Current situation:
- So we have an Device Compliance Policy for W10/11 where Firewall is Enabled. (MarkDeviceNotCompliant = 1 Days). We use a Dynamic Security group with a DevicePhysicallds filter: "(device.devicePhysicalIds -any _ -startsWith "[OrderID]:User")". Hostnames are less then 15 characters.
- We use GlobalProtect VPN, which will not work if the device is in de Not Compliant state and shows us the device does not comply with the Compliance Policy because the Edge account is not signed-in and synchronizing. Strangly all other apps work fine. We see that mostly new or reprovisioned with autopilot devices are getting the error on Firewall:
"2016345612(Syncml(500): The recipient encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request)"
So firstly, we checked the firewall on the devices, which state is Enabled and no errors on the device.
Disabled the Firewall multiple times and performed multiple quickscans and Syncs after that. As mentioned as a solution on many forms. Sadly it only fixed it on one device.
So we researched a bit more on the internet and came accross multiple actions we could try as follows:
- Check Edge > logged on + sync > Sync device no result
- Laptop login > Password
- Recently changes password? > about 2 weeks (sometimes Lock device+ signin again works)
- Defender Quick scan + Sync device no result
- Sync from Settings > / work/school > No result
- Disable PANGPS (Windows service for GlobalProtect VPN)
- Check CPU time > 16h > Rebooted machine > Sync device no result
- Powershell:
Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Intune Management Extension\Microsoft.Management.Services.IntuneWindowsAgent.exe" -ArgumentList "intunemanagementextension://synccompliance"
Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName “Schedule #3 created by enrollment client” | Start-ScheduledTask
- Lock device and login with password > functional
- Reboot device + sign-in with password > functional
- Sync from Settings > / work/school and from company portal
The strange thing is, we could fix the issue on two devices where we just had to Lock device and Sign in with Password instead of PIN code and sync the device. After that it came compliant.
On another device we could fix the issue by performing a quickscan and a Sync. After we tried every step mentioned above and after that it came compliant.
On again another device we could fix the issue, after trying everyting mentioned above, with the mentioned Powershell commands which perform a Sync.
On again another device we could fix the issue after signing in with the Local Admin Password configured in Intune. Sync within that account and then sign-in again with the primary user.
Further research:
Checked if there is an GPO with a Firewall settings what could override the Intune policies > no GPO active as far as I could find.
I also checked the IntuneManagementLogs if I could find something helpfull but sadly it did not pointed me in any direction.
So, I really have no clue what the root cause of the issue is here because of the multiple actions that could fix the issue.