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az support in-subscription tickets


This reference is part of the support extension for the Azure CLI (version 2.57.0 or higher). The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az support in-subscription tickets command. Learn more about extensions.

Create and manage Azure support ticket with a subscription.


Name Description Type Status
az support in-subscription tickets create

Creates a new support ticket for Quota increase, Technical, Billing, and Subscription Management issues for the specified subscription.

Extension GA
az support in-subscription tickets list

Lists all the support tickets for an Azure subscription. You can also filter the support tickets by Status, CreatedDate, ServiceId, and ProblemClassificationId using the $filter parameter. Output will be a paged result with nextLink, using which you can retrieve the next set of support tickets.

Support ticket data is available for 18 months after ticket creation. If a ticket was created more than 18 months ago, a request for data might cause an error. Default is CreatedDate >= one week.

Extension GA
az support in-subscription tickets show

Get ticket details for an Azure subscription. Support ticket data is available for 18 months after ticket creation. If a ticket was created more than 18 months ago, a request for data might cause an error.

Extension GA
az support in-subscription tickets update

Update API allows you to update the severity level, ticket status, advanced diagnostic consent, secondary consent, and your contact information in the support ticket.

Note: The severity levels cannot be changed if a support ticket is actively being worked upon by an Azure support engineer. In such a case, contact your support engineer to request severity update by adding a new communication using the Communications API.

Extension GA

az support in-subscription tickets create

Creates a new support ticket for Quota increase, Technical, Billing, and Subscription Management issues for the specified subscription.

az support in-subscription tickets create --advanced-diagnostic-consent {No, Yes}
                                          --contact-method {email, phone}
                                          --severity {critical, highestcriticalimpact, minimal, moderate}
                                          [--no-wait {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]
                                          [--require-24-by-7-response {0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes}]


Create a ticket for Billing related issues

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "Foo" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "Bar" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "BillingTicketDescription" --advanced-diagnostic-consent "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/BillingServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/BillingProblemClassificationNameGuid" --severity "minimal" --ticket-name "BillingTestTicketName" --title "BillingTicketTitle"

Create a ticket for Subscription Management related issues.

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "Foo" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "Bar" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "SubMgmtTicketDescription" --advanced-diagnostic-consent "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/SubMgmtServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/SubMgmtProblemClassificationNameGuid" --severity "minimal" --ticket-name "SubMgmtTestTicketName" --title "SubMgmtTicketTitle"

Create a ticket for Technical issue related to a specific resource

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "Foo" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "Bar" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --contact-additional-emails "xyz@contoso.com" "devs@contoso.com"--description "TechnicalTicketDescription" --advanced-diagnostic-consent "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/TechnicalServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/TechnicalProblemClassificationNameGuid" --severity "minimal" --ticket-name "TechnicalTestTicketName" --title "TechnicalTicketTitle" --technical-resource "/subscriptions/SubscriptionGuid/resourceGroups/RgName/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/RName" --secondary-consent "[{type:VirtualMachineMemoryDump,user-consent:No}]"

Create a ticket to request an increase in Active Jobs and Job Schedules quota for a Batch account

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "abc" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "xyz" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "my description" --advanced-diagnostic-consent "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/batch_problemClassification_guid" --severity "moderate" --ticket-name "BatchQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for Active Jobs and Job Schedules Quota Increase"

Create a ticket to request an increase in Azure SQL managed instance quota

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "usa" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "abc" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "xyz" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "my description" --advanced-diagnostic-consent "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/sql_managedinstance_problemClassification_guid" --severity "moderate" --ticket-name "SQLMIQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for Azure SQL Managed Instance Quota Increase"

Create a ticket to request an increase in Batch accounts quota for a subscription

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "abc" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "xyz" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "my description" --advanced-diagnostic-consent "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/batch_problemClassification_guid" --severity "moderate" --ticket-name "BatchAccountQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for Batch Accounts Quota Increase"

