403,439 questions

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1 answer

windows server backup 2012备份出来的文件容量比备份传输的数据大一倍多

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41,845 questions
asked 2020-04-28T01:52:38.977+00:00
eason 1 Reputation point
answered 2020-04-28T02:02:07.873+00:00
0 answers

UPW BroadFileSystemAccess - not working

I am looking at uwp app trying to figure out BroadFileSystemAccess -- I cannot seem to get it to work. a. I have no plans on putting this into MS Store DO I need to get anything special I added the following to the Package manifest file …

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
asked 2020-04-26T17:52:07.353+00:00
Paul Ryan 331 Reputation points
commented 2020-04-28T01:42:34.14+00:00
Richard Zhang-MSFT 6,936 Reputation points
0 answers

Access to SharePoint integration

Access to SharePoint integration

Azure Service Fabric
Azure Service Fabric
An Azure service that is used to develop microservices and orchestrate containers on Windows and Linux.
275 questions
asked 2020-04-27T11:18:11.157+00:00
10904686 7 Reputation points
commented 2020-04-27T23:06:55.767+00:00
KarishmaTiwari-MSFT 20,552 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
4 answers

Unable to login on any of my organisation sites

It gives an microsoft authentication app message saying kindly approve the request. However problem here is I had removed the account from the application! Now I am here in a deadlock unable to add the account back as well as the sites I want to access…

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Not Monitored
Tag not monitored by Microsoft.
41,845 questions
asked 2020-04-24T15:00:25.807+00:00
chris dcunha 1 Reputation point
answered 2020-04-27T18:19:30.37+00:00
UMUT DUYUM 1 Reputation point
0 answers

SQL Latency On-Premises Data Gateway

Hi I installed the on-premise data gateway but I found an isssue hard to resolve. I am trying to execute a SQL stored procedure (svx_adm_buscadni) in Logic Apps via my gateway. When it is executed it takes more than 10 sec, but when I execute it…

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Not Monitored
Tag not monitored by Microsoft.
41,845 questions
asked 2020-04-27T02:49:14.657+00:00
JV Garcia 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-04-27T12:01:42.303+00:00
JV Garcia 1 Reputation point
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

AAD Domain services shows deploying status for two days.

A new Azure AD domain services deployment is in progress for 2 days. It has created two aadds-vnet interfaces but the activity log on one of them shows delete networkinterface errors. (error code NicInUse) the deployment process obviously has a problem…

Microsoft Entra
asked 2020-04-27T11:20:05.877+00:00
JustinB 26 Reputation points
accepted 2020-04-27T11:53:35.853+00:00
JustinB 26 Reputation points
1 answer

Azure AD Photo does not match AD photo

Trying to sync profile photos across Active Directory, Azure AD, Office 365. The photo in Ad is not the same as the photo in AAD for some users. I am also unable to change the photo in AAD. The photo is the same in SharePoint as AD photo. The Teams photo…

Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
23,114 questions
asked 2020-04-26T18:30:56.887+00:00
Hannah Melton 51 Reputation points
commented 2020-04-27T11:08:20.253+00:00
Hannah Melton 51 Reputation points
1 answer

How to develop virtual printer in the upcoming win10x

I understand that Microsoft is about to release win10x, but they don't support third-party driven virtual printers anymore. Now what technology do I use to develop a virtual printer that runs in win10x? V4 printer driver or Microsoft…

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Tag not monitored by Microsoft.
41,845 questions
asked 2020-04-26T04:03:45.147+00:00
leiqiang kong 1 Reputation point
answered 2020-04-27T09:50:49.593+00:00
Fay Wang - MSFT 5,221 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

CA policy for Office 365 Exchange Online

I have created 2 Conditional Access Policies, one for Teams and another for Outlook. Teams Policy - Block Access to Teams except if a member of a group Cloud App Selected: Teams Outlook - Block Access to Outlook except if a member of a group …

Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
23,114 questions
asked 2020-04-21T22:59:55.987+00:00
Kamran Ahmed 271 Reputation points
commented 2020-04-27T08:09:05.683+00:00
AmanpreetSingh-MSFT 56,741 Reputation points
1 answer

Azure MFA IP Whitelisting

For some of my applications in Azure they are authenticating to my Azure AD using user accounts and they are being caught by my conditional access policy which is enforcing MFA due to being off-prem. I was wondering would it be best practice to assign…

Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
23,114 questions
asked 2020-04-21T22:55:36.513+00:00
Luke Williams 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-04-27T08:02:01.183+00:00
AmanpreetSingh-MSFT 56,741 Reputation points
1 answer

