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COleClientItem Class Members

Data Access
Object Conversion
Clipboard Operations
General Operations
Embedded Object Operations
Linked Object Operations and Status


COleClientItem Constructs a COleClientItem object.


CreateFromClipboard Creates an embedded item from the Clipboard.
CreateFromData Creates an embedded item from a data object.
CanCreateFromData Indicates whether a container application can create an embedded object.
CreateFromFile Creates an embedded item from a file.
CreateStaticFromClipboard Creates a static item from the Clipboard.
CreateStaticFromData Creates a static item from a data object.
CreateLinkFromClipboard Creates a linked item from the Clipboard.
CreateLinkFromData Creates a linked item from a data object.
CanCreateLinkFromData Indicates whether a container application can create a linked object.
CreateLinkFromFile Creates a linked item from a file.
CreateNewItem Creates a new embedded item by launching the server application.
CreateCloneFrom Creates a duplicate of an existing item.


GetLastStatus Returns the status of the last OLE operation.
GetIconFromRegistry Retrives a handle to an icon associated with the server of a particular CLSID.
GetType Returns the type (embedded, linked, or static) of the OLE item.
GetExtent Returns the bounds of the OLE item’s rectangle.
GetCachedExtent Returns the bounds of the OLE item’s rectangle.
GetClassID Gets the present item’s class ID.
GetUserType Gets a string describing the item’s type.
GetIconicMetafile Gets the metafile used for drawing the item’s icon.
SetIconicMetafile Caches the metafile used for drawing the item’s icon.
GetDrawAspect Gets the item’s current view for rendering.
SetDrawAspect Sets the item’s current view for rendering.
GetItemState Gets the item’s current state.
GetActiveView Gets the view on which the item is activated in place.
IsModified Returns TRUE if the item has been modified since it was last saved.
IsRunning Returns TRUE if the item’s server application is running.
IsInPlaceActive Returns TRUE if the item is in-place active.
IsOpen Returns TRUE if the item is currently open in the server application.

Data Access

GetDocument Returns the COleDocument object that contains the present item.
AttachDataObject Accesses the data in the OLE object.

Object Conversion

ConvertTo Converts the item to another type.
ActivateAs Activates the item as another type.
Reload Reloads the item after a call to ActivateAs.

Clipboard Operations

CanPaste Indicates whether the Clipboard contains an embeddable or static OLE item.
CanPasteLink Indicates whether the Clipboard contains a linkable OLE item.
DoDragDrop Performs a drag-and-drop operation.
CopyToClipboard Copies the OLE item to the Clipboard.
GetClipboardData Gets the data that would be placed on the Clipboard by calling the CopyToClipboard member function.

General Operations

Close Closes a link to a server but does not destroy the OLE item.
Release Releases the connection to an OLE linked item and closes it if it was open. Does not destroy the client item.
Delete Deletes or closes the OLE item if it was a linked item.
Draw Draws the OLE item.
Run Runs the application associated with the item.
SetPrintDevice Sets the print-target device for this client item.


Activate Opens the OLE item for an operation and then executes the specified verb.
DoVerb Executes the specified verb.
Deactivate Deactivates the item.
DeactivateUI Restores the container application’s user interface to its original state.
ReactivateAndUndo Reactivates the item and undoes the last in-place editing operation.
SetItemRects Sets the item’s bounding rectangle.
GetInPlaceWindow Returns a pointer to the item’s in-place editing window.

Embedded Object Operations

SetHostNames Sets the names the server displays when editing the OLE item.
SetExtent Sets the bounding rectangle of the OLE item.

Linked Object Operations and Status

GetLinkUpdateOptions Returns the update mode for a linked item (advanced feature).
SetLinkUpdateOptions Sets the update mode for a linked item (advanced feature).
UpdateLink Updates the presentation cache of an item.
IsLinkUpToDate Returns TRUE if a linked item is up to date with its source document.


OnChange Called when the server changes the OLE item. Implementation required.
OnGetClipboardData Called by the framework to get the data to be copied to the Clipboard.
OnInsertMenus Called by the framework to create a composite menu.
OnSetMenu Called by the framework to install and remove a composite menu.
OnRemoveMenus Called by the framework to remove the container’s menus from a composite menu.
OnUpdateFrameTitle Called by the framework to update the frame window’s title bar.
OnShowControlBars Called by the framework to show and hide control bars.
OnGetItemPosition Called by the framework to get the item’s position relative to the view.
OnScrollBy Called by the framework to scroll the item into view.
OnDeactivateUI Called by the framework when the server has removed its in-place user interface.
OnDiscardUndoState Called by the framework to discard the item’s undo state information.
OnDeactivateAndUndo Called by the framework to undo after activation.
OnShowItem Called by the framework to display the OLE item.
OnGetClipRect Called by the framework to get the item’s clipping-rectangle coordinates.
CanActivate Called by the framework to determine whether in-place activation is allowed.
OnActivate Called by the framework to notify the item that it is activated.
OnActivateUI Called by the framework to notify the item that it is activated and should show its user interface.
OnGetWindowContext Called by the framework when an item is activated in place.
OnDeactivate Called by the framework when an item is deactivated.
OnChangeItemPosition Called by the framework when an item’s position changes.

COleClientItem OverviewBase Class MembersHierarchy Chart