Κοινή χρήση μέσω

az monitor app-insights


This reference is part of the application-insights extension for the Azure CLI (version 2.55.0 or higher). The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az monitor app-insights command. Learn more about extensions.

Commands for querying data in Application Insights applications.


Name Description Type Status
az monitor app-insights api-key

Operations on API keys associated with an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights api-key create

Create an API Key of an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights api-key delete

Delete an API key from an Application Insights resource.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights api-key show

Get all keys or a specific API key associated with an Application Insights resource.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component

Manage an Application Insights component or its subcomponents.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component billing

Manage an Application Insights component billing features.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component billing show

Show the billing features of an Application Insights resource.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component billing update

Update the billing features of an Application Insights resource.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component connect-function

Connect AI to an Azure function.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component connect-webapp

Connect AI to a web app.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component continues-export

Manage Continuous Export configurations for an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component continues-export create

Create a Continuous Export configuration for an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component continues-export delete

Delete a specific Continuous Export configuration of an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component continues-export list

List a list of Continuous Export configuration of an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component continues-export show

Get the Continuous Export configuration for this export id.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component continues-export update

Update a Continuous Export configuration for an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component create

Create a new Application Insights resource.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component delete

Delete a new Application Insights resource.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component favorite

Manage component favorite.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component favorite create

Create a new favorites to an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component favorite delete

Delete a favorite that is associated to an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component favorite list

List a list of favorites defined within an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component favorite show

Get a single favorite by its FavoriteId, defined within an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component favorite update

Update a new favorites to an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component linked-storage

Manage linked storage account for an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component linked-storage link

Link a storage account with an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component linked-storage show

Get the current linked storage settings for an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component linked-storage unlink

Unlink a storage account with an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component linked-storage update

Update current linked storage account for an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component quotastatus

Manage component quotastatus.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component quotastatus show

Show daily data volume cap (quota) status for an Application Insights component.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component show

Get an Application Insights resource.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component update

Update properties on an existing Application Insights resource. The primary value which can be updated is kind, which customizes the UI experience.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights component update-tags

Update tags on an existing Application Insights resource.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights events

Retrieve events from an application.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights events show

List events by type or view a single event from an application, specified by type and ID.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights metrics

Retrieve metrics from an application.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights metrics get-metadata

Get the metadata for metrics on a particular application.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights metrics show

View the value of a single metric.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights migrate-to-new-pricing-model

Enterprise Agreement Customer opted to use new pricing model.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights my-workbook

Manage my-workbook.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights my-workbook list

List all private workbooks defined within a specified subscription and category.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights query

Execute a query over data in your application.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights web-test

Manage web test with application insights.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights web-test create

Create an Application Insights web test definition.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights web-test delete

Delete an Application Insights web test.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights web-test list

Get all Application Insights web tests defined for the specified component. And Get all Application Insights web tests defined within a specified resource group. And Get all Application Insights web test alerts definitions within a subscription.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights web-test show

Get a specific Application Insights web test definition.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights web-test update

Update an Application Insights web test definition.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights workbook

Manage app-insights workbook.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights workbook create

Create a workbook.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights workbook delete

Delete a workbook.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights workbook identity

Manage workbook idneity.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights workbook identity assign

Assign identities.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights workbook identity remove

Remove identities.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights workbook list

List all workbooks defined within a specified resource group and category.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights workbook revision

Manage workbook revision.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights workbook revision list

List the revisions for the workbook.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights workbook revision show

Show workbook revision.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights workbook show

Show a single workbook by its resource name.

Extension GA
az monitor app-insights workbook update

Update a workbook.

Extension GA

az monitor app-insights migrate-to-new-pricing-model

Enterprise Agreement Customer opted to use new pricing model.

az monitor app-insights migrate-to-new-pricing-model


Migrate to new pricing model

az monitor app-insights migrate-to-new-pricing-model
Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az monitor app-insights query

Execute a query over data in your application.

az monitor app-insights query --analytics-query


Execute a simple query over past 1 hour and 30 minutes.

az monitor app-insights query --app e292531c-eb03-4079-9bb0-fe6b56b99f8b --analytics-query 'requests | summarize count() by bin(timestamp, 1h)' --offset 1h30m

Required Parameters


Query to execute over Application Insights data.

Optional Parameters

--apps -a

GUID, app name, or fully-qualified Azure resource name of Application Insights component. The application GUID may be acquired from the API Access menu item on any Application Insights resource in the Azure portal. If using an application name, please specify resource group.


End of time range for current operation. Defaults to the current time. Format: date (yyyy-mm-dd) time (hh:mm:ss.xxxxx) timezone (+/-hh:mm).


One or more resource IDs (space-delimited). It should be a complete resource ID containing all information of 'Resource Id' arguments. You should provide either --ids or other 'Resource Id' arguments.


Time offset of the query range, in ##d##h format.

Can be used with either --start-time or --end-time. If used with --start-time, then the end time will be calculated by adding the offset. If used with --end-time (default), then the start time will be calculated by subtracting the offset. If --start-time and --end-time are provided, then --offset will be ignored.

Default value: 1h
--resource-group -g

Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>.


Start-time of time range for which to retrieve data. Format: date (yyyy-mm-dd) time (hh:mm:ss.xxxxx) timezone (+/-hh:mm).


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.

Global Parameters

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h

Show this help message and exit.


Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json

JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.


Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.


Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.