Create a ticket to request an increase in Compute VM Cores quota

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "Foo" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "Bar" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "QuotaTicketDescription" --advanced-diagnostic-consent "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/CoresQuotaProblemClassificationNameGuid" --severity "minimal" --ticket-name "ComputeVMCoresQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for Compute VM Cores Quota Increase"

Create a ticket to request an increase in DTUs for Azure Synapse Analytics

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "abc" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "xyz" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "my description" --advanced-diagnostic-consent "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/sql_datawarehouse_problemClassification_guid" --severity "moderate" --ticket-name "SynapseAnalyticsDTUsQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for DTUs Quota Increase in Azure Synapse Analytics"

Create a ticket to request an increase in DTUs for SQL Database

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "abc" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "xyz" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "my description" --advanced-diagnostic-consent "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/sql_database_problemClassification_guid" --severity "moderate" --ticket-name "SQLDatabaseDTUsQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for DTUs Quota Increase in SQL Database" --quota-change-version "1.0" --quota-change-subtype "DTUs" --quota-change-requests "[{region:'EastUS',payload:'{ServerName:testserver,NewLimit:54000}'}]"

Create a ticket to request an increase in Low-priority cores for a Batch account

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "abc" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "xyz" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "my description" --advanced-diagnostic-consent  "Yes" --problem-classification  --problem classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/batch_problemClassification_guid"  --severity "moderate" --ticket-name "BatchLowPriorityCoresQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for Low-priority Cores Quota Increase in Batch Account" --quota-change-version "1.0" --quota-change-subtype "Account" --quota-change-requests "[{region:'EastUS',payload:'{AccountName:test,NewLimit:200,Type:LowPriority}'}]"

Create a ticket to request an increase in Low-priority cores for Machine Learning service

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "abc" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "xyz" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "my description" --advanced-diagnostic-consent  "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/machine_learning_service_problemClassification_guid" --severity "moderate" --ticket-name "MachineLearningLowPriorityCoresQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for Low-priority Cores Quota Increase in Machine Learning Service" --quota-change-version "1.0" --quota-change-subtype "BatchAml" --quota-change-requests "[{region:'EastUS',payload:'{NewLimit:200,Type:LowPriority}'}]"

Create a ticket for Generic Quota increase for any Azure Service

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "Foo" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "Bar" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "QuotaTicketDescription" --advanced-diagnostic-consent "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/GenericProblemClassificationNameGuid" --severity "minimal" --ticket-name "GenericQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for Generic Quota Increase"

Create a ticket to request an increase in Pools for a Batch account

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "Foo" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "Bar" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "QuotaTicketDescription" --advanced-diagnostic-consent  "Yes" --problem-classification  "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/batch_problemClassification_guid" --severity "minimal" --ticket-name "BatchPoolsQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for Pools Quota Increase in Batch Account" --quota-change-version "1.0" --quota-change-requests [0].region="WESTUS" --quota-change-requests [0].payload="{AccountName: test, NewLimit: 102, Type: Pools}" --quota-change-subtype "Account"

Create a ticket to request an increase in Servers for Azure Synapse Analytics

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "abc" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "xyz" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "my description" --advanced-diagnostic-consent  "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/sql_datawarehouse_problemClassification_guid" --severity "moderate" --ticket-name "SynapseAnalyticsServersQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for Servers Quota Increase in Azure Synapse Analytics" --quota-change-version "1.0" --quota-change-subtype "Servers" --quota-change-requests "[{region:'EastUS',payload:'{NewLimit:200}'}]"

Create a ticket to request an increase in Servers for SQL Database

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "abc" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "xyz" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "my description" --advanced-diagnostic-consent  "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/sql_database_problemClassification_guid"--severity "moderate" --ticket-name "SQLDatabaseServersQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for Servers Quota Increase in SQL Database" --quota-change-version "1.0" --quota-change-subtype "Servers" --quota-change-requests "[{region:'EastUS',payload:'{NewLimit:200}'}]"

Create a ticket to request an increase in throughput per container limit for account foo bar in Cosmos DB

