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Install Service Manager on a single computer (minimum configuration)

If you want to evaluate System Center - Service Manager and you've a minimal amount of hardware available, install Service Manager on one computer. A sample single-computer configuration is shown in figure 1. This configuration won't support a production environment, and no scalability or performance estimates are provided. Because you can't install both the Service Manager management server and the data warehouse management server on the same computer, use Hyper-V to create a virtual computer to host the data warehouse management server.

To install Service Manager on a single computer, start with a physical computer that is running Windows Server and Hyper-V, and ensure that the CPU on the physical computer is compatible with Hyper-V. Of the 8 gigabytes (GB) of RAM on the host computer, 3 GB is used for the virtual computer that hosts the data warehouse management server. Ensure that at least 200 GB of free space is available on the hard disk drive.

Figure 1: Single-computer installation in which you use a physical computer that is running Windows Server and Hyper-V

Screenshot showing the Minimum Configuration for Service Manager.

If your organization's best practice guidelines don't allow you to install applications on a Hyper-V host, you can create a second virtual computer to host the Service Manager management server, the Service Manager database, and the data warehouse databases. Use the following procedures to install Service Manager on a single computer.

Install Service Manager

To install System Center - Service Manager on a single computer, you install the Service Manager management server, database, and console on the computer. Then, you install the data warehouse on a virtual machine on the same computer.

During Setup, you'll be prompted to provide credentials for the following accounts:

  • Management group administrator

  • Service Manager account

  • Workflow account

For more information about the permissions that these accounts require, see Accounts Required During Setup in the Planning Guide for System Center - Service Manager. Before you start, ensure that Microsoft SQL Server is installed on the computer.

Install the Service Manager management server, database, and console

  1. Sign in to the physical computer by using an account that has administrative credentials.

  2. On the Service Manager installation media, double-click the Setup.exe file.

  3. On the Microsoft System Center <version> page, select Service Manager management server.

  4. On the Product registration page, enter information in the boxes. In the Product key boxes, enter the product key that you received with Service Manager, or alternatively, select Install as an evaluation edition (180 day trial). Read the Microsoft Software License Terms, and, if applicable, select I have read, understood, and agree with the terms of the license agreement, and select Next.

  5. On the Installation location page, verify that sufficient free disk space is available, and select Next. If necessary, select Browse to change the location in which the Service Manager management server will be installed.

  6. On the System check results page, ensure that the prerequisite check passed or at least passed with warnings, and select Next.

    If the prerequisite checker determines that the Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable hasn't been installed, select Install Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable. After the Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008 (KB971119) Setup Wizard completes, select Check prerequisites again.

  7. On the Configure the Service Manager database page, Service Manager checks the current computer to see if an instance of SQL Server exists. By default, if an instance is found, Service Manager creates a new database in the existing instance. If an instance is displayed, select Next.


    A warning message appears if you're using the default collation (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS). Support for multiple languages in Service Manager isn't possible when you're using the default collation. If later you decide to support multiple languages using a different collation, you've to reinstall SQL Server. See Planning Guide for System Center - Service Manager.

  8. On the Configure the Service Manager management group page, complete these steps:

    1. In the Management group name box, enter a unique name for the management group.


      Management group names must be unique. Don't use the same management group name when you deploy a Service Manager management server and a Service Manager data warehouse management server. Furthermore, don't use the management group name that is used for Operations Manager.

    2. Select Browse, enter the user account or group to which you want to give Service Manager administrative credentials, and select Next.

  9. On the Configure the account for Service Manager services page, select Domain account; specify the user name, password, and domain for the account; and select Test Credentials. After you receive a The credentials were accepted message, select Next.

  10. On the Configure the Service Manager workflow account page, select Domain account; specify the user name, password, and domain for the account; and then select Test Credentials. After you receive a The credentials were accepted message, select Next.

  11. On the Diagnostic and usage data page, indicate your preference for sharing your Service Manager diagnostic and usage data with Microsoft. As an option, select Privacy statement for System Center Service Manager, and select Next.

  12. On the Use Microsoft Update to help keep your computer secure and up-to-date page, indicate your preference for using Microsoft Update to check for Service Manager updates. If you want Windows Update to check for updates, select Initiate machine wide Automatic update. Select Next.

  13. On the Installation summary page, select Install.

  14. On the Setup completed successfully page, we recommend that you leave Open the Encryption Backup or Restore Wizard selected, and select Close. For more information about backing up the encryption key, see Completing Deployment by Backing Up the Encryption Key.

Install the data warehouse

  1. Sign in to the virtual machine by using an account that has administrative credentials.

  2. On the Service Manager installation media, double-click the Setup.exe file.

  3. On the Microsoft System Center <version> page, select Service Manager data warehouse management server.

  4. On the Product registration page, enter information in the boxes. In the Product key boxes, enter the product key you received with Service Manager, or as an alternative, select Install as an evaluation edition (180 day trial). Read the Microsoft Software License Terms, and, if applicable, select I have read, understood, and agree with the terms of the license agreement, and select Next.

  5. On the Installation location page, verify that sufficient free disk space is available, and select Next. If necessary, select Browse to change the location in which the Service Manager data warehouse management server will be installed.

  6. On the System check results page, ensure that the prerequisite check passed or at least passed with warnings, and select Next.

  7. On the Configure data warehouse databases page, in the Database server box, enter the computer name of the physical computer that will host the data warehouse databases, the SQL server port, and Database name for all three data warehouse databases, and select Next.


