
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Socket Class


Implements the Berkeley sockets interface.

public ref class Socket : IDisposable
public class Socket : IDisposable
type Socket = class
    interface IDisposable
Public Class Socket
Implements IDisposable


The following example shows how the Socket class can be used to send data to an HTTP server, printing the ASCII response to the standard output. This example blocks the calling thread until the entire page is received.

private static void SendHttpRequest(Uri? uri = null, int port = 80)
    uri ??= new Uri("http://example.com");

    // Construct a minimalistic HTTP/1.1 request
    byte[] requestBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(@$"GET {uri.AbsoluteUri} HTTP/1.0
Host: {uri.Host}
Connection: Close


    // Create and connect a dual-stack socket
    using Socket socket = new Socket(SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
    socket.Connect(uri.Host, port);

    // Send the request.
    // For the tiny amount of data in this example, the first call to Send() will likely deliver the buffer completely,
    // however this is not guaranteed to happen for larger real-life buffers.
    // The best practice is to iterate until all the data is sent.
    int bytesSent = 0;
    while (bytesSent < requestBytes.Length)
        bytesSent += socket.Send(requestBytes, bytesSent, requestBytes.Length - bytesSent, SocketFlags.None);

    // Do minimalistic buffering assuming ASCII response
    byte[] responseBytes = new byte[256];
    char[] responseChars = new char[256];

    while (true)
        int bytesReceived = socket.Receive(responseBytes);

        // Receiving 0 bytes means EOF has been reached
        if (bytesReceived == 0) break;

        // Convert byteCount bytes to ASCII characters using the 'responseChars' buffer as destination
        int charCount = Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(responseBytes, 0, bytesReceived, responseChars, 0);

        // Print the contents of the 'responseChars' buffer to Console.Out
        Console.Out.Write(responseChars, 0, charCount);

The next example demonstrates the same HTTP GET scenario, using Task-based asynchronous APIs, while also forwarding a CancellationToken to the asynchronous methods, making the entire operation cancellable.


Socket's async methods that do not take a CancellationToken typically return a Task, which is allocated on the heap. Cancellable overloads are always ValueTask-returning; using them helps reducing allocations in high-performance code.

private static async Task SendHttpRequestAsync(Uri? uri = null, int port = 80, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    uri ??= new Uri("http://example.com");

    // Construct a minimalistic HTTP/1.1 request
    byte[] requestBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(@$"GET {uri.AbsoluteUri} HTTP/1.1
Host: {uri.Host}
Connection: Close


    // Create and connect a dual-stack socket
    using Socket socket = new Socket(SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
    await socket.ConnectAsync(uri.Host, port, cancellationToken);

    // Send the request.
    // For the tiny amount of data in this example, the first call to SendAsync() will likely deliver the buffer completely,
    // however this is not guaranteed to happen for larger real-life buffers.
    // The best practice is to iterate until all the data is sent.
    int bytesSent = 0;
    while (bytesSent < requestBytes.Length)
        bytesSent += await socket.SendAsync(requestBytes.AsMemory(bytesSent), SocketFlags.None);

    // Do minimalistic buffering assuming ASCII response
    byte[] responseBytes = new byte[256];
    char[] responseChars = new char[256];

    while (true)
        int bytesReceived = await socket.ReceiveAsync(responseBytes, SocketFlags.None, cancellationToken);

        // Receiving 0 bytes means EOF has been reached
        if (bytesReceived == 0) break;

        // Convert byteCount bytes to ASCII characters using the 'responseChars' buffer as destination
        int charCount = Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(responseBytes, 0, bytesReceived, responseChars, 0);

        // Print the contents of the 'responseChars' buffer to Console.Out
        await Console.Out.WriteAsync(responseChars.AsMemory(0, charCount), cancellationToken);


For more information about this API, see Supplemental API remarks for Socket.


Socket(AddressFamily, SocketType, ProtocolType)

Initializes a new instance of the Socket class using the specified address family, socket type and protocol.


Initializes a new instance of the Socket class for the specified socket handle.


Initializes a new instance of the Socket class using the specified value returned from DuplicateAndClose(Int32).