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "abc" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "xyz" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "Increase the maximum throughput per container limit to 10000 for account foo bar" --advanced-diagnostic-consent  "Yes" --problem-classification  "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/cosmosdb_problemClassification_guid" --severity "moderate" --ticket-name "CosmosDBThroughputQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for Throughput Quota Increase in Cosmos DB"

Create a ticket to request an increase in specific VM family cores for a Batch account

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "abc" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "xyz" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "my description" --advanced-diagnostic-consent "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/batch_problemClassification_guid" --severity "moderate" --ticket-name "BatchVMFamilyCoresQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for VM Family Cores Quota Increase in Batch Account" --quota-change-version "1.0" --quota-change-subtype "Account" --quota-change-requests "[{region:'EastUS',payload:'{AccountName:test,VMFamily:standardA0_A7Family,NewLimit:200,Type:Dedicated}'}]"

Create a ticket to request an increase in specific VM family cores for Machine Learning service

az support in-subscription tickets create --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "abc" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "xyz" --contact-method "email" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" --description "my description" --advanced-diagnostic-consent "Yes" --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/quota_service_guid/problemClassifications/machine_learning_service_problemClassification_guid" --severity "moderate" --ticket-name "MachineLearningVMFamilyCoresQuotaIncreaseRequest" --title "Request for VM Family Cores Quota Increase in Machine Learning Service" --quota-change-version "1.0" --quota-change-subtype "BatchAml" --quota-change-requests "[{region:'EastUS',payload:'{VMFamily:standardA0_A7Family,NewLimit:200,Type:Dedicated}'}]"

Required Parameters


Advanced diagnostic consent to be updated on the support ticket.

Accepted values: No, Yes

Country of the user. This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code.


Primary email address.


First name.


Preferred language of support from Azure. Support languages vary based on the severity you choose for your support ticket. Use the standard language-country code.


Last name.


Preferred contact method.

Accepted values: email, phone

Time zone of the user. This is the name of the time zone from Microsoft Time Zone Index Values.


Detailed description of the question or issue.


Each Azure service has its own set of issue categories, also known as problem classification. This parameter is the unique Id for the type of problem you are experiencing.


A value that indicates the urgency of the case, which in turn determines the response time according to the service level agreement of the technical support plan you have with Azure. Note: 'Highest critical impact', also known as the 'Emergency - Severe impact' level in the Azure portal is reserved only for our Premium customers.

Accepted values: critical, highestcriticalimpact, minimal, moderate

Support ticket name.


Title of the support ticket.

Optional Parameters


Additional email addresses listed will be copied on any correspondence about the support ticket. Support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. Try "??" to show more.


Phone number. This is required if preferred contact method is phone.


Enrollment Id associated with the support ticket.


File workspace name.


Do not wait for the long-running operation to finish.

Accepted values: 0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes

This property is required for providing the region and new quota limits. Support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. Try "??" to show more.


Required for certain quota types when there is a sub type, such as Batch, for which you are requesting a quota increase.


Quota change request version.


Indicates if this requires a 24x7 response from Azure.

Accepted values: 0, 1, f, false, n, no, t, true, y, yes

This property indicates secondary consents for the support ticket Support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. Try "??" to show more.


Time in UTC (ISO 8601 format) when the problem started. Default is today.


This is the resource Id of the Azure service resource (For example: A virtual machine resource or an HDInsight resource) for which the support ticket is created.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az support in-subscription tickets list

Lists all the support tickets for an Azure subscription. You can also filter the support tickets by Status, CreatedDate, ServiceId, and ProblemClassificationId using the $filter parameter. Output will be a paged result with nextLink, using which you can retrieve the next set of support tickets.

