Remove Microsoft Store and Mail icons for Windows 10 through GPO
Good afternoon all, I have a client requesting that we remove the Microsoft Store and Mail icons from users tasbbars via GPO. While removing store is simple enough, removing mail has me asking a question. In an article I found…

What’s the difference between booting from UEFI: KDI-MFSTWINDOWS 10 PMAP, Partition 1 and booting from KDI-MSFTWINDOWS 10 PMAP?
Hey, everyone. I’m installing WINDOWS 10 on a new disc (Western Digital Black, 4T) using the installation USB from Microsoft. Can anyone tell me the difference between choosing to boot from UEFI: KDI-MFSTWINDOWS 10 PMAP, Partition 1 and choosing to boot…
MS Teams Archive Use Query
Hello Team. Why MS Teams is having Archive Feature and what is use. if any of the end user quits the company , the MS Teams which he is created is left unattended and as a admin we could archive. however we the MS teams groups having multiple…

Virtual Switch on Hyper-V Server (Core) fails
I've installed Hyper-V Server on a Dell R630. Updated drivers and ran updates, restarted. Everything seems OK, but I cannot create a Virtual Switch because of a very strange error.
ExportAuthCert.ps1 fails because Auth Certificate is not exporting on line 7 on Exchange 2013 CU21
I'm trying to follow the steps listed here and getting stuck on step 3 while running ExportAuthCert.ps1: $thumbprint = (Get-AuthConfig).CurrentCertificateThumbprint if((test-path $env:SYSTEMDRIVE\OAuthConfig) -eq $false) { md…
Having issues with my audio setup.
Well to start I use windows 10, a Yamaha MG10XU sound board, and 1 microphone. Well I guess I should start at the beginning. Installed software, plugged in microphone, plugged USB to pc. And everything worked good. Installed obs studios and input…

can not connect to DV video decoder using MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2
Hello, I try to write a 64bits DirectShow Transform Filter that i want to connect to a "DV Video Decoder" using the subtype MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2, unfortunately without success. The only Subtype for wich the connection works is…

Windows CALS Pricing
Hello Microsoft Team, I have been doing almost a month of research for the windows user CAL and RDS user CAL price for my windows server 2012 R2, but can't find the price for user CAL. Please help me, if you have the quotation and where to buy those…
Grabbing part of dialog to another dialog
Hi I’m wondering is it possible to grab a picture on one part of a dialog and place it on another dialog, I’m thinking it has got something to do with BitBlt. But I can’t seem to figure out how to do it Thank you

finding Azure subcription (Hard) limits
Where can i find hard limits on an Azure subscription. Example vCPU limits beyond which subscription will not allow me to go ?
Problems with VPN Surface Laptop 2, Win10 Pro
I have problems with my VPN connection since several months now after an update of my Win10Pro. VPN connects without probems and works fine untill I try to copy larger from my home computer (Microsoft Surface Laptop 2) to my office network. After…
How to refund a gift
I wanted to buy minecraft for a friend, and got the wrong eddition. How do I refund to get the right one?
Servicenow users getting 'user donot exist error ' after integrating with Azure AD
Team, I am getting a 'User do not exist' error, and the value sent by azure to service now is not either login id or email. I have followed the steps mentioned in the below link. …

How to repair external hard drive
Hi, My hard drive suddently stopped appearing under Devices in my Windows 10. It appears in the Disk Management tool but I'm unable to initialize it, it shows an error message. I dont' care if I have to format but keeping the files…
GPMC error for "Security Options" after Updates 2020-09
HI All, I have applied new KB4580346 but it did not resolve the problem. Error "MMC has detected an error in a snap-in” still appearing. Deleting the regkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SecEdit\Reg…
recover deleted files
Hi experts i have a share point site which has folders and sub folders. Some of the files and folders are deleted and i can see them in recycle bin, i dont want to restore all of them, is it possible to export the items of recycle bin from shell to…
Deletion of VM
Hi Experts, i am new to azure What is the best practice to delete a virtual machine from Azure, let say i have a virtual machine server01, when i click All Resources- when i type Server01, i can see i can see virtual machine(server01), network…
PBM : role has permission to specific tables
In a couple of SQL 2014 databases on the instance, for a database role “ProductGroup”, I need to validate that it has select permissions to all tables named ‘Product%’. If exists any table named ‘Product%’ for which it does not have, then flag it. I was…
Long Sync IO: Scheduler 6 had 1 Sync IOs in nonpreemptive mode longer than 1000 ms
in SQL 2014 SP3 i got quite a few "Long Sync IO: Scheduler x had 1 Sync IOs in nonpreemptive mode longer than 1000 ms". what is the size for the sync IO, is it 8K as per standard or varies based on data read/transaction write/or lazy writes or…
Azure DevOps File Copy Authentication Issue
Hi I am using the "Azure File Copy" task as a part of my DevOps build pipeline. This has been working perfectly fine for years, however recently it no longer copies correctly. The error is: [error]ClientSecretCredential authentication failed: A…