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Adding a Boot Loader to a BSP Definition

To add a boot loader to an existing BSP definition using the BSP Wizard, you must already have created the boot loader files, and they must reside either in the BSP directory or at a different location in Platform Builder.

For information about adding a device driver to an existing BSP definition, see Adding a Driver to an Existing BSP.

If you are cloning a BSP or creating a BSP definition in the BSP Wizard and want information on how to add boot loaders to the BSP, proceed to the second procedure of this topic.

To add a boot loader to a BSP definition

  1. From the Platform menu, choose BSP Wizard.

  2. In the Welcome dialog box, choose Next.

  3. In the Choose Your Task dialog box, select the Add driver(s) to an existing BSP check box, select a BSP from the list that you want to add the driver to, and then choose Next.

  4. In the Catalog Feature (.cec) File Information dialog box, in the Catalog feature (.cec) file name field, type any name for the .cec file that will define your BSP/boot loader in the Catalog.

  5. In the Catalog feature (.cec) file directory field, type any directory name on a local drive.

    - or -

    Choose the Browse button to select a directory where the .cec file should be stored.

    - or -

    Choose the default directory location provided by the wizard.

  6. To advance to the BSP Customization dialog box, choose Next.

To customize the BSP and complete the wizard

  1. In the BSP Customization dialog box, select the Add Boot loader button to add a new boot loader to the BSP definition.

  2. In the Boot loader Properties dialog box, select the General tab, and in the Name field, type a name for the boot loader.

    In this example, type SerialBoot.

  3. In the Vendor field, type your company's name, and then in the Version field, type a version number for this boot loader.

  4. In the Size field, type the approximate size, in bytes, of this boot loader in a release configuration of the OS image, and then, in the Description field, type a description for your boot loader.

  5. In the Boot loader Properties dialog box, select the Build Info tab, choose the Browse button

    - or -

    Type the full path name in the Full path to the build file that builds this boot loader field for the sources or dirs file that will be used to build this boot loader.

    In this example, the sources or dirs file may be under %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\MyClonedBSP\Sboot.

  6. Choose OK to close the Boot loader Properties dialog box.

  7. Select the Add Boot loader button to add multiple boot loaders to the BSP, and then choose Next.

    Note   Typically, a BSP requires only one boot loader.

  8. In the Congratulations dialog box, choose Import your BSP and/or Boot loader into the Catalog now, and then choose the Finish button to complete the process and close the BSP Wizard.

You have now added the boot loader to the BSP and the BSP/boot loader is displayed in the Catalog.

Note   You can add more components to the BSP using this procedure, but you must provide a new .cec file name every time you change the definition of a BSP in the Catalog.

See Also

BSP Wizard Overview | Creating a New BSP Definition | Cloning an Existing BSP | Adding a Driver to an Existing BSP

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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