because K8s shouldn't be able to allocate more than the limit to a pod. I would…