    A warning message appears if you're using the default collation (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS). Support for multiple languages in Service Manager isn't possible when you're using the default collation. If later you decide to support multiple languages using a different collation, you have to reinstall SQL Server. For more information, see Planning Guide for System Center - Service Manager.

  8. On the Configure additional data warehouse datamarts page, Service Manager will check the current computer to see if an instance of SQL Server exists. By default, if an instance is found, Service Manager creates a new database in the existing instance. If an instance appears, select Next.

  9. On the Configure the data warehouse management group page, complete these steps:

    1. In the Management group name box, enter a unique name for the group.


      Management group names must be unique. Don't use the same management group name when you deploy a Service Manager management server and a Service Manager data warehouse management server. Furthermore, don't use the management group name that is used for Operations Manager.

    2. Select Browse, enter the user account or group to which you want to give Service Manager administrative credentials, and select Next.

  10. On the Configure the reporting server for the data warehouse page, Service Manager will use the existing computer if SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is present. Accept the defaults, and select Next.


  11. On the Configure the account for Service Manager services page, select a domain account; select Domain account; specify the user name, password, and domain for the account; and select Test Credentials. After you receive a The credentials were accepted message, select Next.

  12. On the Configure the reporting account page, specify the user name, password, and domain for the account, and select Test Credentials. After you receive a The credentials were accepted message, select Next.

  13. On the Configure Analysis Service for OLAP cubes page, select Next.

  14. On the Configure Analysis Services credential page, select a domain account; select Domain account; specify the user name, password, and domain for the account; and select Test Credentials. After you receive a The credentials were accepted message, select Next.


    The account that you specify here must have administrator rights on the computer that hosts SSRS.

  15. On the Diagnostic and usage data page, indicate your preference for sharing your Service Manager diagnostic and usage data with Microsoft. As an option, select Privacy statement for System Center Service Manager, and select Next.

  16. On the Use Microsoft Update to help keep your computer secure and up-to-date page, indicate your preference for using Microsoft Update to check for Service Manager updates. Select Initiate machine wide Automatic update if you want Windows Update to check for updates. Select Next.

  17. On the Installation summary page, select Install.

  18. On the Setup completed successfully page, we recommend that you leave Open the Encryption Backup or Restore Wizard selected, and select Close. For more information about backing up the encryption key, see Completing Deployment by Backing Up the Encryption Key.

After the installation, do the following:

  1. Disable all the Data Warehouse jobs. To do this, open the Service Manager shell, and then run the following commands:

    $DW ='DWMS Servername'
    Get-scdwjob -Computername $DW | %{disable-scdwjobschedule -Computername $DW -jobname $_.Name}
  2. Make the required changes in the following PowerShell script based on the data source views in your environment, and then run the script by using elevated privileges:

    $SSAS_ServerName = "ssas servername" # - to be replaced with Analysis Service instance Name
    $Server = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server
    $Databases = $Server.Databases
    $DWASDB = $Databases["DWASDataBase"]
    #update DWDatamart dsv. Comment the below 3 commands if DWdatamart dsv is not present 
    $DWASDB.DataSourceViews["DwDataMart"].Schema.Tables["OperatingsystemDim"].Columns["PhysicalMemory"].DataType  =  [decimal] 
    $DWASDB.DataSourceViews["DwDataMart"].Schema.Tables["LogicalDiskDim"].Columns["Size"].DataType  =  [decimal] 
    #update CMDatamart dsv.Comment the below 2 commands if cmdatamart dsv is not present 
    $DWASDB.DataSourceViews["CMDataMart"].Schema.Tables["OperatingsystemDim"].Columns["PhysicalMemory"].DataType  =  [decimal] 
    #update OperatingsystemDim
    $DWASDB.Dimensions["OperatingsystemDim"].Attributes["PhysicalMemory"].KeyColumns[0].DataType =  [System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType]::Double 
    $DWASDB.Dimensions["OperatingsystemDim"].Update([Microsoft.AnalysisServices.UpdateOptions]::ExpandFull + [Microsoft.AnalysisServices.UpdateOptions]::AlterDependents)
    #update LogicalDiskDim 
    $DWASDB.Dimensions["LogicalDiskDim"].Attributes["Size"].KeyColumns[0].DataType =  [System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType]::Double 
    $DWASDB.Dimensions["LogicalDiskDim"].Update([Microsoft.AnalysisServices.UpdateOptions]::ExpandFull + [Microsoft.AnalysisServices.UpdateOptions]::AlterDependents) 
  3. Enable the job schedules by running the following commands:

    $DW ='DWMS Servername'
    Get-scdwjob -Computername $DW | %{enable-scdwjobschedule -Computername $DW -jobname $_.Name}
  4. Restart the Data Warehouse management server.

Validate the single-computer installation

You can use the following procedures to validate the single-computer installation of System Center - Service Manager.

Select the required tab for steps to validate the installation of:

Follow these steps to validate the Service Manager management server installation:

  1. On the physical computer that hosts the Service Manager management server, verify that the Program Files\Microsoft System Center <version>\Service Manager\ folder exists.

  2. Run services.msc, and then verify that the following services are installed, that they have a status of Started, and that the startup type is Automatic:

    • System Center Data Access Service
    • Microsoft Monitoring Agent
    • System Center Management Configuration

Next steps

To install Service Manager on two computers, which is a useful scenario for testing Service Manager in a lab environment, review Install Service Manager on two computers.