AcceptRejectThreshold |
Gets or sets the recognition confidence level at or below which an accept confirmation is rejected. |
AccessKey |
Inherited from WebControl. |
AllowCommands |
Gets or sets whether Command controls can be activated while the QA control is active. |
Answers |
Specifies a collection of Answer controls that bind data elements spoken in response to the prompt. |
Attributes |
Inherited from WebControl. |
BackColor |
Inherited from WebControl. |
BorderColor |
Inherited from WebControl. |
BorderStyle |
Inherited from WebControl. |
BorderWidth |
Inherited from WebControl. |
ClientActivationFunction |
Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that determines if the QA control can be activated. |
ClientID |
Inherited from Control. |
ConfirmByOmission |
Gets or sets whether user silence is treated as confirmation of multiple items. |
ConfirmIfEqual |
Gets or sets whether a user correction that matches the current value of the SemanticItem control is confirmed automatically. |
Confirms |
Specifies a collection of Answer controls that bind confirmed data elements. |
ControlStyle |
Inherited from WebControl. |
ControlStyleCreated |
Inherited from WebControl. |
Controls |
Inherited from Control. |
CssClass |
Inherited from WebControl. |
CurrentCall |
Gets the current active CallInfo object or null if no call is active. Declared by SpeechControl. |
DenyRejectThreshold |
Gets or sets the recognition confidence level at or below which a deny confirmation is rejected. |
Dtmf |
Provides for the collection of data through the telephone keypad. |
EnableViewState |
Inherited from Control. |
Enabled |
Inherited from WebControl. |
ExtraAnswers |
Specifies a collection of Answer controls that bind extra data elements spoken in response to the prompt. |
FirstInitialTimeout |
Gets or sets the initial time-out for this QA control when count has a value of 1. |
Font |
Inherited from WebControl. |
ForeColor |
Inherited from WebControl. |
Height |
Inherited from WebControl. |
NamingContainer |
Inherited from Control. |
OnClientActive |
Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the QA control is activated, before it begins to execute. |
OnClientBargeIn |
Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the client onbargein event is detected. |
OnClientComplete |
Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when execution of the QA control is complete. |
OnClientDisconnected |
Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called when the current call is disconnected. |
OnClientListening |
Gets or sets the name of a client-side function that is called after a successful start of the Reco control. |
Page |
Inherited from Control. |
Parent |
Inherited from Control. |
PlayOnce |
Gets or sets whether a QA control can be activated more than once per page. |
Prompt |
Prompts the user with a prerecorded or synthesized message. |
Reco |
Specifies speech input resources and features, and provides management of cases when valid recognition results are not returned. |
Settings |
Gets or sets the ID of a SpeechControlSettingsItem that initializes property values of the control. |
Site |
Inherited from Control. |
SpeechIndex |
Gets or sets the activation order of the control, relative to other Speech Controls on the page. Declared by IndexedSpeechControl. |
Style |
Inherited from WebControl. |
TabIndex |
Inherited from WebControl. |
TemplateSourceDirectory |
Inherited from Control. |
ToolTip |
Inherited from WebControl. |
UniqueID |
Inherited from Control. |
Visible |
Inherited from Control. |
Width |
Inherited from WebControl. |
XPathAcceptConfirms |
Gets or sets the path in the SML recognition results indicating that the confirm items were accepted. |
XPathDenyConfirms |
Gets or sets the path in the SML recognition results indicating that the confirm items were denied. |
Protected Properties |
Description |
ChildControlsCreated |
Inherited from Control. |
Context |
Inherited from Control. |
Events |
Inherited from Control. |
HasChildViewState |
Inherited from Control. |
IsTrackingViewState |
Inherited from Control. |
TagKey |
Inherited from WebControl. |
TagName |
Inherited from WebControl. |
ViewState |
Inherited from Control. |
ViewStateIgnoresCase |
Inherited from Control. |