Supported metrics for Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetcorecontrolplanes/packetcoredataplanes
The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetcorecontrolplanes/packetcoredataplanes resource type.
Table headings
Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M
indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M
every 30 minutes, PT1H
every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.
For information on exporting metrics, see - Metrics export using data collection rules and Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.
Category: Traffic
Metric | Name in REST API | Unit | Aggregation | Dimensions | Time Grains | DS Export |
Data Plane Bandwidth Data plane bandwidth for all traffic types (bits/second). |
DataPlaneBandwidth |
BitsPerSecond | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Direction , Interface |
PT1M | No |
Data Plane Packet Drop Rate Data plane packet drop rate for all traffic types (packets/sec). |
DataPlanePacketDropRate |
CountPerSecond | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Cause , Direction , Interface |
PT1M | No |
Data Plane Packet Rate Data plane packet rate for all traffic types (packets/sec). |
DataPlanePacketRate |
CountPerSecond | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Direction , Interface , Result |
PT1M | No |
ICMP Pinhole Packet Count The number of ICMP packets that have created a pinhole, been forwarded upstream or forwarded downstream. |
ICMPPinholePacketCount |
Count | Total (Sum) | SiteId , type , Dnn |
PT1M | No |
N3 Bandwidth N3 bandwidth for all traffic types (bits/second) per RanId. |
N3Bandwidth |
BitsPerSecond | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Direction , RanId |
PT1M | No |
N3 Packet Rate N3 packet rate for all traffic types (packets/sec). |
N3PacketRate |
CountPerSecond | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Direction |
PT1M | No |
N6 Bandwidth N6 bandwidth for all traffic types (bits/second). |
N6Bandwidth |
BitsPerSecond | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Direction , Dnn |
PT1M | No |
N6 Packet Rate N6 packet rate for all traffic types (packets/sec). |
N6PacketRate |
CountPerSecond | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Direction , Dnn |
PT1M | No |
Pinholes protocol limit exceeded The number of pinholes rejected due to the per-interface per-protocol limit. |
PinholeProtocolLimitExceeded |
Count | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Type |
PT1M | No |
Pinholes Active The current number of dynamic match actions created. TCP and UDP pinholes consist of 3 dynamic match actions, ICMP echo pinholes consist of 2 |
PinholesActive |
Count | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Type , Interface |
PT1M | No |
Pinhole Creation Rate The total number of dynamic match actions created. TCP and UDP pinholes consist of 3 dynamic match actions, ICMP echo pinholes consist of 2. |
PinholesCreationRate |
Count | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Type , Interface |
PT1M | No |
Pinholes failures The number of times learning has failed for each learn action. |
PinholesFailures |
Count | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Type , Interface |
PT1M | No |
Pinholes Timeout Rate The number of dynamic match actions that have timed out due to inactivity. TCP and UDP pinholes consist of 3 dynamic match actions, ICMP echo pinholes consist of 2. |
PinholesTimeoutRate |
Count | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Type , Interface |
PT1M | No |
Pinhole UE limit exceeded The number of pinholes rejected due to the per-source IP address limit. |
PinholesUELimitExceeded |
Count | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Type |
PT1M | No |
Tcp Pinhole Packet Count The number of TCP packets that have created a pinhole, been forwarded upstream or forwarded downstream. |
TcpPinholePacketCount |
Count | Total (Sum) | SiteId , type , Dnn |
PT1M | No |
Total N3 Bandwidth Total N3 bandwidth for all traffic types (bits/second) per interface. |
TotalN3Bandwidth |
BitsPerSecond | Total (Sum) | SiteId , Direction |
PT1M | No |
UDP Pinhole Packet Count The number of UDP packets that have created a pinhole, been forwarded upstream or forwarded downstream. |
UdpPinholePacketCount |
Count | Total (Sum) | SiteId , type , Dnn |
PT1M | No |