Support ticket data is available for 18 months after ticket creation. If a ticket was created more than 18 months ago, a request for data might cause an error. Default is CreatedDate >= one week.

az support in-subscription tickets list [--filter]


List support tickets for a subscription

az support in-subscription tickets list

List support tickets in open state for a subscription

az support in-subscription tickets list --filter "Status eq 'Open'"

List support tickets in updating state for a subscription

az support in-subscription tickets list --filter "Status eq 'Updating'"

List support tickets with a certain problem classification id for a subscription

az support in-subscription tickets list --filter "ProblemClassificationId eq 'problem_classification_guid'"

List support tickets created on or after a certain date and in open state for a subscription

az support in-subscription tickets list --filter "CreatedDate ge 2024-01-01T22:08:51Z and Status eq 'Open'"

List support tickets with a certain service id for a subscription

az support in-subscription tickets list --filter "ServiceId eq 'service_guid'"

Optional Parameters


The filter to apply on the operation. We support 'OData v4.0' filter semantics. Status, ServiceId, and ProblemClassificationId filters can only be used with Equals ('eq') operator. For CreatedDate filter, the supported operators are Greater Than ('gt') and Greater Than or Equals ('ge'). When using both filters, combine them using the logical 'and'.


Total number of items to return in the command's output. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified, a token is provided in the command's output. To resume pagination, provide the token value in --next-token argument of a subsequent command.


Token to specify where to start paginating. This is the token value from a previously truncated response.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az support in-subscription tickets show

Get ticket details for an Azure subscription. Support ticket data is available for 18 months after ticket creation. If a ticket was created more than 18 months ago, a request for data might cause an error.

az support in-subscription tickets show --ticket-name


Get details of a subscription ticket

az support in-subscription tickets show --ticket-name "TestTicketName"

Required Parameters


Support ticket name.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az support in-subscription tickets update

Update API allows you to update the severity level, ticket status, advanced diagnostic consent, secondary consent, and your contact information in the support ticket.

Note: The severity levels cannot be changed if a support ticket is actively being worked upon by an Azure support engineer. In such a case, contact your support engineer to request severity update by adding a new communication using the Communications API.

az support in-subscription tickets update --ticket-name
                                          [--advanced-diagnostic-consent {No, Yes}]
                                          [--contact-method {email, phone}]
                                          [--severity {critical, highestcriticalimpact, minimal, moderate}]
                                          [--status {closed, open}]


Update support ticket severity.

az support in-subscription tickets update --ticket-name "TestTicketName" --severity "moderate"

Update support ticket status.

az support in-subscription tickets update --ticket-name "TestTicketName" --status "closed"

Update support ticket customer contact details properties

az support in-subscription tickets update --ticket-name "TestTicketName" --contact-additional-emails "xyz@contoso.com" "devs@contoso.com" --contact-country "USA" --contact-email "abc@contoso.com" --contact-first-name "Foo" --contact-language "en-us" --contact-last-name "Bar" --contact-method "phone" --contact-phone-number "123-456-7890" --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time"

Update advanced diagnostic consent of a support ticket

az support in-subscription tickets update --ticket-name "TestTicketName" --advanced-diagnostic-consent "Yes"

Update secondary consent of a support ticket

az support in-subscription tickets update --ticket-name "TestTicketName" --secondary-consent "[{type:VirtualMachineMemoryDump,user-consent:No}]"
az support in-subscription tickets update --ticket-name "TestTicketName" --secondary-consent [0].type="VirtualMachineMemoryDump" --secondary-consent [0].user-consent="No"
az support in-subscription tickets update --ticket-name "TestTicketName" --secondary-consent [0]="{type:VirtualMachineMemoryDump,user-consent:No}"

Required Parameters


Support ticket name.

Optional Parameters


Advanced diagnostic consent to be updated on the support ticket.

Accepted values: No, Yes

Email addresses listed will be copied on any correspondence about the support ticket. Support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. Try "??" to show more.


Country of the user. This is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code.


Primary email address.


First name.


Preferred language of support from Azure. Support languages vary based on the severity you choose for your support ticket. Use the standard language-country code.


Last name.


Preferred contact method.

Accepted values: email, phone

Phone number. This is required if preferred contact method is phone.


Time zone of the user. This is the name of the time zone from Microsoft Time Zone Index Values.


This property indicates secondary consents for the support ticket Support shorthand-syntax, json-file and yaml-file. Try "??" to show more.


Severity level.

Accepted values: critical, highestcriticalimpact, minimal, moderate

Status to be updated on the ticket.

Accepted values: closed, open
Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.