Azure graph API

Hi I need help to get data for "MemberOf" column data from the Azure graph API getusers method. even though i mentioned "MemberOf" in Sleect statement and expand("MemberOf"), I am getting always NULL for that column…

Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
23,114 questions
asked 2020-04-19T04:51:05.037+00:00
Sunil A M 171 Reputation points
commented 2020-04-27T07:19:35.573+00:00
soumi-MSFT 11,811 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

UWP App on XBOX crash at start only when I download it from the Microsoft Store

I loaded it on the microsoft store, it passed the certifications, and it is now available. But, when I install it (or other users) and open it it crashes directly. However, when I run the application from visual studio in debug or release mode I have no…

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
asked 2020-04-27T02:49:52.8+00:00
Patrick Mao 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-04-27T07:02:57.19+00:00
Fay Wang - MSFT 5,221 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

UWP Shortcut running an older version

When I debug (press F5) a release UWP app on Visual Studio 2019 it runs fine. However, when I click on the same app in the Start menu or I click the app shortcut on the desktop or call its keyboard shortcut, the app that runs is an old version. How…

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
asked 2020-04-25T14:55:51.723+00:00
ansalc 436 Reputation points
accepted 2020-04-27T06:47:56.05+00:00
ansalc 436 Reputation points
0 answers

How can i remove the dll in appxupload after certification?

hello ,i have find that my appxupload package include some *.dll inside(like clrcompression.dll Microsoft.CSharp.dll etc),i wanna know if there is any way to delete them? i have found sometimes it will automatics delete after certification. is there any…

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
asked 2020-04-24T08:42:53.94+00:00
hao wu 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-04-27T05:41:30.84+00:00
Roy Li - MSFT 33,676 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer

In the photo I can't get the LoadMediaFile code working properly in xaml

In the photo I can't get the LoadMediaFile code working properly in xaml ![7646-screenshot-10.png][1] [1]: /api/attachments/7646-screenshot-10.png?platform=QnA

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
asked 2020-04-24T12:36:59.47+00:00
answered 2020-04-27T04:06:55.967+00:00
Richard Zhang-MSFT 6,936 Reputation points
0 answers

In App Purchases Problems

I have written an app for the Microsoft Store. While I can see if license has been purchased or if still running under a trial period, I cannot for the life of me get the in-app purchase to work. I have followed various examples from both MS websites and…

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
asked 2020-04-24T21:45:18.547+00:00
David Bailey 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-04-27T03:02:02.43+00:00
Roy Li - MSFT 33,676 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer

Azure Functions - CRUD to SQL Azure

I'm trying to create a simple CRUD to sql azure , but the example in azure site its reference to: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/blob/master/articles/azure-functions/functions-scenario-database-table-cleanup.md Anyone can help me with…

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,249 questions
asked 2020-04-26T21:57:44.977+00:00
Luis Arias 7,851 Reputation points
answered 2020-04-27T02:37:27.693+00:00
xequence 6 Reputation points
2 answers

Drag, Cling, Dock a dialog

Hi, I am working on a WPF project where I will launch a new dialog inside a Window. User should be able to drag this dialog box to the edge of the window and if it is close enough, it should cling on to that side of the window like docking. User can…

Windows Presentation Foundation
Windows Presentation Foundation
A part of the .NET Framework that provides a unified programming model for building line-of-business desktop applications on Windows.
2,822 questions
asked 2020-04-17T02:49:08.257+00:00
Vijay Kamat 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-04-27T02:26:38.763+00:00
Alex Li-MSFT 1,096 Reputation points
1 answer

Two-Step Verification for Hotmail

Hello! I recently set-up the two step verification via text and authenticator. However, when I try to login to my hot mail account, hot mail is only asking me for my password and does not require a second step to verify the account. Why doesn't hot…

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41,845 questions
asked 2020-04-26T22:04:45.96+00:00
Gilbert Valdez 1 Reputation point
answered 2020-04-26T22:20:06.563+00:00
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

How do I allow a user to open a PDF stored in my UWP App?

I'm developing a UWP app and I want the user to be able to open a PDF stored in my app in Reader or a browser on the user's desktop. I first used the following code-behind from an app bar button click: string filename1 =…

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
asked 2020-04-25T02:56:52.61+00:00
Generation Continuum 191 Reputation points
commented 2020-04-26T20:41:32.497+00:00
Generation Continuum 191 Reputation points