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ER Design a configuration for generating reports in OPENXML format (November 2016)

This article explains how a user in the System Administrator or Electronic Reporting Developer role can create a new Electronic reporting (ER) configuration that contains a template for generating electronic documents in OPENXML format. This configuration will be used for processing vendor payments.

In this example, you will create a configuration for sample company, Litware, Inc. These steps can be performed in GBSI company.

To complete these steps, you must first complete the steps in the "Create a configuration provider and mark it as active" procedure. You must also have an Excel file which will be imported when creating the template. This file can be accessed from the Template of Payment Report.

Upload the Payments data model configuration

  1. In the navigation pane, go to Modules > Organization administration > Workspaces > Electronic reporting.
  2. In the list, mark the configuration provider for sample company, Litware, Inc. If you don't see this configuration provider, you must first complete the steps in Create configuration providers and mark them as active.
  3. Select Set active.
  4. Select Repositories. Select a repository for the Operations Resources type, if available. If its available, skip the following steps about creating a new repository.
  5. Select Add to open the drop dialog.
  6. In the Configuration repository type field, enter Operations resourcesdd.
  7. Select Create repository.
  8. Select OK.
  9. Select Open.
  10. In the tree, select Payment model.
  11. Select Import. Import this data model. It will be used as a data source in a new format configuration. Skip this step if this configuration has been already imported.
  12. Select Yes.
  13. Close the pages until you return to the Electronic reporting page.

Create a new format configuration

  1. Select Reporting configurations.
  2. In the tree, select Payment model.
  3. Select Create configuration to open the drop dialog.
  4. In the New field, enter Format based on data model PaymentModel. Create a format that is based on the PaymentModel data model.
  5. In the Name field, type Sample worksheet report. Sample worksheet report
  6. In the Description field, type Sample worksheet report for vendors' payments. Sample worksheet report for vendors' payments.
  7. In the Data model definition field, enter or select a value. Select the CustomerCreditTransferInitiation definition.
  8. Select Create configuration.

Design a new document in OPENXML worksheet format

  1. In the tree, select Payment model\Sample worksheet report.
  2. Select Designer.
  3. On the Action Pane, select Import.
  4. Select Import from Excel.
  5. Select Attachments. Attach the existing Excel document as a template.
  6. Select New.
  7. Select File. Point to the existing Excel file.
  8. Close the page.
  9. In the Template field, enter or select a value. Select the attached Excel file to be used as a template.
  10. Select OK. Note that ER format components have been created in the designing format based on the structure of the referring MS Excel document (named ranges).

Create a new data source to calculate totals by currency codes

  1. Select the Mapping tab.
  2. Select Add root to open the drop dialog.
  3. In the tree, select Functions\Group by.
  4. In the Name field, type PaymentByCurrency.
  5. Select Edit group by.
  6. In the tree, expand model, then select model\Payments.
  7. Select Add field to.
  8. Select What to group.
  9. In the tree, expand model\Payments, then select model\Payments\Currency.
  10. Select Add field to.
  11. Select Grouped fields.
  12. In the tree, select model\Payments\Instructed Amount(InstructedAmount).
  13. Select Add field to, then select Aggregation fields.
  14. In the Method field, select an option. Select the SUM aggregation function.
  15. In the Name field, type TotalInstructuredAmount.
  16. Select Save.
  17. Close the page.
  18. Select OK.

Map format components to data sources

  1. In the tree, select model\Payments\Initiating Party(InitiatingParty)\Name and Excel\ReportHeader\CompanyName.
  2. Select Bind.
  3. In the tree, select model\Payments\Creditor\Identification\Source ID(SourceID) and Excel\PaymLines\VendAccountName.
  4. Select Bind.
  5. In the tree, select model\Payments\Creditor\Name and Excel\PaymLines\VendName.
  6. Select Bind.
  7. In the tree, select model\Payments\Creditor Agent(CreditorAgent)\Name and Excel\PaymLines\Bank.
  8. Select Bind.
  9. In the tree, select model\Payments\Creditor Agent(CreditorAgent)\Routing Number(RoutingNumber) and Excel\PaymLines\RoutingNumber.
  10. Select Bind.
  11. In the tree, select model\Payments\Creditor Account(CreditorAccount)\Identification\Number and Excel\PaymLines\AccountNumber.
  12. Select Bind.
  13. In the tree, select model\Payments\Instructed Amount(InstructedAmount) and Excel\PaymLines\Debit.
  14. Select Bind.
  15. In the tree, select model\Payments\Currency and Excel\PaymLines\Currency.
  16. Select Bind.
  17. In the tree, select PaymentByCurrency\grouped\Currency and Excel\SummaryLines\SummaryCurrency.
  18. Select Bind.
  19. In the tree, select PaymentByCurrency\aggregated\TotalInstructuredAmount and Excel\SummaryLines\SummaryAmount.
  20. Select Bind.
  21. In the tree, select PaymentByCurrency and Excel\SummaryLines.
  22. Select Bind.
  23. In the tree, select model\Payments and Excel\PaymLines.
  24. Select Bind.
  25. Select Save, then close the page.

Use the created configuration for payments processing

  1. Select Change status.
  2. Select Complete.
  3. Select OK.
  4. In the navigation pane, go to Modules > Accounts payable > Payment setup > Methods of payment.
  5. Use the Quick Filter to filter on the Method of payment field with a value of Electronic.
  6. Select Edit.
  7. Expand the File formats section.
  8. Select Yes in the Generic electronic reporting field.
  9. In the Export format configuration field, enter or select a value. Select the Sample worksheet report configuration.
  10. Select Save.
  11. Close the page.

Use the created configuration for testing of payment journals processing

  1. In the navigation pane, go to Modules > Accounts payable > Payments > Payment journal.
  2. Select New to create a new payment journal.
  3. In the Name field, type VendPay.
  4. Select Lines.
  5. In the Account field, specify the values GB_SI_000001.
  6. Set Debit to 1000.
  7. Select New.
  8. In the Account field, specify the values GB_SI_000005.
  9. Set Debit to 2000.
  10. In the Currency field, type EUR.
  11. In the Offset account field, specify the values GBSI OPER.
  12. In the Method of payment field, type Electronic.
  13. Select Save.
  14. Select Generate payments.
  15. In the Method of payment field, type Electronic.
  16. In the File name field, type Payments.
  17. In the Bank account field, type GBSI OPER.
  18. Select OK, then select OK again. Review the created worksheet, including details of payment lines as well as totals for each currency code used in this payment message.