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Media Services offline streaming

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Azure Media Services will be retired June 30th, 2024. For more information, see the AMS Retirement Guide.

  • Your viewers might need to download content onto their phone or tablet for playback when they are disconnected from the Internet.
  • In some countries/regions, Internet availability and/or bandwidth is still limited. Users may choose to download content to watch it in higher resolutions.
  • Some content providers may disallow DRM license delivery beyond a country/region's border. If a user needs to travel abroad and still wants to watch content, offline download is needed.

Azure Media Services provides a set of well-designed content protection services for Microsoft PlayReady, Google Widevine*, Apple FairPlay Streaming, and AES-128 encryption.


Offline DRM is only billed for making a single request for a license when you download the content. Any errors are not billed.


Before you implement offline DRM for FairPlay on an iOS 10+ device:

  • Read Apple FairPlay license requirements and configuration
  • Obtain the FPS SDK from the Apple Developer Network. The FPS SDK contains two components:
    • The FPS Server SDK, which contains the Key Security Module (KSM), client samples, a specification, and a set of test vectors.
    • The FPS Deployment Pack, which contains the D function specification, along with instructions about how to generate the FPS Certificate customer-specific private key, and Application Secret Key. Apple issues the FPS Deployment Pack only to licensed content providers.
  • The .der/.cer certificate files you receive as part of the generation of the FPS certificate contain a public key and can be made available to the client. The private key (.pfx) should be secured in Azure Key Vault or another secure location.

Store a FairPlay Private Key (.pfx) in Azure Key Vault

The private key (.pfx) that you receive from Apple should be treated as a secure certificate and can be stored in the Azure Key Vault.

  • The .pfx certificate file should first be converted to base 64 text file by the admin
  • Once converted, this file can be stored in Azure DevOps Services as a secure text file.
  • The string can then be stored in Azure KeyVault manually as a "secret object", or as part of a deployment/build script for your solution. An example of storing the FairPlay private certificate in Azure KeyVault can be seen in the Gridwich project sample code
  • Optionally, store the password for the .pfx file as a secret in the key vault.

Example CLI script

To copy the base64 encoded private key file to the Azure KeyVault:

set -eu
echo key vault : $SHARED_KV_NAME
echo "Copying FairPlay certificate to key vault as secret"
az keyvault secret set --vault-name $SHARED_KV_NAME -n ams-fairPlay-certificate-b64 -f $(FairPlayCertificate.secureFilePath) --output none

Clone the sample

Clone the Media Services .Net samples.

git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/media-services-v3-dotnet-tutorials.git

Modify the code

Modify the code in Encrypt with DRM using .NET to add FairPlay configurations.

More information

For more information, see Content Protection in the FAQ.

Widevine is a service provided by Google Inc. and subject to the terms of service and Privacy Policy of Google, Inc.

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