Socket(SocketType, ProtocolType)

Initializes a new instance of the Socket class using the specified socket type and protocol. If the operating system supports IPv6, this constructor creates a dual-mode socket; otherwise, it creates an IPv4 socket.



Gets the address family of the Socket.


Gets the amount of data that has been received from the network and is available to be read.


Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Socket is in blocking mode.


Gets a value that indicates whether a Socket is connected to a remote host as of the last Send or Receive operation.


Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the Socket allows Internet Protocol (IP) datagrams to be fragmented.


Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the Socket is a dual-mode socket used for both IPv4 and IPv6.


Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the Socket can send broadcast packets.


Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Socket allows only one process to bind to a port.


Gets the operating system handle for the Socket.


Gets a value that indicates whether the Socket is bound to a specific local port.


Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the Socket will delay closing a socket in an attempt to send all pending data.


Gets the local endpoint.


Gets or sets a value that specifies whether outgoing multicast packets are delivered to the sending application.


Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the stream Socket is using the Nagle algorithm.


Indicates whether the underlying operating system and network adaptors support Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4).


Indicates whether the underlying operating system and network adaptors support Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).


Indicates whether the underlying operating system support the Unix domain sockets.


Gets the protocol type of the Socket.


Gets or sets a value that specifies the size of the receive buffer of the Socket.


Gets or sets a value that specifies the amount of time after which a synchronous Receive call will time out.


Gets the remote endpoint.


Gets a SafeSocketHandle that represents the socket handle that the current Socket object encapsulates.


Gets or sets a value that specifies the size of the send buffer of the Socket.


Gets or sets a value that specifies the amount of time after which a synchronous Send call will time out.


Gets the type of the Socket.


Gets a value indicating whether IPv4 support is available and enabled on the current host.


Gets a value that indicates whether the Framework supports IPv6 for certain obsolete Dns members.


Gets or sets a value that specifies the Time To Live (TTL) value of Internet Protocol (IP) packets sent by the Socket.


Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the socket should only use Overlapped I/O mode. On .NET 5+ (including .NET Core versions), the value is always false.



Creates a new Socket for a newly created connection.


Accepts an incoming connection.


Accepts an incoming connection.

AcceptAsync(Socket, CancellationToken)

Accepts an incoming connection.


Accepts an incoming connection.


Begins an asynchronous operation to accept an incoming connection attempt.

BeginAccept(AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins an asynchronous operation to accept an incoming connection attempt.

BeginAccept(Int32, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins an asynchronous operation to accept an incoming connection attempt and receives the first block of data sent by the client application.

BeginAccept(Socket, Int32, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins an asynchronous operation to accept an incoming connection attempt from a specified socket and receives the first block of data sent by the client application.

BeginConnect(EndPoint, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins an asynchronous request for a remote host connection.

BeginConnect(IPAddress, Int32, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins an asynchronous request for a remote host connection. The host is specified by an IPAddress and a port number.

BeginConnect(IPAddress[], Int32, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins an asynchronous request for a remote host connection. The host is specified by an IPAddress array and a port number.

BeginConnect(String, Int32, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins an asynchronous request for a remote host connection. The host is specified by a host name and a port number.

BeginDisconnect(Boolean, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins an asynchronous request to disconnect from a remote endpoint.

BeginReceive(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins to asynchronously receive data from a connected Socket.

BeginReceive(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, SocketError, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins to asynchronously receive data from a connected Socket.

BeginReceive(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SocketFlags, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins to asynchronously receive data from a connected Socket.

BeginReceive(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SocketFlags, SocketError, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins to asynchronously receive data from a connected Socket.

BeginReceiveFrom(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, EndPoint, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins to asynchronously receive data from a specified network device.

BeginReceiveMessageFrom(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, EndPoint, AsyncCallback, Object)

Begins to asynchronously receive the specified number of bytes of data into the specified location of the data buffer, using the specified SocketFlags, and stores the endpoint and packet information.

BeginSend(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, AsyncCallback, Object)

Sends data asynchronously to a connected Socket.

BeginSend(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, SocketError, AsyncCallback, Object)

Sends data asynchronously to a connected Socket.

