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Update address and tax details

Appropriate roles: Global admin

Learn how to update details (for example, address information) for credit cards used to make membership purchases in the Microsoft Cloud AI Partner Program.

Terms used in this document:

  • Sold-to address: The address and the contact info of the organization or the individual, who is responsible for a billing account. It's displayed in all the invoices generated for the billing account.
  • Bill-to address: The address and the contact info of the organization or the individual, who is responsible for the invoices generated for a billing account.

Update address

  1. Sign in to Partner Center and select Membership.

  2. Select Membership offers.

  3. Select one of the memberships offers, then select Buy Now.

    Screenshot of the Membership offers page, with the Buy Now button in the Microsoft action pack subscription section.

    The Microsoft action pack subscription pane opens.

  4. Select the checkbox and select Accept agreement & place order.

    Screenshot of the Microsoft action pack subscription page, with the terms of usage at the bottom of the page.

    A payment pop-up appears.

  5. Select Pay by Microsoft Billing Profile, then select Proceed.

    Screenshot of the Choose a Payment Method screen, with Pay by Microsoft Billing Profile selected.

  6. In the checkout page, in the Address and Tax section, select Click here to view/update billing account details.

    Screenshot of the Checkout: Address and Tax screen, with 'Click here to view/update billing account details' selected.

    The Properties page for your organization opens in a new tab.

  7. In the Sold To section, select Update sold to.

    Screenshot of the billing details page for the fictitious company, Contoso.

    The Update Sold To flyout opens on the right side.

  8. Update the address and the contact info of the organization, and select Save. The address is validated and successfully updated.

    Screenshot of the Billing details screen, with the 'Update sold to' link highlighted, and the 'Update sold to' pane open.


    To update the company name, contact customer support.

Update tax ID

To update the tax ID, contact customer support.