Updating ListView in .NET MAUI After Modifying an Item
How can a ListView be updated when an item in the bound ObservableCollection is modified while using the MVVM .NET Community Toolkit? The ListView's ItemsSource property is bound to an ObservableCollection, and the ViewModel inherits from the…
When users sign in to my app I can't get their Google profile info
Please view here. The issue is carefully documented with all screen shots etc: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/79424370/how-do-i-get-google-users-profile-details-such-as-their-name-and-pic I ended up with a duplicate question because this Microsoft…
Is it recommended to use "StackLayout" in MAUI?
I understand that in MAUI there are objects like VerticalStackLayout, which are better optimized, but when creating slightly more complex objects, I have found it better to continue using the classic StackLayout since it processes the properties…
Programatically restart app on Android - MAUI
Hi to all, As per title I want to programatically restart the app and I am using the below code. The problem is that it is not restarting the app, it is somehow closing it but it remains in background and it does not appear automatically I have to…
I'm having an issue with Android SDK not found in Visual Studio Code on Mac(For Run .Net maui)
Error : Android platform failed with an unexpected error: The type initializer for 'AndroidSdk.SdkLocator' threw an exception.. Please verify the Android SDK and JDK installation. Additional information: Android studio (required SDK Tool and emulator)…
how to install APP in android in maui?
I will download new version update and install it in my android device.
How to use/bind the ExternalAccessroy for ios in .net MAUI targeting 9.0
Hello team, When I am trying to create an ipa file in release mode in IOS from Visual Studio 2022 I am getting the below errors when I am keeping <MtouchLink>SdkOnly</MtouchLink> I am not finding any articles/documentation on how to use it.…
getting error on picker when binding data CommunityToolkit.Mvvm
xmlns:viewModels="clr-namespace:Dev.ViewModels" xmlns:models="clr-namespace:Dev.Models" x:DataType="viewModels:LoginViewModel" <Picker ItemsSource="{Binding Genders,Mode=TwoWay}" …
Transition from 8 to 9 in maui not worked
Hi, Target: move maui app from .net 8 to .net 9 in Mac. Documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/maui/whats-new/dotnet-9?view=net-maui-9.0#upgrade-from-net-8-to-net-9 Problem:App not working without debugging. Steps: I did all steps in…
How to draw the path as imaged attached
Need to draw the path as shown in the image in .NET Maui, it was implemented in Xamarin forms while converting to MAUI path are not creating same as Xamarin forms used same coordinates to create the path, please help us to create the path. It was…
How to fix Expand and Collapse issue of CollectionView control on MAC?
Hello, Application is developed in .Net MAUI and supporting both platforms , MacOS and Windows. On MAC 14.2 and 15.3, I am using CollectionView to display list of items and on clicking ImageButton of type 'ActivityStep', we are setting IsVisible =…
How to Set `x:DataType` in XAML for a Tuple
How to set x:DataType in a DataTemplate to a Tuple in XAML? An example that includes primitives, system-defined types, and custom types would be appreciated.
Touch events on background elements triggered when popup is open in .NET MAUI
I am using a ContentView as a popup in my .NET MAUI app. The popup displays correctly, but when I tap inside the popup (e.g., on the title), touch events from background elements (like a Entry or Button) are still triggered. This causes issues like the…
Compiled Bindings and ItemDisplayBinding in Xamarin.Forms Picker
Setting x:DataType on the page element works for the Picker's ItemsSource, but not for ItemDisplayBinding. Warning XC0022 (Binding could be compiled to improve runtime performance if x:DataType is specified.). It seems there is no workaround for this…
Duplicate App shortcuts
I have developed an app in app in Maui and I have created an .apk for it. After The apk gets installed , It creates two icons and when I try to uninstall one, both of them gets uninstalled at the same time. I have already created and deployed two small…
XC0009 Error: No Property, BindableProperty, or Event Found for Border Class in .NET MAUI
I am encountering an XC0009 error while working with .NET MAUI and would appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue. Screenshot 1: Screenshot 2: In Screenshot 1, while writing the 'Shadow' property for the "Border" class, the Build +…
how to use my font in UIGraphics in MAUI?
.ConfigureFonts(fonts => { fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular"); fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold"); }); how to use this font in UIGraphics in ios? new…
MAUI CollectionView selected item not shown as selected
Hello. I starts to learn MAUI Enterprise apps patterns and I found en error (or unexpected behavior) in CollectionView. In my example, I have TrainingsViewModel whitch have ObservableCollection of TrainingViewModel property named as AllTrainings. This…
Error when attempting to connect to a Mac
I am getting and error when attempting to connect to my Mac to build my Maui App. The UI says Error: 'I' is an invalid start of a value. LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0. The log files show the error details below. I have cleared all the caches,…
Visual studio 2022 Maui project unable to compile for .net 9.0-ios target
Hi, I am trying to deploy a test app to iPhone from windows visual studio but getting the following error when trying to compile. The specified network password is not correct. I have completed the automatic provisioning : I obviously have no problem…