BeginSend(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SocketFlags, AsyncCallback, Object)

Sends data asynchronously to a connected Socket.

BeginSend(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SocketFlags, SocketError, AsyncCallback, Object)

Sends data asynchronously to a connected Socket.

BeginSendFile(String, AsyncCallback, Object)

Sends the file fileName to a connected Socket object using the UseDefaultWorkerThread flag.

BeginSendFile(String, Byte[], Byte[], TransmitFileOptions, AsyncCallback, Object)

Sends a file and buffers of data asynchronously to a connected Socket object.

BeginSendTo(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, EndPoint, AsyncCallback, Object)

Sends data asynchronously to a specific remote host.


Associates a Socket with a local endpoint.


Cancels an asynchronous request for a remote host connection.


Closes the Socket connection and releases all associated resources.


Closes the Socket connection and releases all associated resources with a specified timeout to allow queued data to be sent.


Establishes a connection to a remote host.

Connect(IPAddress, Int32)

Establishes a connection to a remote host. The host is specified by an IP address and a port number.

Connect(IPAddress[], Int32)

Establishes a connection to a remote host. The host is specified by an array of IP addresses and a port number.

Connect(String, Int32)

Establishes a connection to a remote host. The host is specified by a host name and a port number.

ConnectAsync(EndPoint, CancellationToken)

Establishes a connection to a remote host.


Establishes a connection to a remote host.

ConnectAsync(IPAddress, Int32, CancellationToken)

Establishes a connection to a remote host.

ConnectAsync(IPAddress, Int32)

Establishes a connection to a remote host.

ConnectAsync(IPAddress[], Int32, CancellationToken)

Establishes a connection to a remote host.

ConnectAsync(IPAddress[], Int32)

Establishes a connection to a remote host.


Begins an asynchronous request for a connection to a remote host.

ConnectAsync(SocketType, ProtocolType, SocketAsyncEventArgs)

Begins an asynchronous request for a connection to a remote host.

ConnectAsync(String, Int32, CancellationToken)

Establishes a connection to a remote host.

ConnectAsync(String, Int32)

Establishes a connection to a remote host.


Closes the socket connection and allows reuse of the socket.

DisconnectAsync(Boolean, CancellationToken)

Disconnects a connected socket from the remote host.


Begins an asynchronous request to disconnect from a remote endpoint.


Releases all resources used by the current instance of the Socket class.


Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Socket, and optionally disposes of the managed resources.


Duplicates the socket reference for the target process, and closes the socket for this process.

EndAccept(Byte[], IAsyncResult)

Asynchronously accepts an incoming connection attempt and creates a new Socket object to handle remote host communication. This method returns a buffer that contains the initial data transferred.

EndAccept(Byte[], Int32, IAsyncResult)

Asynchronously accepts an incoming connection attempt and creates a new Socket object to handle remote host communication. This method returns a buffer that contains the initial data and the number of bytes transferred.


Asynchronously accepts an incoming connection attempt and creates a new Socket to handle remote host communication.


Ends a pending asynchronous connection request.


Ends a pending asynchronous disconnect request.

EndReceive(IAsyncResult, SocketError)

Ends a pending asynchronous read.


Ends a pending asynchronous read.

EndReceiveFrom(IAsyncResult, EndPoint)

Ends a pending asynchronous read from a specific endpoint.

EndReceiveMessageFrom(IAsyncResult, SocketFlags, EndPoint, IPPacketInformation)

Ends a pending asynchronous read from a specific endpoint. This method also reveals more information about the packet than EndReceiveFrom(IAsyncResult, EndPoint).

EndSend(IAsyncResult, SocketError)

Ends a pending asynchronous send.


Ends a pending asynchronous send.


Ends a pending asynchronous send of a file.


Ends a pending asynchronous send to a specific location.


Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Frees resources used by the Socket class.


Returns a hash value for a Socket instance.


Serves as the default hash function.

(Inherited from Object)
GetRawSocketOption(Int32, Int32, Span<Byte>)

Gets a socket option value using platform-specific level and name identifiers.

GetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName, Byte[])

Returns the specified Socket option setting, represented as a byte array.

GetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName, Int32)

Returns the value of the specified Socket option in an array.

GetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName)

Returns the value of a specified Socket option, represented as an object.


Gets the Type of the current instance.

(Inherited from Object)
IOControl(Int32, Byte[], Byte[])

Sets low-level operating modes for the Socket using numerical control codes.

IOControl(IOControlCode, Byte[], Byte[])

Sets low-level operating modes for the Socket using the IOControlCode enumeration to specify control codes.


Places a Socket in a listening state.


Places a Socket in a listening state.


Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

(Inherited from Object)
Poll(Int32, SelectMode)

Determines the status of the Socket.

Poll(TimeSpan, SelectMode)

Determines the status of the Socket.

Receive(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, SocketError)

Receives data from a bound Socket into a receive buffer, using the specified SocketFlags.

Receive(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags)

Receives the specified number of bytes from a bound Socket into the specified offset position of the receive buffer, using the specified SocketFlags.

Receive(Byte[], Int32, SocketFlags)

Receives the specified number of bytes of data from a bound Socket into a receive buffer, using the specified SocketFlags.

Receive(Byte[], SocketFlags)

Receives data from a bound Socket into a receive buffer, using the specified SocketFlags.


Receives data from a bound Socket into a receive buffer.

Receive(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SocketFlags, SocketError)

Receives data from a bound Socket into the list of receive buffers, using the specified SocketFlags.

Receive(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SocketFlags)

Receives data from a bound Socket into the list of receive buffers, using the specified SocketFlags.


Receives data from a bound Socket into the list of receive buffers.

Receive(Span<Byte>, SocketFlags, SocketError)

Receives data from a bound Socket into a receive buffer, using the specified SocketFlags.

Receive(Span<Byte>, SocketFlags)

Receives data from a bound Socket into a receive buffer, using the specified SocketFlags.


Receives data from a bound Socket into a receive buffer.

ReceiveAsync(ArraySegment<Byte>, SocketFlags)

Receives data from a connected socket.


Receives data from a connected socket.

ReceiveAsync(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SocketFlags)

Receives data from a connected socket.


Receives data from a connected socket.

ReceiveAsync(Memory<Byte>, CancellationToken)

Receives data from a connected socket.

ReceiveAsync(Memory<Byte>, SocketFlags, CancellationToken)

Receives data from a connected socket.


Begins an asynchronous request to receive data from a connected Socket object.

ReceiveFrom(Byte[], EndPoint)

Receives a datagram into the data buffer and stores the endpoint.

ReceiveFrom(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Receives the specified number of bytes of data into the specified location of the data buffer, using the specified SocketFlags, and stores the endpoint.

ReceiveFrom(Byte[], Int32, SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Receives the specified number of bytes into the data buffer, using the specified SocketFlags, and stores the endpoint.

ReceiveFrom(Byte[], SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Receives a datagram into the data buffer, using the specified SocketFlags, and stores the endpoint.

ReceiveFrom(Span<Byte>, EndPoint)

Receives a datagram into the data buffer and stores the endpoint.

ReceiveFrom(Span<Byte>, SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Receives a datagram into the data buffer, using the specified SocketFlags, and stores the endpoint.

ReceiveFrom(Span<Byte>, SocketFlags, SocketAddress)

Receives a datagram into the data buffer, using the specified SocketFlags, and stores the endpoint.

ReceiveFromAsync(ArraySegment<Byte>, EndPoint)

Receives data and returns the endpoint of the sending host.

ReceiveFromAsync(ArraySegment<Byte>, SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Receives data and returns the endpoint of the sending host.

ReceiveFromAsync(Memory<Byte>, EndPoint, CancellationToken)

Receives data and returns the endpoint of the sending host.

ReceiveFromAsync(Memory<Byte>, SocketFlags, EndPoint, CancellationToken)

Receives data and returns the endpoint of the sending host.

ReceiveFromAsync(Memory<Byte>, SocketFlags, SocketAddress, CancellationToken)

Receives a datagram into the data buffer, using the specified SocketFlags, and stores the endpoint.


Begins to asynchronously receive data from a specified network device.

