Supported metrics for Microsoft.NetworkCloud/storageAppliances
The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.NetworkCloud/storageAppliances resource type.
Table headings
Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M
indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M
every 30 minutes, PT1H
every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.
For information on exporting metrics, see - Metrics export using data collection rules and Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.
For a list of supported logs, see Supported log categories - Microsoft.NetworkCloud/storageAppliances
Category | Metric | Name in REST API | Unit | Aggregation | Dimensions | Time Grains | DS Export |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Alerts Open (Deprecated) Number of open alert events. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaAlertsOpen |
Count | Average | Code , Component Type , Issue , Severity , Summary |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Alerts Open Number of open alert events. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaAlertsOpen2 |
Count | Average | Code , Component Type , Issue , Severity , Summary |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Alerts Total (Deprecated) Deprecated - Total number of alerts generated by the pure storage array. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaAlertsTotal |
Count | Average | Severity |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Performance Average Bytes The average operations size by dimension, where dimension can be mirrored_write_bytes_per_sec, read_bytes_per_sec or write_bytes_per_sec. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaArrayPerformanceAverageBytes |
Bytes | Average | Dimension |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Avg Block Bytes (Deprecated) Deprecated - The average block size processed by the array. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaArrayPerformanceAvgBlockBytes |
Bytes | Average | Dimension |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Bandwidth Bytes Performance of the pure storage array bandwidth in bytes per second. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaArrayPerformanceBandwidthBytes |
Bytes | Average | Dimension |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array IOPS (Deprecated) Deprecated - Performance of pure storage array based on input/output processing per second. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaArrayPerformanceIOPS |
Count | Average | Dimension |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Latency Latency of the pure storage array. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaArrayPerformanceLatencyMs |
MilliSeconds | Average | Dimension |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Queue Depth (Deprecated) Deprecated - Queue depth of the pure storage array. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaArrayPerformanceQdepth |
Bytes | Average | <none> | PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Performance Queue Depth Operations The array queue depth size by number of operations. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaArrayPerformanceQueueDepthOps |
Count | Average | <none> | PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Performance Throughput Iops The array throughput in operations per second. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaArrayPerformanceThroughputIops |
Count | Average | Dimension |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Space Bytes The amount of array space. The space filter can be used to filter the space by type. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaArraySpaceBytes |
Bytes | Average | Space |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Capacity Bytes (Deprecated) Deprecated - Capacity of the pure storage array. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaArraySpaceCapacityBytes |
Bytes | Average | <none> | PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Space DRR (Deprecated) Deprecated - Data reduction ratio of the pure storage array. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaArraySpaceDatareductionRatio |
Count | Average | <none> | PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Space Data Reduction Ratio Storage array overall data reduction ratio. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaArraySpaceDataReductionRatioV2 |
Count | Average | <none> | PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Space Prov (Deprecated) Deprecated - Overall space provisioned for the pure storage array. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaArraySpaceProvisionedBytes |
Bytes | Average | <none> | PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Space Used (Deprecated) Deprecated - Space usage of the pure storage array in percentage. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaArraySpaceUsage |
Percent | Average | <none> | PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Space Used Bytes (Deprecated) Deprecated - Overall space used for the pure storage array. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaArraySpaceUsedBytes |
Bytes | Average | Dimension |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Array Space Utilization Array space utilization in percent. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaArraySpaceUtilization |
Percent | Average | <none> | PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage HW Chassis Health (Deprecated) Deprecated - Denotes whether a hardware chassis of the pure storage array is healthy or not. A value of 0 means the chassis is healthy, a value of 1 means it is unhealthy. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaHardwareChassisHealth |
Count | Average | <none> | PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage HW Controller Health (Deprecated) Deprecated - Denotes whether a hardware controller of the pure storage array is healthy or not. A value of 0 means the controller is healthy, a value of 1 means it is unhealthy. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaHardwareControllerHealth |
Count | Average | Controller |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Hardware Power Volts (Deprecated) Deprecated - Hardware power supply voltage of the pure storage array. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaHardwarePowerVolt |
Unspecified | Average | Power Supply |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Hardware Temp Celsius By Chassis (Deprecated) Deprecated - Hardware temperature, in Celsius, of the controller in the pure storage array. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaHardwareTemperatureCelsiusByChassis |
