Commands for intermittently connected devices?
In certain applications, particularly for low power consumption, the device will not maintain a constant connection to IoT Hub/Central. Examples in the cellular world include using an SMS to "wake" or even send an asynchronous command, and…
Encryption mismatch on query
We are testing a web app after setting up column encryption on our test database. The error we are getting is below. An unhandled exception occurred: Message: Operand type clash: varchar is incompatible with nvarchar(50) encrypted with…
Ignite challenges failed...?
Hello! I did at least four ignite 2020 azure challenges and yet I just got an email to say I didn't do any so I don't get a free azure exam voucher. I really would like somebody to look in to this, please! I didn't just do one, I did FOUR. Thank you
Why am I asked to "Confirm my email address" every time I open Azure Portal?
I've been using the same account and email address for the last four years. As of a few weeks ago, every time I open Azure Portal, I get a modal window asking me to "Confirm my email address": If I click the Update button, I get a…
How to scale down vCores on PSQL server on Japan East?
We have a few PSQL databases running on Azure's Japan East location. We are looking to reduce costs of our services, but unfortunately when trying to adjust the settings of the resource we are given the message: "This subscription is restricted from…

SharePoint 2016 Warning after running the configuration wizard after a CU install
Hello, I have a web front end server and application server in my SharePoint 2016 on premise farm. In the application server, I've installed the security update located here:…
"The specified module could not be found." when attempting to use profiler in Visual Studio 2013
So I recently attempted to upgrade my copy of Visual Studio 2013 to the VS2019, but ran into some compatibility issues with some other software so for now I have uninstalled 2019 and reinstalled 2013. Everything seems to be working fine, except now,…
User Provisioning from Azure AD to Salesforce with user custom field values
Hi, I have a requirement that User provisioning from Azure AD to Salesforce is working fine. but My requirement is I need to get one field value from the azure AD to the salesforce user custom field(example__c). Need help to do this. Thanks, …

Completed CLOUD SKILLS CHAL Ignite Azure Data & AI Challenge but you said I didn't
**** I completed this just after the Ignite event but, you said I didn't. What's up? **** Microsoft Q&A Hi TomTeresi-5723, A new answer to the question Completed CLOUD SKILLS CHAL Ignite Azure Data & AI Challenge - but no…

Mobile BI App
Hi, i have static excel files emailed to users, i need to eveolve into mobile bi for users to virew excle cubes or i will write mobile reports or cloud etc i need to evolve from these tsatic files with no date ranges or filers etc mobile bi app…

Security Center - Monitoring agent should be installed
Hi I added to Azure Sec Center a few on-premise servers. From time to time this servers get status Unmonitored. I see Recomendation - Monitoring Agent should be installed on your machine. But it is installed and works ok.

General Noobie Questions about MSIX Packaging Tool
I am an independent developer and a complete noob to MSIX. I have a WPF application that I want to put on Microsoft Store, and I am trying to navigate my way through the MS requirements including packaging. I have read about preparing my app prior…
NPS server renewed machine certificate, broke AlwaysOn VPN Clients. Client can no longer validate Server.
A while back, I set up Always-On VPN has been working amazingly, up until October 7th, when the NPS server renewed it's machine certificate. Because the Windows 10 VPN clients are set up to verify the server, the new id it is presenting is different, so…
Propiedades de Mailitem.
Hola, necesitaría conocer la/las propiedades de Mailitem. que en Outlook 365 permiten identificar que un correo ha sido respondido y/o reenviado; para realizar una macro que revise y cree una comunicación con Excel guardando la información de dichos…
The property 'IsOnlineMeeting' does not exist on type 'Microsoft.OutlookServices.Event'
According to the changelog, isOnlineMeeting is a field for events: And it has been working for us until recently; since Sept 27 we have been getting the following for a couple of users: { ...…

Across region SQL MI connectivity
I was looking into the network connectivity for SQL MIS and want to confirm if is plausible to connect to SQL Mi from a different region from where is deployed peering or global peering and I found that now is allows based on a announcement made on 9/22,…

Skils challegne voucher
why havent I received voucher yet?
Windows 2012 internet information server tls protocol defined fatal alert code is 46. I am Unable to connect to the webserver via https
I am unable to connect to the webserver via https. I receive a not secure warning. any help is appreciated. I have been getting this same error for the past few days (maybe longer). The event viewer shows the following Log Name: System Source: Schannel…
Select all duplicate records
How do I return all records that have the same last 6 digits or characters? For example: 000123456 009123456 123456789 100456789 201456789 987654321 112233445 I need to return: 000123456 009123456 123456789 100456789 201456789
Websockets in C# for UWP ping pong
I use this Microsoft example to build UWP app for Windows IoT Core on C#. I use npm ws client for the browser and the same npm ws for Node.js server. The Server uses standard ping (opcode 0x9) and pong frames. How to get "ping" from the…