ReceiveMessageFrom(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, EndPoint, IPPacketInformation)

Receives the specified number of bytes of data into the specified location of the data buffer, using the specified SocketFlags, and stores the endpoint and packet information.

ReceiveMessageFrom(Span<Byte>, SocketFlags, EndPoint, IPPacketInformation)

Receives the specified number of bytes of data into the specified location of the data buffer, using the specified socketFlags, and stores the endpoint and packet information.

ReceiveMessageFromAsync(ArraySegment<Byte>, EndPoint)

Receives data and returns additional information about the sender of the message.

ReceiveMessageFromAsync(ArraySegment<Byte>, SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Receives data and returns additional information about the sender of the message.

ReceiveMessageFromAsync(Memory<Byte>, EndPoint, CancellationToken)

Receives data and returns additional information about the sender of the message.

ReceiveMessageFromAsync(Memory<Byte>, SocketFlags, EndPoint, CancellationToken)

Receives data and returns additional information about the sender of the message.


Begins to asynchronously receive the specified number of bytes of data into the specified location in the data buffer, using the specified SocketFlags, and stores the endpoint and packet information.

Select(IList, IList, IList, Int32)

Determines the status of one or more sockets.

Select(IList, IList, IList, TimeSpan)

Determines the status of one or more sockets.

Send(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, SocketError)

Sends the specified number of bytes of data to a connected Socket, starting at the specified offset, and using the specified SocketFlags.

Send(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags)

Sends the specified number of bytes of data to a connected Socket, starting at the specified offset, and using the specified SocketFlags.

Send(Byte[], Int32, SocketFlags)

Sends the specified number of bytes of data to a connected Socket, using the specified SocketFlags.

Send(Byte[], SocketFlags)

Sends data to a connected Socket using the specified SocketFlags.


Sends data to a connected Socket.

Send(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SocketFlags, SocketError)

Sends the set of buffers in the list to a connected Socket, using the specified SocketFlags.

Send(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SocketFlags)

Sends the set of buffers in the list to a connected Socket, using the specified SocketFlags.


Sends the set of buffers in the list to a connected Socket.

Send(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, SocketFlags, SocketError)

Sends data to a connected Socket using the specified SocketFlags.

Send(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, SocketFlags)

Sends data to a connected Socket using the specified SocketFlags.


Sends data to a connected Socket.

SendAsync(ArraySegment<Byte>, SocketFlags)

Sends data on a connected socket.


Sends data on a connected socket.

SendAsync(IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SocketFlags)

Sends data on a connected socket.


Sends data on a connected socket.

SendAsync(ReadOnlyMemory<Byte>, CancellationToken)

Sends data on a connected socket.

SendAsync(ReadOnlyMemory<Byte>, SocketFlags, CancellationToken)

Sends data on a connected socket.


Sends data asynchronously to a connected Socket object.

SendFile(String, Byte[], Byte[], TransmitFileOptions)

Sends the file fileName and buffers of data to a connected Socket object using the specified TransmitFileOptions value.

SendFile(String, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, TransmitFileOptions)

Sends the file fileName and buffers of data to a connected Socket object using the specified TransmitFileOptions value.


Sends the file fileName to a connected Socket object with the UseDefaultWorkerThread transmit flag.

SendFileAsync(String, CancellationToken)

Sends the file fileName to a connected Socket object.

SendFileAsync(String, ReadOnlyMemory<Byte>, ReadOnlyMemory<Byte>, TransmitFileOptions, CancellationToken)

Sends the file fileName and buffers of data to a connected Socket object using the specified TransmitFileOptions value.


Sends a collection of files or in memory data buffers asynchronously to a connected Socket object.

SendTo(Byte[], EndPoint)

Sends data to the specified endpoint.

SendTo(Byte[], Int32, Int32, SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Sends the specified number of bytes of data to the specified endpoint, starting at the specified location in the buffer, and using the specified SocketFlags.

SendTo(Byte[], Int32, SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Sends the specified number of bytes of data to the specified endpoint using the specified SocketFlags.

SendTo(Byte[], SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Sends data to a specific endpoint using the specified SocketFlags.

SendTo(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, EndPoint)

Sends data to the specified endpoint.

