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NotificationType Enumeration

Defines the types of notifications that can be generated by the FIM CM notification subsystem.

Namespace: Microsoft.Clm.Shared.Notifications
Assembly: Microsoft.Clm.Shared (in Microsoft.Clm.Shared.dll)


Dim instance As NotificationType


Public Enumeration NotificationType
public enum NotificationType
public enum class NotificationType
public enum NotificationType
public enum NotificationType


Member name Description
ApproveRequest A FIM CM request has been approved. For FIM CM requests that require multiple approvals, a notification will be generated for each approval.
CancelRequest A FIM CM request has been canceled.
CreateProfile A user’s FIM CM profile has been created. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of an enroll, recovery, renew, duplicate and other FIM CM requests.
CreateRequest A new FIM CM request has been created.
CreateSmartcard A smart card has been registered in the FIM CM database. The smart card is not assigned to a user at this point.
DenyRequest A FIM CM request has been denied by one of the request approvers.
DisableProfile A user’s FIM CM profile has been disabled. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of FIM CM requests that disable a profile. For example, recovery and disable requests. This notification is generated prior to revoking the certificates in the profile.
DisableSmartcard A smart card has been disabled. This notification is generated prior to revoking the smart card certificates.
DistributeSecrets FIM CM has distributed one-time passwords. A single notification is generated even when multiple one-time passwords are distributed. This notification is triggered for all one-time password distribution methods except DoNothing.
DownloadPfx A pfx file download has been initiated by the client. This notification does not indicate successful or complete installation of the pfx file by the client. This notification is not generated for smart card based operations.
DownloadRawCertificate A certificate retrieval has been initiated by the client. This notification does not indicate successful or complete delivery and installation of the certificate by the client.
DuplicateProfile A user’s FIM CM profile has been duplicated. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a duplicate FIM CM request.
EnrollProfile A user’s FIM CM profile has been enrolled. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during processing an enroll FIM CM request. The new certificates have been generated before this notification.
ExecuteRequest The execution process for a FIM CM request has been started. This notification is generated for all types of FIM CM requests.
External A provision API FIM CM request-history write operation has completed.
InstallCertificate A certificate has been installed on a client machine. This notification is generated for both smart card and software profile FIM CM requests.
MarkRequestAsFailed A FIM CM request has been marked as failed. This could occur because the user abandoned the request or a critical error occurred while processing the request.
None Unknown.
OnlineUpdateProfile A user’s FIM CM profile is being updated. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of an online update FIM CM request. This notification is generated before any certificates are created.
OnlineUpdateProfileComplete A user’s FIM CM profile has been updated. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of an online update FIM CM request. This notification is generated after the new certificates have been created.
PrintDocument A document, configured as part of the document printing configuration in the policy, has been sent to the printer. This notification is applicable to only server side printed documents.
PublishCrl A certificate revocation list (CRL) was published by the certificate authority (CA). An notification of this type is generated for both delta and full CRLs.
RecoverOnBehalfProfile A user's FIM CM profile has been recovered on behalf by another user. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a recover-on-behalf FIM CM request.
RecoverProfile A user's FIM CM profile has been recovered.
ReinstateProfile A user’s FIM CM profile has been reinstated. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a reinstate FIM CM request. This notification is generated prior to the revoking of any certificates.
ReinstateSmartcard A smart card has been reinstated after a previous suspension. This notification is generated prior to revoking certificates.
RenewProfile A user’s FIM CM profile has been renewed. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a FIM CM renew request. This notification is generated after the certificates have been renewed.
RequestCertificatesOperationCompleted All of the required certificates for a FIM CM request have been received from the certificate authority (CA).
RetireProfile A user’s FIM CM profile has been retired. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a retire FIM CM request. This notification is generated prior to revoking any certificates.
RetireSmartcard A smart card has been retired.
RetrieveResponseFromCa A certificate authority (CA) request response has been received from the CA. This notification is related to the SendRequestToCa notification, but it is generated upon receiving a response from the CA.
RevokeCertificate A single certificate has been revoked by FIM CM. For a FIM CM request which will revoke multiple certificates, this notification will be generated once for each revocation. This notification is related to the RevokeCertificatesOperationCompleted notification, which is generated when all of the certificates specified in the request have been revoked.
RevokeCertificatesOperationCompleted All certificates related to a FIM CM revoke request have been revoked. This notification is preceded by one or more RevokeCertificate notifications, one for each certificate that has been revoked.
RevokeProfile Reserved for future use.
