420,891 questions

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1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Azure SQL PaaS DB | Azure AD Access

Hello, I have provisioned a Azure SQL PaaS Database Instance. Now, I want to add Azure AD users to access the databases in the server. These are the steps I will have to do, 1) Set Azure AD Admin Account - this should be a global administrator. 2)…

Azure SQL Database
asked 2020-10-28T06:08:49.293+00:00
Prasenna Kannan 436 Reputation points
accepted 2020-10-28T07:52:44.737+00:00
Prasenna Kannan 436 Reputation points
1 answer

HDInsight azure adls gen2 'InternalServerError' ARM Template deployment

Creating Azure HDinsight Spark cluster with ADLS Gen 2,Userassigned managed idnetity with StorageBlobdataOwner role. Successfully assigned msi role to storage but getting error with HDInsight deployment(Internal server error) Theres some issue with…

Azure Data Lake Storage
Azure Data Lake Storage
An Azure service that provides an enterprise-wide hyper-scale repository for big data analytic workloads and is integrated with Azure Blob Storage.
1,547 questions
Azure HDInsight
Azure HDInsight
An Azure managed cluster service for open-source analytics.
222 questions
asked 2020-10-08T04:56:53.52+00:00
Anon4914 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-10-28T07:51:37.547+00:00
PRADEEPCHEEKATLA 90,571 Reputation points
4 answers

What does the following error mean and how do I fix it?

After I do the initial sync, once I change something in the subscriber database like add an address and try to sync again I get the following error. I've compared the two address tables from the server database and the local database and the columns are…

SQL Server
SQL Server
A family of Microsoft relational database management and analysis systems for e-commerce, line-of-business, and data warehousing solutions.
14,491 questions
asked 2020-10-01T20:50:28.253+00:00
Paul Bill 66 Reputation points
answered 2020-10-28T07:47:51.45+00:00
CathyJi-MSFT 22,351 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
1 answer

Outlook 2019 Volume License Version stuck on loading profile for 30 seconds everytime you open it.

We have a new network with Server 2019, Exchange 2019(on premise) and Windows 10 clients running Volume License version of Office 2019 Standard. The issue is every time you open Outlook while internally connected to the LAN - it takes about 30 seconds…

Outlook Management
Outlook Management
Outlook: A family of Microsoft email and calendar products.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
5,664 questions
Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server: A family of Microsoft client/server messaging and collaboration software.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
7,822 questions
asked 2020-10-20T15:21:13.407+00:00
Mark Smith 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-10-28T07:46:57.677+00:00
Jade Liang-MSFT 9,981 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer

Hyperlink to an Email message in Exchange Web Services

I want to add a hyperlink that will open an email via Exchange Web Services but I can't find any documentation on it. can anyone point me in the right direction please

Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server: A family of Microsoft client/server messaging and collaboration software.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
7,822 questions
asked 2020-10-14T00:50:32.877+00:00
Graham White 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-10-28T07:44:57.973+00:00
Itch Sun-MSFT 2,566 Reputation points
1 answer

Issue while Adding Tenant admin to a sharepoint site in office 365 using CSOM.

we have a requirement for which we are creating an automated process to get site owners/ members of site owner group using azure function with Tenant Admin Creds. However there are few confidential sites where a tenant admin that doesnt have access. The…

A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.
11,230 questions
asked 2020-10-27T07:35:59.55+00:00
MichaelHan-MSFT 18,046 Reputation points
answered 2020-10-28T07:43:10.873+00:00
Baker Kong-MSFT 3,801 Reputation points
2 answers

Outlook shared calendar got removed

When i am executing " outlook.exe /resetnavpane " command in Run window, All the shared calendars got removed in both Outlook desktop application and OWA

Outlook Management
Outlook Management
Outlook: A family of Microsoft email and calendar products.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
5,664 questions
asked 2020-10-23T11:47:39.94+00:00
Dinesh kumar 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-10-28T07:42:38.88+00:00
JeffYang-MSFT 6,241 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
2 answers

Test Plan - Write testcase: How can I insert a new column for pre-condition before Step-Action

When writing a test case, before the step action, I wanna insert a column name pre-condition. Please help me to find out this function.

Visual Studio Testing
Visual Studio Testing
Visual Studio: A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices.Testing: The act or process of applying tests as a means of analysis or diagnosis.
361 questions
asked 2020-10-27T06:51:09.78+00:00
Rimoka Nguyen 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-10-28T07:42:10.897+00:00
Dylan Zhu-MSFT 6,421 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Bringing in new Exchange server to Hybrid 2010 environment

We currently have a Exchange Hybrid environment and are migrating our mailboxes from Exchange 2010 to Office365. From what I have read, it sounds like we should stay in a hybrid environment even after migrating all of our mailboxes in order to help with…

Microsoft Exchange Online Management
Microsoft Exchange Online Management
Microsoft Exchange Online: A Microsoft email and calendaring hosted service.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
4,785 questions
Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server: A family of Microsoft client/server messaging and collaboration software.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
7,822 questions
asked 2020-10-06T14:40:43.963+00:00
Dave Bryan 96 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-28T07:42:10.73+00:00
Itch Sun-MSFT 2,566 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Customize Office 365 Group's Welcome Email/Message

Hi Guys, Is there any way to "Customize Office 365 Group's Welcome Email/Message"

Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server: A family of Microsoft client/server messaging and collaboration software.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
7,822 questions
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
3,017 questions
asked 2020-10-05T17:44:40.523+00:00
SR VSP 1,251 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-28T07:40:56.42+00:00
Itch Sun-MSFT 2,566 Reputation points
1 answer

