Migrate NDES service to a new Server
Hi, I'm in the process of migrating certificate services from 2008R2 to 2016, one of the CA servers is also running the NDES service but I can't find any guide on how to move this to a new server (I'm planning on re-using the old server IP and name). …
Web enrollment for a Standalone CA
After installing Certification services and creating a Standalone CA on a Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019 server member of Workgroup what else should I do in order to allow other servers request certificates? Should I install Certification…
request a certificate
dears, i have a local ca installed. i have a new machine, and i want to request a certificate from this machine to my local ca how is this done how can i generate a cer file and make it issued by my internal ca i am new to adcs Source…
certutil -deleterow cert (2 weeks running and nothing?)
Hi everyone, My CA database has not been maintained in years, and there's 4 million certificates in the database. I've been running certutil -deleterow 01/07/2020 cert for the past two weeks, but I'm not sure it's actually doing anything. How can I…
Power BI DeskTop Can't Access to Azure SQL Database
When I try to access from Power BI DeskTop to Azure SQL server, the error like capture was shown. The error message says 'Microsoft SQL: The target principal name is incorrect. Unable to generate SSPI context.' I can access to the Azure SQL…
How Do I Get Back My Shared Folder and Network Connection?
Hello, I am running Hyper V WinXP on my Win10 laptop. Everything had been working great. Now I cannot access my Shared Folder & I have no Network Connection. I had someone helping me in another forum, but they have not answered since July 7th. …
Azure Application Proxy - Certificate not trusted
I am trying to configure an application proxy for an NDES server that will be used with intune to issue certificates. But when I connect through the external FQDN, i see the following error on the server. The SSL server certificate presented to…
Azure CDN (by Akamai) vs Akamai CDN showing very different results
The majority of our users are located in China, and when loading sites/files from offshore CDNs we'd naturally expect longer latencies and lower throughput. In respect of Azure, we're running tests comparing: i) Akamai CDN, ii) Azure CDN (by Akamai), and…
UWP PersonPicture gets cut when implemented on a NavigationViewItem
Hi, I'm implementing a navigation view with a login button, inside a NavigationView. I would like to provide a good UI by placing the circular user photo on that button. In fact, it is a NavigationViewItem containing a stack panel with…
Do we need outlook web app access to call rest api?
I have enterprise licence and I don't have OWA access. Can I call rest api's using this account?.Do we need outlook web app access to call rest api?
How do i get it to print the correct page and not he default on user using asp.net?
Hello, I have an asp.net application and I was able to publish it on azure. Three only problem Is that it keeps printing the default page instead of my actual code. I want to know how I can rework it to make sure it prints my actual code and not the…
I have a problem to load Excel files into de Power BI, my system is Windows 10 64 bits, the error text is: "There was an error" "Unable to find the requested value 1" Thanks for answering 17026-image.png
ProvisioningState/failed/OSProvisioningTimedOut error when booting up the VM
Hi Team, When I am trying to power on my virtual machine from Azure portal. Its taking a lot of time but eventually VM is booting up and below error generating in the portal. Any help will be highly appreciated. GENERAL Provisioning state…
Azure AD, Office365, and On Premise Domain integration
Good Morning my smart and intelligent brethren! I am humbly coming to you all for some clarification and maybe some assistance. First let me preface this by saying that I am new to the world of Azure/Office365. I've recently been hired at this new…
import json payload from a rest api and save as json documents in adls gen2
Hi, I am trying to import json payload from a REST api GET method and save json documents into ADLS Gen2 using azure databricks. GET: https://myapi.com/api/v1/city GET method Output: [ {"id":2643743, …
ASDK Certificate Bug
I have an install of ASDK v2002.35 for the purpose of studying for my Azure Administrator certifications. I also used Matt Mcspirit's Azure Stack POC Configurator to install additional services. Overall all works as expected, but while attempting to…
Azure Functions with timer trigger: UnscheduledInvocationReason
In my Azure Functions I have 26 functions and only 7 with the timer trigger. There is no recommendation for Microsoft about it. Some functions have a timer trigger and at the end of the process each function sends an email. I have 2 type of timer…
Account Learn Progress Transfer
I have some Microsoft Learn progress in my work account. I would like to transfer those into my personal account.
Error migrating Django database to Postgres by de SSH web
By migrating the database of a Django app, I can enter the virtual environment and install the dependencies. But when I try to migrate the database, the following messages are displayed: 'FATAL: Password authentication failed for user "root"'…
Securing single web server with SSL certificate for multi domains
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this. We are currently writing a content management system in ASP.NET Core, to run on either windows or Linux VM web server. We want to allow any prospective customers to come along and sign up to the…