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Compare Managed DevOps Pools with Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set agents


Managed DevOps Pools is a new service that is an evolution of Azure DevOps Virtual Machine Scale Set agent pools, simplifying custom pool creation even further, by improving scalability and reliability of custom pools. Managed DevOps Pools is a fully managed service where virtual machines or containers powering the agents live in a Microsoft Azure subscription and not in your own Azure subscription, like when using Azure DevOps Virtual Machine Scale Set agent pools.

If you're considering using auto-scalable self-hosted agent pools, we recommend looking at Managed DevOps Pools. For more information, see Compare Managed DevOps Pools with Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set agents and Managed DevOps Pools overview.

Feature comparison

The following table compares features of Managed DevOps Pools and scale set agents.

Feature Managed DevOps Pools Azure virtual machine scale set agent pools
Pricing Pricing is the same for Managed DevOps Pools and Scale set agents. See Pricing for more information. Same as Managed DevOps Pools pricing
Virtual machine hosting Agents run on a Microsoft Azure subscription Agents run on your Azure subscription
Standby agent schedule Provides flexible scheduling options to configure the number of standby agents available at different times as well as an automatic standby agent option Supports a single standby agent count setting (equivalent to Managed DevOps Pools All Week Scheme)
Scaling granularity Scale out is done in increments of one Scale out is done in increments of a percentage of the maximum pool size, potentially resulting in extra idle agents for which you are billed
Pool size Support for thousands of agents Support for hundreds of agents
Multiple images Support for multiple images in your pool Supports only a single image
Quota Quota is dedicated to the Managed DevOps Pools resource and not shared with other services in your subscription Uses Compute quota shared with other services in your subscription
Virtual network support Support for running in a private network or joining your existing virtual network Supported
Image support Azure Pipelines images (same as Microsoft-hosted agent images for Windows and Linux), selected Azure Marketplace images, Azure compute gallery images Azure Marketplace images and custom images
VMSS extension scripts Not supported, but you can configure your custom image with the required software You can run a custom script on your agent before it starts running pipeline jobs
Azure Key Vault integration Download Azure Key Vault certificates to your agent automatically Key vault certificates can be preinstalled on your custom images, or downloaded using tasks or VMSS extension scripts
Multiple organizations Support for using a pool in multiple Azure DevOps organizations, and optionally restrict the pool to certain projects Supports a single Azure DevOps organization
Stateless agents Supported Supported on Windows Server and selected Linux images
Stateful agents Supported Supported
Spot Virtual Machine support On product roadmap Not supported
Containers Coming soon Not supported
BCDR On product roadmap: You will have the ability to configure backup pools for your primary pools to automatically send requests to the backup pools when your primary pool's health degrades Supports availability sets and zones

Map scale set agent settings to Managed DevOps Pools

You can configure a Managed DevOps Pool with the same behavior as your Azure virtual machine scale set agent pool by mapping the scale set agent pool settings to their Managed DevOps Pools equivalent. The following table lists scale set agent pool properties and the corresponding Managed DevOps Pools property that configures the equivalent behavior.

Scale set agents setting Managed DevOps Pools setting
Automatically tear down virtual machines after every use Choose stateless pools for a fresh agent for every job (Automatically tear down virtual machines after every use), or stateful pools for persistent agents
Save an unhealthy agent for investigation Not available in Managed DevOps Pools
Maximum number of virtual machines in the scale set Maximum agents
Number of agents to keep on standby Choose All week scheme for the same behavior as scale set agents, configure a flexible schedule, or choose Automatic standby agent scheduling
Delay in minutes before deleting excess idle agents Grace period for stateful pools
Configure VMs to run interactive tests Enable Interactive Mode


Managed DevOps Pools and Azure virtual machine scale set agents pricing is calculated in the same way and has two components:

  1. Azure DevOps self-hosted parallel job pricing - Azure DevOps refers to the capability to run pipeline jobs concurrently as parallel jobs. Both Managed DevOps Pools and Azure virtual machine scale set agents use self-hosted parallel jobs. Each parallel job allows you to run a pipeline job. To run two pipeline jobs concurrently, you need two parallel jobs. For more information on parallel jobs, see Managed DevOps Pools pricing - parallel job pricing and Configure and pay for parallel jobs.

  2. Azure services pricing - Azure services pricing for Managed DevOps Pools and Azure virtual machine scale set agents is determined by the cost of the Azure services your pool uses, like compute, storage, and data egress.

Some Managed DevOps Pools features, like flexible standby agent scheduling, and more granular scaling, can reduce the number of idle agents waiting for jobs. Support for multiple images and SKUs lets you choose the right sized Azure resources to support your workload, instead of being limited to a single image or SKU.

See also