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Creating a New BSP Definition

To create a BSP definition for an existing BSP that integrates the BSP into the IDE Catalog, you must already have a platform directory containing all the source files and configuration files for your BSP. Once you generate the BSP files, you can integrate your BSP into the Catalog.

For information about creating a new BSP with the BSP Wizard by cloning a sample BSP, see Cloning an Existing BSP.

To illustrate the procedure better, Microsoft assumes that you copied the existing CEPC platform in %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\CEPC into a directory called MyCEPC. Complete the following steps to integrate MyCEPC into the IDE.

To create a new BSP definition

  1. From the Platform menu, choose BSP Wizard.

  2. In the Welcome dialog box, choose Next.

  3. In the Choose Your Task dialog box, select Create a new BSP definition, and then choose Next.

  4. In the New BSP dialog box, in the New BSP name field, type the name of your new BSP.

    In this example, type MyCEPC for the name.

  5. In the Vendor field, type your company's name, and then, in the Version field, type the version number for your BSP.

  6. In the Description field, type a description for your new BSP, and then choose Next.

    This value is shown in the Catalog when you move the pointer over the BSP name.

  7. In the CPU and BSP Platform Directory dialog box, in the BSP directory field, type the exact directory name where the BSP files are stored under the %_WINCEROOT%\Platform directory.

    In this example, type MyCEPC, because the files are located at %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\MyCEPC.

  8. In the CPU field, select the CPU(s) that you want your BSP to support, and then choose Next.

    Note   Only the CPUs that are installed within Platform Builder are listed in the CPU field.

  9. In the Catalog Feature (.cec) File Information dialog box, in the Catalog feature (.cec) file name field, type any name for the .cec file that will define your BSP in the Catalog.

    - or -

    Choose the default name.

    In this example, choose the default name, which is MyCEPC.

  10. In the Catalog feature (.cec) file directory field, type any directory name on a local drive.

    - or -

    Choose the Browse button to select a directory where the .cec file should be stored.

    - or -

    Choose the default directory location provided by the BSP wizard.

  11. To advance to the BSP Customization dialog box, choose Next.

The BSP Customization dialog box shows a graphical view of the BSP definition with no components present. You have the choice to add components, such as drivers and boot loaders, to the BSP definition.

To customize the BSP definition and complete the wizard

  1. To add a driver to the BSP, choose the Add Driver button.

    For more information about adding drivers to the BSP, see Adding a Driver to an Existing BSP.

  2. To add a boot loader to the BSP, choose the Add Bootloader button.

    For more information about adding a boot loader to the BSP, see Adding a Boot Loader to a BSP Definition.

  3. When you are done adding components to the BSP, choose Next.

  4. In the Default Drivers dialog box, select the drivers for each device type that you want to include by default when the New Platform Wizard creates a platform with your BSP, and then choose Next.

    Default drivers are drivers that are already integrated into the Catalog. If you do not select a default driver for a device type, Platform Builder prompts you for a device driver at build time.

  5. In the Congratulations dialog box, choose Additional Options, choose Import your BSP and/or Driver into the Catalog now to import the BSP definition in to the Catalog now, and then choose the Finish button to complete the process and close the BSP Wizard.

    - or -

    In the Congratulations dialog box, choose the Finish button.

    Note   If you do not choose Additional Options, you have to import the BSP definition later. To do this, from the File menu, choose Manage Catalog Features, and then choose the Import button to import your .cec file into the Catalog.

    You can import two or more BSPs that have the same name into the IDE Catalog, but the IDE does not support adding two or more BSPs that have the same name to a sample platform.

You have now created a .cec file that describes your BSP for the Catalog. If you chose to import the BSP in step 5 of the previous procedure, the BSP is displayed in the Catalog. Also, the BSP is available in the New Platform Wizard, and you can use the BSP to create a new platform.

See Also

BSP Wizard Overview | Cloning an Existing BSP | Adding a Driver to an Existing BSP | Adding a Boot Loader to a BSP Definition

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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