SendTo(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Sends data to a specific endpoint using the specified SocketFlags.

SendTo(ReadOnlySpan<Byte>, SocketFlags, SocketAddress)

Sends data to a specific endpoint using the specified SocketFlags.

SendToAsync(ArraySegment<Byte>, EndPoint)

Sends data to the specified remote host.

SendToAsync(ArraySegment<Byte>, SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Sends data to the specified remote host.

SendToAsync(ReadOnlyMemory<Byte>, EndPoint, CancellationToken)

Sends data to the specified remote host.

SendToAsync(ReadOnlyMemory<Byte>, SocketFlags, EndPoint, CancellationToken)

Sends data to the specified remote host.

SendToAsync(ReadOnlyMemory<Byte>, SocketFlags, SocketAddress, CancellationToken)

Sends data to a specific endpoint using the specified SocketFlags.


Sends data asynchronously to a specific remote host.


Sets the IP protection level on a socket.

SetRawSocketOption(Int32, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<Byte>)

Sets a socket option value using platform-specific level and name identifiers.

SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName, Boolean)

Sets the specified Socket option to the specified Boolean value.

SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName, Byte[])

Sets the specified Socket option to the specified value, represented as a byte array.

SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName, Int32)

Sets the specified Socket option to the specified integer value.

SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName, Object)

Sets the specified Socket option to the specified value, represented as an object.


Disables sends and receives on a Socket.


Returns a string that represents the current object.

(Inherited from Object)

Explicit Interface Implementations


This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Releases all resources used by the Socket.

Extension Methods

AcceptAsync(Socket, Socket)

Performs an asynchronous operation on to accept an incoming connection attempt on the socket.


Performs an asynchronous operation on to accept an incoming connection attempt on the socket.

ConnectAsync(Socket, EndPoint, CancellationToken)

Establishes a connection to a remote host.

ConnectAsync(Socket, EndPoint)

Establishes a connection to a remote host.

ConnectAsync(Socket, IPAddress, Int32, CancellationToken)

Establishes a connection to a remote host, which is specified by an IP address and a port number.

ConnectAsync(Socket, IPAddress, Int32)

Establishes a connection to a remote host. The host is specified by an IP address and a port number.

ConnectAsync(Socket, IPAddress[], Int32, CancellationToken)

Establishes a connection to a remote host, which is specified by an array of IP addresses and a port number.

ConnectAsync(Socket, IPAddress[], Int32)

Establishes a connection to a remote host. The host is specified by an array of IP addresses and a port number.

ConnectAsync(Socket, String, Int32, CancellationToken)

Establishes a connection to a remote host, which is specified by a host name and a port number.

ConnectAsync(Socket, String, Int32)

Establishes a connection to a remote host. The host is specified by a host name and a port number.

ReceiveAsync(Socket, ArraySegment<Byte>, SocketFlags)

Receives data from a connected socket.

ReceiveAsync(Socket, IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SocketFlags)

Receives data from a connected socket.

ReceiveAsync(Socket, Memory<Byte>, SocketFlags, CancellationToken)

Receives data from a connected socket.

ReceiveFromAsync(Socket, ArraySegment<Byte>, SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Receives data from a specified network device.

ReceiveMessageFromAsync(Socket, ArraySegment<Byte>, SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Receives the specified number of bytes of data into the specified location of the data buffer, using the specified SocketFlags, and stores the endpoint and packet information.

SendAsync(Socket, ArraySegment<Byte>, SocketFlags)

Sends data to a connected socket.

SendAsync(Socket, IList<ArraySegment<Byte>>, SocketFlags)

Sends data to a connected socket.

SendAsync(Socket, ReadOnlyMemory<Byte>, SocketFlags, CancellationToken)

Sends data to a connected socket.

SendToAsync(Socket, ArraySegment<Byte>, SocketFlags, EndPoint)

Sends data asynchronously to a specific remote host.

Applies to

Thread Safety

It is safe to perform a send and a receive operation simultaneously on a Socket instance, but it's not recommended to issue multiple send or multiple receive calls concurrently. Depending on the underlying platform implementation, this may lead to unintended data interleaving for large or multi-buffer sends or receives.

See also