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Suppress Word content controls in generated reports

To generate reports as Microsoft Word documents, you must design a template for the reports as a Word document. This template must contain Word content controls as placeholders for data that will be filled in at runtime. To use the Word document that is created as a template for your reports, you can configure a new Electronic reporting (ER) solution. The solution must include an ER configuration that contains an ER format component. This ER format must be configured to use the designed template for report generation.

In version 10.0.6 and later of Dynamics 365 Finance, you can configure formulas in your ER format to suppress some Word content controls in generated documents.

The following steps explain how a user who is assigned to the System administrator or Electronic reporting functional consultant role can configure an ER format that generates reports as Word files and suppresses some of the content controls in the generated reports that have been configured by using a Word template.

These steps can be completed in the GBSI company.


To complete these steps, you must first complete the steps in the following task guides:

When you complete the steps of these task guides, the following items are prepared:

  • A Sample worksheet report ER format that is configured to generate a document in Word format
  • A draft version of the Sample worksheet report ER format that is marked as Runnable
  • An Electronic method of payments that is configured to use the Sample worksheet report ER format for vendor payment processing

You must also download and save the following template for the sample report:

Review the downloaded Word template

  1. In the Word desktop application, open the SampleVendPaymDocReportBounded2.docx template file that you downloaded earlier.

  2. Verify that the template file contains a summary section that shows the total payment amounts for every currency code that has been met in the processed payments.

    • The summary section resides in a separate table of the Word document.
    • The first row of this table holds the table columns headings as the section header.
    • The second row of this table holds the repeating content control as the section details.
    • This content control is mapped to the SummaryLines field of the Report custom XML part.
    • Based on this mapping, the content control is associated with the SummaryLines element of the editable ER format.


    The repeating content control is tagged by the SummaryLines key that matches the field of the custom XML part that it has been mapped to.

    Word template layout.

Select the existing ER report configuration

For the following steps, you will reuse the existing ER configuration that you configured when you completed the steps in the previously mentioned task guides.

  1. Go to Organization administration > Workspaces > Electronic reporting.
  2. Select Reporting configurations.
  3. On the Configurations page, in the configuration tree, expand Payment model, and select Sample worksheet report.
  4. Select Designer to edit the draft version of the selected ER format.

Replace the current template with the new template

Currently, the SampleVendPaymDocReportBounded.docx file is used as a template to generate the output in Word format. In the following steps, you will replace this Word template with the new Word template, SampleVendPaymDocReportBounded2.docx, that you downloaded earlier.

  1. On the Format designer page, select Attachments.
  2. On the Attachments page, select Delete to remove the existing template.
  3. Select Yes to confirm the deletion.
  4. Select New > File.
  5. Select Browse, and browse to and select the SampleVendPaymDocReportBounded2.docx file that you downloaded earlier.
  6. Select OK.
  7. Close the Attachments page.
  8. On the Format designer page, in the Template field, enter or select the SampleVendPaymDocReportBounded2.docx file.

Run the format to create Word output

  1. Go to Accounts payable > Payments > Payment journal.

  2. On the Vendor payments page, on the List tab, select all the payments.

  3. Select Payment status > None.

  4. Select Generate payments.

  5. In the Method of payment field, select Electronic.

  6. In the Bank account field, select GBSI OPER.

  7. Select OK.

  8. In the Electronic report parameters dialog box, select OK, and analyze the generated output.

    Payments for processing on the Vendor payments page.

    The output is presented in Word format and contains the summary section.

Configure the editable format to suppress the summary section

If you want to suppress the summary section in a generated document, based on the request of a user who runs this ER format, you must modify the editable ER format.

  1. Go to Organization administration > Workspaces > Electronic reporting, and open the draft version of the ER format for editing.

  2. Select Reporting configurations.

  3. On the Configurations page, in the configuration tree, expand Payment model > Sample worksheet report.

  4. Select Designer.

  5. On the Format designer page, expand Word, and select SummaryLines.

  6. On the Mapping tab, add a new data source to ask the user, at runtime, whether the summary section should be suppressed:

    1. Select Add root.
    2. In the Add data source dialog box, select General\User input parameter to open the 'User input parameter' data source properties dialog box.
    3. In the Name field, enter uipSuppress.
    4. In the Label field, enter Suppress summary section.
    5. In the Operations data type name field, select or enter NoYes.
    6. Select OK.
  7. Add a new data source of the NoYes application enumeration type:

    1. Select Add root.
    2. In the Add data source dialog box, select Dynamics 365 for Operations\Enumeration to open the 'Enumeration' data source properties dialog box.
    3. In the Name field, enter enumNoYes.
    4. In the Label field, enter Suppress options.
    5. In the Operations data type name field, select or enter NoYes.
    6. Select OK.
  8. For the selected SummaryLines format element, configure the formula to specify when the Word content control that is associated with the selected format element should be suppressed:

    1. On the Mapping tab, in the Removed section, select Edit to open the Formula designer page.

    2. In the Formula field, enter the formula uipSuppress = enumNoYes.Yes.

    3. Select Save, and close the Formula designer page.


      This formula will be applied to a generated document after all other format elements are run. To apply this formula, a Word content control that is tagged as a format element that the formula is configured for (SummaryLines in this case) is found in a generated document. That content control is then completely removed, together with the row in the Word table that holds it. The details row of the summary section is removed from the generated document.

      At design time, you might configure the Removed formula for a format element, even though no content control in the Word template that you're using has a tag that matches the name of a format element that the Removed property is configured for. When you validate the format at design time, you receive a warning about this inconsistency.

      At runtime, an exception is thrown if no content control in the Word template that you're using has a tag that matches the name of a format element that the Removed property is configured for.

    4. On the Mapping tab, in the Removed section, set the With parent option to Yes.


      You must set this option to Yes to remove the whole Word table as the parent object of the row that holds the summary section details. If you set this option to No, the section header row remains in the generated document.

  9. Select Save to save your changes to the editable format.

    The generated output in Word format.

Run the modified format to create Word output

  1. Go to Accounts payable > Payments > Payment journal.

  2. Select the payment journal that you created, and then select Lines.

  3. On the Vendor payments page, select all the rows, and then select Payment status > None.

  4. Select Generate payments.

  5. In the Method of payment field, select Electronic.

  6. In the Bank account field, select GBSI OPER.

  7. Select OK.

  8. In the Electronic report parameters dialog box, in the Suppress summary section field, select Yes.

  9. Select OK, and analyze the generated output.

    Generated output in Word format.

    Notice that the output doesn't contain the summary section, because it has been suppressed.

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