SendRequestToCa A certificate authority (CA) request is ready for submission to the CA. If required, the request has been re-signed by the FIM CM server’s enrollment agent. CA requests that are creating multiple certificates as part of their operation will generate multiple notifications of this type, one for each certificate request.
SmartcardAssignCard A smart card has been assigned to a user.
SmartcardDuplicateExecute A smart card duplicate operation is in progress. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of the duplicate FIM CM request.
SmartcardDuplicateInitiate A smart card duplicate operation has been initiated.
SmartcardEnrollInitiate A smart card enrollment operation has been initiated.
SmartcardOfflineUnblockExecute A smart card offline unblock operation is in progress. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of the offline unblock FIM CM request.
SmartcardPermanentCardReinstated A smart card has been reinstated during the processing of a temporary smart card retirement FIM CM request or a temporary smart card disablement FIM CM request.
SmartcardPermanentCardSuspended A smart card has been suspended during temporary card enrollment. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a temporary smart card enrollment. This operation requires the existence of a permanent card to be enabled in the temporary card policy.
SmartcardPinRolloverExecute A smart card admin PIN rollover operation has completed. This notification is specific to smart card requests that use PKCS#11 middleware. This operation requires the admin PIN rollover setting in the profile template to be enabled.
SmartcardPinRolloverInitiate A smart card admin PIN rollover operation has been initiated. This notification is specific to smart card requests that use PKCS#11 middleware.
SmartcardPrint A smart card has been printed.
SmartcardRecoverExecute A smart card recover operation is in progress. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a recover FIM CM request for a smart card.
SmartcardRecoverInitiate A smart card recover operation has been initiated.
SmartcardRecoverOnBehalfExecute A smart card recover-on-behalf operation is in progress. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a recover-on-behalf FIM CM request for a smart card.
SmartcardRecoverOnBehalfInitiate A smart card recover-on-behalf operation has been initiated.
SmartcardRenewExecute A smart card renew operation is in progress. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a renew FIM CM request.
SmartcardRenewInitiate A smart card renew operation has been initiated.
SmartcardRetireBlockAdminPin A smart card admin PIN has been blocked. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a retire FIM CM request or a temporary smart card retire FIM CM request. This operation requires smart card admin PIN blocking to be enabled in the retire policy or temporary smart cards policy in the profile template.
SmartcardRetireBlockUserPin A smart card user PIN has been blocked. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a retire FIM CM request or a temporary smart card retire FIM CM request. This operation requires smart card user PIN blocking to be enabled in the retire policy or the temporary smart cards policy in the profile template.
SmartcardRetireCard A smart card has been retired.
SmartcardRetireEraseCard A smart card has been erased. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a retire FIM CM request. This operation requires smart card user data deletion to be enabled in the profile template.
SmartcardRetireInitiate A smart card retire operation has been initiated.
SmartcardRetireResetAdminPin A smart card admin PIN has been reset to the default value. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a retire FIM CM request or a temporary smart card retire FIM CM request. This operation requires smart card admin PIN reset to be enabled in the retire policy or the temporary smart cards policy in the profile template.
SmartcardSynchPinsExecute A smart card admin PIN synchronization operation has completed. This notification is generated when the admin PIN stored in the FIM CM database does not match the admin PIN of the smart card due to a previous enrollment failure.
SmartcardSynchPinsInitiate A smart card admin PIN synchronization operation has been initiated. This notification is conditionally generated during smart card requests that use PKSC#11 middleware. This notification is generated when the admin PIN stored in the FIM CM database does not match the admin PIN of the smart card due to a previous enrollment failure.
SmartcardTemporaryCardEnrollInitiate A temporary smart card enrollment is being initiated.
SmartcardUnblockExecute A smart card unblock operation is in progress. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of the unblock FIM CM request.
SmartcardUnblockInitiate A smart card unblock operation has been initiated.
SmartcardUserPinGenerated A smart card user PIN has been generated.
SupersededProfile A user’s FIM CM profile has been superseded by a newer version. This notification is generated during renewal, online update and recovery operations.
SuspendProfile A user’s FIM CM profile has been suspended. This notification is generated at an intermediate step during the processing of a suspend FIM CM request. This notification is generated prior to placing any certificates on hold.
SuspendSmartcard A smart card has been suspended. This notification is generated before the certificates have been placed on hold.
UpdateComment A FIM CM request's comments have been updated during the request's workflow.
UpdateData Data collection items have been updated.


This is also the list of notifications for which notification handlers can be registered.

Some notifications may be generated by multiple possible actions that are performed by FIM CM. For example, the PublishCrl notification is generated either when a profile or a smart card is being disabled, or during online update certification revocation.


Development Platforms

Windows 2008 x64 Edition

Target Platforms

Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1+, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2

See Also


Microsoft.Clm.Shared.Notifications Namespace