Unspecified | Average | Sensor , Chassis |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Hardware Temp Celsius By Controller (Deprecated) Deprecated - Hardware temperature, in Celsius, of the controller in the pure storage array. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaHardwareTemperatureCelsiusByController |
Unspecified | Average | Controller , Sensor |
PT1M | No |
Host | Nexus Storage Host Bandwidth Bytes Host bandwidth of the pure storage array in bytes per second. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaHostPerformanceBandwidthBytes |
Bytes | Average | Dimension , Host |
PT1M | No |
Host | Nexus Storage Host IOPS (Deprecated) Deprecated - Performance of pure storage array hosts in I/O operations per second. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaHostPerformanceIOPS |
Count | Average | Dimension , Host |
PT1M | No |
Host | Nexus Storage Host Latency Latency of the pure storage array hosts. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaHostPerformanceLatencyMs |
MilliSeconds | Average | Dimension , Host |
PT1M | No |
Host | Nexus Storage Host Performance Throughput Iops The host throughput in I/O operations per second. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaHostPerformanceThroughputIops |
Count | Average | Host , Dimension |
PT1M | No |
Host | Nexus Storage Host Space Bytes (Deprecated) Deprecated - Storage array host space. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaHostSpaceBytes |
Bytes | Average | Dimension , Host |
PT1M | No |
Host | Nexus Storage Host Space Bytes Storage array host space. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaHostSpaceBytesV2 |
Bytes | Average | Host , Space |
PT1M | No |
Host | Nexus Storage Host Space DRR (Deprecated) Deprecated - Data reduction ratio of the pure storage array hosts. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaHostSpaceDatareductionRatio |
Count | Average | Host |
PT1M | No |
Host | Nexus Storage Host Space Data Reduction Ratio Host space data reduction ratio. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaHostSpaceDataReductionRatioV2 |
Count | Average | Host |
PT1M | No |
Host | Nexus Storage Host Space Size Bytes (Deprecated) Deprecated - Pure storage array hosts space size. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaHostSpaceSizeBytes |
Bytes | Average | Host |
PT1M | No |
Host | Nexus Storage Host Space Used (Deprecated) Deprecated - Space usage of the pure storage array's host. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaHostSpaceUsage |
Percent | Average | Host |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Hardware Component Status Status of a hardware component. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaHwComponentStatus |
Count | Average | Component Name , Component Type , Component Status |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Hardware Component Temperature Celsius Temperature of the temperature sensor component in Celsius. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaHwComponentTemperatureCelsius |
Unspecified | Average | Component Name |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Hardware Component Voltage Voltage used by the power supply component in volts. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaHwComponentVoltageVolt |
Unspecified | Average | Component Name |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Info (Preview) Storage array system information. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaInfo |
Unspecified | Average | Array Name |
PT1M | No |
Storage Array | Nexus Storage Network Interface Performance Errors The number of network interface errors per second. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaNetworkInterfacePerformanceErrors |
Count | Average | Dimension , Name , Type |
PT1M | No |
Volume | Nexus Storage Volume Performance Bandwidth Bytes Volume throughput in bytes per second. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaVolumePerformanceBandwidthBytesV2 |
Bytes | Average | Name , Dimension |
PT1M | No |
Volume | Nexus Storage Volume Performance IOPS (Deprecated) Deprecated - Performance of pure storage array volumes based on input/output processing per second. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaVolumePerformanceIOPS |
Count | Average | Dimension , Volume |
PT1M | No |
Volume | Nexus Storage Vol Perf Latency (Deprecated) Deprecated - Latency of the pure storage array volumes. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaVolumePerformanceLatencyMs |
MilliSeconds | Average | Dimension , Volume |
PT1M | No |
Volume | Nexus Storage Volume Latency Latency of the pure storage array volumes. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaVolumePerformanceLatencyMsV2 |
MilliSeconds | Average | Dimension , Name |
PT1M | No |
Volume | Nexus Storage Vol Perf Throughput (Deprecated) Deprecated - Pure storage array volume throughput. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaVolumePerformanceThroughputBytes |
Bytes | Average | Dimension , Volume |
PT1M | No |
Volume | Nexus Storage Volume Performance Throughput Iops Volume throughput in operations per second. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaVolumePerformanceThroughputIops |
Count | Average | Name , Dimension |
PT1M | No |
Volume | Nexus Storage Volume Space Bytes (Deprecated) Deprecated - Pure storage array volume space. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaVolumeSpaceBytes |
Bytes | Average | Dimension , Volume |
PT1M | No |
Volume | Nexus Storage Volume Space Bytes Pure storage array volume space. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaVolumeSpaceBytesV2 |
Bytes | Average | Name , Space |
PT1M | No |
Volume | Nexus Storage Vol Space DRR (Deprecated) Deprecated - Data reduction ratio of the pure storage array volumes. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaVolumeSpaceDatareductionRatio |
Count | Average | Volume |
PT1M | No |
Volume | Nexus Storage Volume Space Data Reduction Ratio Volume space data reduction ratio. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaVolumeSpaceDataReductionRatioV2 |
Unspecified | Average | Name |
PT1M | No |
Volume | Nexus Storage Volume Space Size Bytes (Deprecated) Deprecated - Size of the pure storage array volumes. In the absence of data, this metric will retain the most recent value emitted |
PurefaVolumeSpaceSizeBytes |
Bytes | Average | Volume |
PT1M | No |
Volume | Nexus Storage Volume Space Used (Deprecated) Deprecated - Space usage of the pure storage array volumes. In the absence of data, this metric will default to 0 |
PurefaVolumeSpaceUsage |
Percent | Average | Volume |
PT1M | No |