Pointer to the composite menu constructed by calls to the OnInsertMenus member function and the ::InsertMenu function.
Handle to the menu descriptor returned by the ::OleCreateMenuDescriptor function, or NULL if the dispatching code is to be removed.
Handle to the editing window for the OLE item. This is the window that will receive editing commands from OLE.
Called by the framework two times when in-place activation begins and ends; the first time to install the composite menu and the second time (with holemenu equal to NULL) to remove it. The default implementation installs or removes the composite menu and then calls the function to install or remove the dispatching code. Override this function if the default implementation is not appropriate for your application. If you override this function, you should probably override OnInsertMenus and OnRemoveMenus as well. This is an advanced overridable.
For more information, see , , and in the OLE documentation.
COleClientItem Overview | Class Members | Hierarchy Chart
See Also COleClientItem::OnInsertMenus, COleClientItem::OnRemoveMenus