SharePoint download XLXB by default

I asked a question last week (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/114342/sharepoint-download-xlsx-by-default.html), but I did not really get the answer I was hoping for. Here is a bit of background on our issue. We have members of our…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,422 questions
A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.
11,230 questions
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server Management
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
3,017 questions
asked 2020-10-09T13:32:23.347+00:00
Andrew Bartko 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-10-28T07:39:57.307+00:00
Itch Sun-MSFT 2,566 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Office Online Server PDF Support on SharePoint 2019

We are to deploy Office Online Server on SharePoint 2019. But from the Microsoft documentation page for Office Online Server, PDF is not part of the supported extension list. But we have seen this working on older version of SharePoint where PDF…

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,422 questions
asked 2020-10-15T04:55:16.37+00:00
WT 61 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-28T07:39:19.167+00:00
Itch Sun-MSFT 2,566 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Feature differences between Sharepoint server 2019 standard vs enterprise?

Hello, Does anyone know the in depth differences between Sharepoint server 2019 standard vs enterprise? It seems to be minor, looking at it, the enterprise has two extra features: Business solutions (includes Access Services and InfoPath Services) …

SharePoint Server
SharePoint Server
A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.
2,422 questions
asked 2020-10-16T20:30:33.55+00:00
Spenser Souvannarath 81 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-28T07:38:29.797+00:00
Itch Sun-MSFT 2,566 Reputation points
1 answer

SPFX webpart - "Error initializing application" after refreshing page

Can't load the application on this page. Use the browser Back button to retry. If the problem persists, contact the administrator of the site and give them the information in Technical Details. TECHNICAL DETAILS Error details: Error: ***Error…

A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.
11,230 questions
SharePoint Server Development
SharePoint Server Development
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
1,639 questions
asked 2020-10-19T14:17:08.713+00:00
Mohammad Javed 151 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-28T07:38:02.427+00:00
Itch Sun-MSFT 2,566 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Is there any UWP TabView properties like TabStrinpPlacement in WPF?

I'm doing something using UWP TabView. I want to let the Headers be on the left side of the TabView Controller. I found there is a way to do this in WPF, while we can use TabStripPlacement="Left" and use LayoutTransform in DataTemplate. …

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
asked 2020-10-28T06:55:21.01+00:00
AlexZhangrj 41 Reputation points
accepted 2020-10-28T07:32:06.46+00:00
AlexZhangrj 41 Reputation points
4 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Can't connect Azure VM created with AKS-Engine (free account)

I created AKS Cluster using AKS-Engine, and trying to connect VM, that appear now in my Azure portal (free/trial account) ssh -i my.pem valery@ Authorized uses only. All activity may be monitored and reported. Connection closed by…

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
An Azure service that provides serverless Kubernetes, an integrated continuous integration and continuous delivery experience, and enterprise-grade security and governance.
2,310 questions
asked 2020-10-19T09:17:21.68+00:00
Valery Mogilevsky 61 Reputation points
answered 2020-10-28T07:28:22.843+00:00
Valery Mogilevsky 61 Reputation points
1 answer

Microsoft teams 동영상 링크 로그인 관련 문의드립니다.

마이크로소프트 팀즈로 진행 된 회의내용 녹화 링크를 클릭하면 로그인 화면이 뜹니다. 현재 개정으로 로그인 하려고 하니 개인의 개정은 로그인 할수 없으며, 회사 메일이나, 학교 메일로 로그인 하라고 하는데 이런경우 녹화된 내용을 보고자 하는 제가 다시 로그인을 해야 하는건지 아니면 녹화한 회의주최측에서 어떠한 설정을 해야 하는건지 궁금 합니다.

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.
10,895 questions
asked 2020-10-28T06:18:42.05+00:00
한국물산 주식회사 1 Reputation point
answered 2020-10-28T07:28:04.973+00:00
JimmyYang-MSFT 57,591 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
1 answer

[Migrated from MSDN Exchange Dev] Exchange Hybrid - All on-prem mail to route via EOP - SPF

Note: This case is migrated from MSDN Exchange Server Development forum. Since Exchange Server Development forum mainly discuss issues about Exchange development, and non-developer Exchange has transitioned to Microsoft Q&A for support, we migrated…

Microsoft Exchange Hybrid Management
Microsoft Exchange Hybrid Management
Microsoft Exchange: Microsoft messaging and collaboration software.Hybrid Management: Organizing, handling, directing or controlling hybrid deployments.
2,250 questions
asked 2020-10-28T07:21:49.46+00:00
Lydia Zhou - MSFT 2,381 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
answered 2020-10-28T07:23:17.8+00:00
Lydia Zhou - MSFT 2,381 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer

SSIS catalog report: filter by environment

Hello, I have an SSIS project deployed into the SSIS catalog. I also have a bunch of evironements created for that project, and the project packages are scheduled for execution on different environments. Packages sometimes fail, and now I click every…

SQL Server Integration Services
SQL Server Integration Services
A Microsoft platform for building enterprise-level data integration and data transformations solutions.
2,664 questions
asked 2020-10-21T09:52:39.18+00:00
Richardo Roias 6 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-28T07:18:43.72+00:00
Monalv-MSFT 5,906 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Update Edge Chromium exclusively through WSUS

Is there a way to update Edge Chromium exclusively through WSUS? Currently we have not released certain updates in WSUS (because they cause errors). However, the clients still download them online directly from Microsoft. For the "normal"…

Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge
A Microsoft cross-platform web browser that provides privacy, learning, and accessibility tools.
2,490 questions
asked 2020-10-27T07:56:39.817+00:00
Humpix 31 Reputation points
answered 2020-10-28T07:18:42.937+00:00
Humpix 31 Reputation points